BAE's on the run! Help us to track them down and stage a protest!
CAAT | 17.04.2013 09:48 | Anti-militarism
We will be staging a protest against BAE's Annual Meeting taking place in Farnborough on the 8th May and would like people to join us either by meeting us there at 10am or in London at 8:15am where there will be a coach waiting.
Please come along and show your support against this event and the company behind it, responsible for the immoral selling of arms worldwide!
Please come along and show your support against this event and the company behind it, responsible for the immoral selling of arms worldwide!
BAE Systems is on the run but we're hot on its heels.
Arms company BAE Systems would rather its shareholders weren't reminded where their profits actually come from. It is so keen to whitewash its image, that it has moved its Annual General Meeting from a prestigious venue in Westminster back to home turf in Farnborough.
They want to hide. So it's up to us to make sure they can't.
BAE is the world's 3rd largest arms company and sells arms indiscriminately to over 100 countries. Its armoured vehicles were used by Saudi troops to help suppress pro-democracy protests in Bahrain in March 2011. Marred with corruption allegations, the company hopes that these don't come back to haunt it at its AGM.
For years, questions from anti-arms trade activists have dominated the event. Now BAE are on the run from Central London to try and reduce the strength of our challenge at their AGM. Help us instead to increase it!
Sign up for a proxy share and book a place on the bus that will chase BAE from Central London to Farnborough on 8 May.
If you would like to take part, Campaign Against Arms Trade can arrange a proxy share for you to be able to attend on the day. The proxy share entitles you to enter the meeting, and to put questions to the chair. There'll be a coach going from Central London to Farnborough at 8.15am on the day, returning by 3pm. You can also choose to meet us at 10am at the venue itself, the postcode being GU14 6FD.
Please reply to this email to let CAAT know if you can come along and to book a place on the bus:
Arms company BAE Systems would rather its shareholders weren't reminded where their profits actually come from. It is so keen to whitewash its image, that it has moved its Annual General Meeting from a prestigious venue in Westminster back to home turf in Farnborough.
They want to hide. So it's up to us to make sure they can't.
BAE is the world's 3rd largest arms company and sells arms indiscriminately to over 100 countries. Its armoured vehicles were used by Saudi troops to help suppress pro-democracy protests in Bahrain in March 2011. Marred with corruption allegations, the company hopes that these don't come back to haunt it at its AGM.
For years, questions from anti-arms trade activists have dominated the event. Now BAE are on the run from Central London to try and reduce the strength of our challenge at their AGM. Help us instead to increase it!
Sign up for a proxy share and book a place on the bus that will chase BAE from Central London to Farnborough on 8 May.
If you would like to take part, Campaign Against Arms Trade can arrange a proxy share for you to be able to attend on the day. The proxy share entitles you to enter the meeting, and to put questions to the chair. There'll be a coach going from Central London to Farnborough at 8.15am on the day, returning by 3pm. You can also choose to meet us at 10am at the venue itself, the postcode being GU14 6FD.
Please reply to this email to let CAAT know if you can come along and to book a place on the bus:
