UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Ground the Drones Week of Action 2013
05-05-2013 21:51

Closing Guantanamo—Why it’s Symbolically, Spiritually and Materially Important.
05-05-2013 20:41
President Barack Obama has made a clear and convincing case for closing Guantanamo! Mostly the same reasons finally articulate were just as true when he initially took office. Closing the stigma of war, crime and national shame has always been a high agenda item for many Americans. It is now the watermark battle ground that could begin to show who or what really runs this country. But think of the mindless excuses from war hawks (including complicity by the mainstream media) to try to stop any transparency about Guantanamo prisoners. But there is simply no way President Obama can close this base on his own without major and active U.S. citizen and world support. How can Congress possibly stand in the way of the reasons President Obama announced for closing the Bush Legacy? Where is the Free Speech movement, where are the campus protests at Madison and Kent State Ohio?Sharing information about Bradley Manning at Chester May Day Fair
04-05-2013 21:14

I went along to the May Day fair in Chester today where local campaign groups such as CND, Palestine Solidarity, Cuba Solidarity, Shrewsbury 24 Pickets, various benefits campaigns and others had a presence, along with the unions and a few political parties. Having put up a Free Bradley Manning banner, I handed out 100+ flyers about 1 June International Day of Solidarity Action and made a point of speaking to at least one person on every stall to ask them to circulate information about Bradley Manning via their networks.
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1 June: US Embassy Demo for Bradley Manning. Download flyers.
02-05-2013 16:24

First ever Bilderberg Fringe Festival to take place in Hertfordshire
02-05-2013 00:06
A group of concerned citizens are launching the first ever Bilderberg Fringe FestivalComprising talks, workshops, comedy and music on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June 2013
Wrexham: Exhibition of Children's Art from Gaza
30-04-2013 19:55

Loss of Innocence
This is an exhibition of more than fifty pieces of children's artwork “some funny, some tragic, many beautiful” collected by Rod Cox during a visit to Gaza with the Aid Convoy early in 2009 in the wake of Operation Cast Lead, a sustained attack by Israel which, according to Red Crescent spokesperson Dr. Khalil Abu Foul, "did not just have 1500 killed, or 5000 wounded. It has traumatised the entire population, all 1.5 million." The exhibition is going to be in Wrexham for the next few weeks, starting with the Cathedral until 17 May.
Visit Faslane Peace Camp
30-04-2013 09:54

A call to support the longest running peace camp in the world.
Available now on vimeo

Questions over the future of the peace camp - skillshare gathering on 3-5th May
25-04-2013 14:13
Faslane peace camp is at risk of closing from lack of residents and support for the four of us who live here. We sent out an open letter inviting people to come to the camp and support us and would like to announce a skillshare gathering from 3-5th of may including direct action workshops and site skills.Sussex Police to deploy armoured vechicles in March For England operation
21-04-2013 00:12

Wrexham Waves Goodbye to Thatcher
17-04-2013 19:08

Around 60 people gathered at the Arc Statue in the centre of Wrexham at 5pm today to mark Maggie Thatcher's demise with a vigil for 'the workers and unwaged who are still living with Thatcher's legacy.' There was a silent vigil and then speeches.
BAE's on the run! Help us to track them down and stage a protest!
17-04-2013 09:48

Please come along and show your support against this event and the company behind it, responsible for the immoral selling of arms worldwide!
„Solidarity Clause”: EU secret service to be reinforced?
16-04-2013 07:07

The EU Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy issued a proposal for the structuring of the so-called „solidarity clause” [1]. The document refers to article 222 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) [2].
The EU institutions respectively the member states of the EU are to be bound to assist each other in case of a damaging event. This includes the use of police, secret service and military means. The „solidarity clause” determines that engagement in the territory of another state shall only be allowed at the „request of its political authorities”.
Global Day of Action on Military Spending. Solidarity in Wrexham
15-04-2013 16:49

Stop making a killing from war: #demilitarize now
15-04-2013 15:17
The international peace network, War Resisters' International (WRI) supports the Day of Action on Military Spending taking place worldwide on 15 April.WRI strives against all causes of war, as affirmed in its foundation declaration: “War is a crime against humanity”. The military-industrial complex is as strong as ever - war profiteers continue to make a killing from war. They do this with support from governments who see military strength as the most useful tool for imposing their influence. The stronger your military power, the more influence you have. This means that governments spend millions to arm themselves. The latests figures from the 2013 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) annual report show a slight decrease in military spending of 0.5 percent, but in 2012 worldwide, we still spent $1.75 trillion on weapons to kill each other. It's hard to imagine what this money could do if spent more productively. A graphic produced by WRI member AA-MOC will give you some ideas.
Lesvos GR: entry to Uni conference of paramilitary coastguard to 'control ID'
12-04-2013 20:43
University of the Aegean, Lesvos 10 AprilEntry of paramilitary coastguards and cops to the international conference ''World Research Day: Political Freedoms, Human Rights and Europe' in the grounds of the University of the Aegean to 'gather details of the organizers' and to 'control ID of visitors'.
Nothing to do with Statewatch, though... surely! It happens regularly.
These fascistic actions were criticized by the central committee of the academics...
Video - ActionAWE shuts gate at Aldermaston 10.4.13
11-04-2013 16:32
Video of ActionAWE shutting Tadley gate at Aldermaston AWE 10.4.13ActionAWE closes Aldermaston AWE Tadley gate
10-04-2013 21:20

04-04-2013 11:11

Sat 6 April - Modern Warfare Exposed. VfP meeting at Friends House, Euston
02-04-2013 21:43