UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
critical developments in Guatemala
21-08-2003 07:53
The dispute over whether General Efrain Ríos Montt can run for president has dramatically escalated. Today [July 24], in a coordinated campaign of violence, busloads of followers of Ríos Montt, including paramilitaries, entered the capital city and attacked groups of people, journalists, and critics of the general. They have threatened media offices and human rights organizations. Héctor Ramírez, a journalist, died of a heart attack while escaping from an aggressive mob, and other journalists narrowly escaped lynching. This very dangerous development may be the prelude to a coup.
DSEi contact details
21-08-2003 07:36
for deatils of DSEi exhibitors from your area you can refer to the following indymedia sites. hopefully this will be duplicated on the website shortly(ish)CIA Accused Of Bank Heist
20-08-2003 23:26
Shortly before U.S. forces began streaming across the Iraqi border, commencing Persian Gulf War II, the CIA and the Department of Defense, with a little help from Israel and some Europeans, pulled off a massive bank heist in Iraq to the tune of several billion dollars.U.S. and Terrorist Groups Both Kill Civilians - And Call It Necessary
20-08-2003 22:42
The U.S. and many terrorist organizations engage in killing civilians to achieve their goals. When the U.S. kills civilians as part of a war they excuse it with the term "Collateral Damage" or "Incidental Casualties".Suing over USUK DU and other WMD
20-08-2003 20:10
A growing international movement must demand full reparations for theIraqi people. A cleanup of the toxic, radioactive waste is in the
interests of all the people of the region. The cost of the war must be
calculated in terms of bankrupt social programs here in the U.S. and the
health of all the people who were in the region during the war and will
be in the years to come.
20-08-2003 17:03
Anwar Adel Khardom points to her heavily pregnant,shrapnel-sprayedn stomachas she fluctuates between composure and frantic, inconsolable grief-”what
sort of life will this child be born into?” Her thirteen year old daughter Hadil, frail arms bruised and scarred with shrapnel,head bandaged with white gauze,remains wide-eyed and observant,fanning her mother with a woven fan as the heat of an oppressive,airless day reaches it’s midday climax.The room is crowded with relatives and friends who drink the bitter coffee and cry and keen in memory of Anwar’s husband,Adel,her 18-year old sonHaider,17-year old daughter Ola,and 8-year old daughter Mervat-all shot dead by U.S.soldiers seven days before.
20-08-2003 15:19
It's even not easy to die for lying assholes far away from the frontlineCardiff Disarm DSEi Day!
20-08-2003 15:05
A day of anti-arms trade talks and workshops in Cardiff will be held on 31st August.RtB Summer Camp - Reminder & Info
20-08-2003 10:59
Reclaim the Bases Summer Camp22-25 August 2003 at Bluebell wood AWE Aldermaston, near
Sheffield STWC Update
20-08-2003 08:51
A repost of a round up of actions, activities and stuff from the Sheffield Stop the war group, the original email is here:
Call for DSEi / Arms related audio content for radio
19-08-2003 16:27
This is a call for audio content that can be used by radio projects broadcasting around the Disarm DSEi arms fair protests in September 2003.
Guardian linked to disarm dsei website
19-08-2003 14:55
Recent Guardian article last week "Out of arms way" linked to the disarm dsei website at the end of the webpage.New antiwar network
19-08-2003 13:56
Justice Not Vengence Northern launch meeting - 7pm, Wed 20th Aug, LeedsISM book previewed on the radio innit
19-08-2003 12:55

Coulport-News, 15.08.2003
19-08-2003 12:36

2 Brave soldiers saying NO.
19-08-2003 11:13
2 Brave Soldiers standing up to the military.Home demolitions continue despite 'road map' while activists resist
19-08-2003 11:11

The IOF arrive at the home of the Abu Salem family with the intention of demolition. An act of collective punishment for the actions of his son who is a martyr. There are five activists from the International Solidarity Movement staying in the home in response to a very real threat of demolition, due to the IOF carrying out three home demolitions in the Nablus in the previous four days.
FACING REALITY: Open letter to Blair from Barbados
18-08-2003 17:38
Dear Mr. Blair, I write to you on behalf of the members of the Clement Payne Movement, and the many other Barbadians who joined with us in taking to the streets to denounce your policy of war and destruction against the nation and people of Iraq.Over the past three weeks, you have relaxed in the peaceful environment of Barbados, with your wife and children safe and secure, by your side.
I wonder if at any time during that period, you spared a thought for the tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi women, children and men whose lives have been permanently devastated by the British bombs which you ordered to be dropped on the nation of Iraq?
Kids against clusters
17-08-2003 19:31
On Sunday, 17th August, a group of around 75 folk gathered beneath balloons in Parliament Square, London.Bristol-Stop-The-War News : 17th August 2003
17-08-2003 18:56
Coach tickets to the 27th Sept National Demo are now available.(See Section 8). DON'T WAIT FOR HISTORY TO JUDGE BLAIR.
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