American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay.
Australian | 19.08.2006 13:20 | Anti-militarism | Repression
It is called "Camp X-ray" as though it were some Comic Book or Hollywood movie camp. The reality is that "Camp X-ray" rings closer to "Arbeit Macht Frei". Then it was the Nazi Germans and Jews. Now it is Imperialist Americans and Muslims. History repeating itself.
cc Parliament House, Canberra ACT Australia
cc Other
American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay.
It is called "Camp X-ray" as though it were some Comic Book or Hollywood movie camp. The reality is that "Camp X-ray" rings closer to "Arbeit Macht Frei". Then it was the Nazi Germans and Jews. Now it is Imperialist Americans and Muslims. History repeating itself.
There are no gas chambers, nothing so crude. Mans inhumanity to man has become sanitized. Clinical. No blood. Nothing obvious.
Yet make no mistake. Do not entertain any doubt. Those victims in the American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay share the same suffering as the Jews did during the Holocaust.
What today is seen as just by the American Government will be a legacy of national American shame for generations to come.
Have the Americans learned nothing from World War II?
It is inconceivable that the Americans that liberated Western Europe would have tolerated what the Americans today do to those people at the American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay.
It is very easy to imagine, that were Nazis doing what the Americans today do at the American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay, that not only would they be charged and brought to stand trial at Nuremberg, but that Hollywood would make make films about the horrors and mans inhumanity to man.
That the Americans have fallen so far, in such a short space of time is horrific. Martin Luther King Jr warned against American arrogance, but they murdered that messenger from God.
Now the most hated nation on Earth, the United States of America is committing crimes against humanity on a scale that is hard to imagine. Tens of thousands of people dead. People locked up and tortured for years without trials. When will it all end? The screams and cries to God are deafening!
As a person living on this planet I protest. It is unacceptable. It is unChristian to treat people this way. It is unJewish to treat people this way. It is unMuslim to treat people this way. It is inhuman.
Those who died in the American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay were killed as effectively as any gas chamber in any Nazi concentration camp.
In the 1940s it was the "dirty Jew", the "Jude untermensch". Over half a century later it is the "Muslim Terrorist". The "Islamist".
It is shameful.
A great man would have led the United States of America through peace this century. Woe to the world that we have not a great man but a tyrant in the White House.
A great man does great things. Good things. Signs from God to show all that they are annointed.
We have no such great man in the White House. Death and destruction are the long dark shadows cast by the American President George W Bush.
Instead of leading the world towards a better tomorrow, he has lead many nations astry, into sin.
A great man accomplishes by peace many wonderous things. A faith in God that gives insight and purpose and inspires all.
The American people need to rid themselves of their demonic leader whose evil ways have cost the lives of so many tens of thousands of people. While he eats fine food and drinks fine drink and sleeps in a comfortable bed, American men and women are ordered to fight an illegal war. An unlawful, immortal, unethical, unChristian war, unHoly war. There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction. It was all a lie.
It is said that the father of lies is the devil. The devil kills and destroys. The devil sows and reaps hatred.
I ask you, what do you see George W Bush, the President of the United States of America doing?
Has he brought democracy to Iraq without bloodshed, an amazing achievement that everyone agrees is a miracle?
Does an orange tree produce apples? Or perhaps an apple tree produce oranges?
Death and destruction have followed George W Bush.
In the American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay, right now, this very moment. People are crying out to God. As you read this, people are being tortured in "our" name by "our" leaders. If we remain silent we will be judged harshly on our final day. Judgement before God is singular. Just a soul and the Creator. Woe to those that are found wanting. It would be better if they were never born.
It is the Christian response to answer a cry for help. As much as we may be replused at times, the duty is clear.
It is the Christian response to be like the Good Samaritan and help those that are fallen. Yet what we see are human rights abuses that will stain every American, every man, woman and child. Now and into the future.
Any moral high ground the United States of America had in liberating the Nazi concentration camps is now gone. The Americans have become today, that which their grandfathers fought against over half a century ago. It is shameful. How the mighty have fallen through pride.
America has murdered the messengers sent and turned their back on God.
It falls upon everyone's shoulders, to act Godly. To do that which is right. To not do that which is wrong.
When George W Bush goes into a Church and prays, to what "god" is he really praying? By their fruit you will recognize them.
The American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay must be closed. Let the people go free. Pardon them. Show them Christian charity. Stop this evil.
So says the voice of one Australian.
cc Other
American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay.
It is called "Camp X-ray" as though it were some Comic Book or Hollywood movie camp. The reality is that "Camp X-ray" rings closer to "Arbeit Macht Frei". Then it was the Nazi Germans and Jews. Now it is Imperialist Americans and Muslims. History repeating itself.
There are no gas chambers, nothing so crude. Mans inhumanity to man has become sanitized. Clinical. No blood. Nothing obvious.
Yet make no mistake. Do not entertain any doubt. Those victims in the American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay share the same suffering as the Jews did during the Holocaust.
What today is seen as just by the American Government will be a legacy of national American shame for generations to come.
Have the Americans learned nothing from World War II?
It is inconceivable that the Americans that liberated Western Europe would have tolerated what the Americans today do to those people at the American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay.
It is very easy to imagine, that were Nazis doing what the Americans today do at the American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay, that not only would they be charged and brought to stand trial at Nuremberg, but that Hollywood would make make films about the horrors and mans inhumanity to man.
That the Americans have fallen so far, in such a short space of time is horrific. Martin Luther King Jr warned against American arrogance, but they murdered that messenger from God.
Now the most hated nation on Earth, the United States of America is committing crimes against humanity on a scale that is hard to imagine. Tens of thousands of people dead. People locked up and tortured for years without trials. When will it all end? The screams and cries to God are deafening!
As a person living on this planet I protest. It is unacceptable. It is unChristian to treat people this way. It is unJewish to treat people this way. It is unMuslim to treat people this way. It is inhuman.
Those who died in the American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay were killed as effectively as any gas chamber in any Nazi concentration camp.
In the 1940s it was the "dirty Jew", the "Jude untermensch". Over half a century later it is the "Muslim Terrorist". The "Islamist".
It is shameful.
A great man would have led the United States of America through peace this century. Woe to the world that we have not a great man but a tyrant in the White House.
A great man does great things. Good things. Signs from God to show all that they are annointed.
We have no such great man in the White House. Death and destruction are the long dark shadows cast by the American President George W Bush.
Instead of leading the world towards a better tomorrow, he has lead many nations astry, into sin.
A great man accomplishes by peace many wonderous things. A faith in God that gives insight and purpose and inspires all.
The American people need to rid themselves of their demonic leader whose evil ways have cost the lives of so many tens of thousands of people. While he eats fine food and drinks fine drink and sleeps in a comfortable bed, American men and women are ordered to fight an illegal war. An unlawful, immortal, unethical, unChristian war, unHoly war. There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction. It was all a lie.
It is said that the father of lies is the devil. The devil kills and destroys. The devil sows and reaps hatred.
I ask you, what do you see George W Bush, the President of the United States of America doing?
Has he brought democracy to Iraq without bloodshed, an amazing achievement that everyone agrees is a miracle?
Does an orange tree produce apples? Or perhaps an apple tree produce oranges?
Death and destruction have followed George W Bush.
In the American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay, right now, this very moment. People are crying out to God. As you read this, people are being tortured in "our" name by "our" leaders. If we remain silent we will be judged harshly on our final day. Judgement before God is singular. Just a soul and the Creator. Woe to those that are found wanting. It would be better if they were never born.
It is the Christian response to answer a cry for help. As much as we may be replused at times, the duty is clear.
It is the Christian response to be like the Good Samaritan and help those that are fallen. Yet what we see are human rights abuses that will stain every American, every man, woman and child. Now and into the future.
Any moral high ground the United States of America had in liberating the Nazi concentration camps is now gone. The Americans have become today, that which their grandfathers fought against over half a century ago. It is shameful. How the mighty have fallen through pride.
America has murdered the messengers sent and turned their back on God.
It falls upon everyone's shoulders, to act Godly. To do that which is right. To not do that which is wrong.
When George W Bush goes into a Church and prays, to what "god" is he really praying? By their fruit you will recognize them.
The American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay must be closed. Let the people go free. Pardon them. Show them Christian charity. Stop this evil.
So says the voice of one Australian.

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