UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
01-12-2006 15:50
Neither the impending report from the congressionally authorized Iraq Study Group nor the new Democratic-controlled Congress are about to call for an end to the Iraq war.Iraq: Long history of multi-faith co-existence in jeopardy
01-12-2006 15:18
The term "Turkmen" means little to most western people, even those here who think they are up on Iraq ethnography. This is because Turkmens have not figured in media reports for reasons that will become clear. But watch for it. Iraqi Turkmen will soon demand world attention.Iraq, for outside observers is increasingly a land of ethnic and death statistics, usually in the context of the current conflict. More and more, Iraq is debated in terms of the Sunni-Shia-Kurd formula, as if Kurd were not themselves populated by sunni and shia devotees. Forgotten are the once romanticized Marsh Arabs of the south. (For the most part, they have moved to the cities.) Christians are also set aside, as are Iraqi Jews. Iraq's Christians represent probably the earliest Christian community anywhere, and along with Iraqi Jews, demonstrate the long history of multi-faith co-existence in this part of the world. Iraqis had rightly been proud of that.
Situation in Venezuela is again critical
01-12-2006 14:42
"December 3, 2006 will remain in history painted red." (Hugo Chávez)Marx pointed out that the revolution needs the whip of the counterrevolution. After the big opposition rally on Saturday, the supporters of Hugo Chávez responded massively last Sunday with the biggest demonstration since the start of the Bolivarian Revolution. It was possibly the biggest demonstration in the history of Venezuela. The left wing website Aporrea referred to "the red tsunami". Up to two million Chavistas, in a sea of red, poured onto the streets and filled the Avenida Bolívar - and the whole of Caracas ‑ where Chávez was to deliver his final speech of the election campaign.
People fighting back in Tonga - IMC activists reports and photos
01-12-2006 03:08

Human Rights Watch has lost its moral bearings
01-12-2006 01:11
Just at the moment Fatma was choosing death and resistance over powerlessness and victimhood -- and at a time when Gaza is struggling through one of the most oppressive and ugly periods of Israeli occupation in nearly four decades -- Human Rights Watch published its lastest statement on the conflict. It is document that shames the organisation, complacent Western societies and Fatma’s memory.Trident White Paper? Get yer lock-ons out!
30-11-2006 23:43

Nottingham Blockade of Faslane Trident Base
30-11-2006 22:41
Dates set for Nottingham Blockade of Faslane Trident Base : Saturday March 31st - Sunday April 1st 2007!two examples on a phony discourse: democracy in the Middle East
30-11-2006 22:32
The excerpts below from Newsweek and The Independent are the latest examples of the neo-colonial agenda's phony discourse.Though its primary targets are various Asian nations and the Muslim diaspora living in North America and Europe, its ultimate aim is to subjugate the entire humanity.
Close Counter Terror World!
30-11-2006 19:12
In a few days time, Olympia plays host the Counter Terror World, an exhibition at which companies and countries from around the world will share with each other lessons learned in the war on terror, a war on their own populations. Israel will be a prominent attendee, eager - no doubt - to share the lessons they've learned from the recent campaign in Lebanon and the ongoing repression in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.London Class War have called a picket of Olympia at 1pm on Tuesday 5 December, the first day of the sordid exhibition. Further details are available on the website,
Smash EDO Victory Masquerade
30-11-2006 16:44
Victory Masquerade at EDO MBM, Home Farm Road, 4-6. Come and Celebrate EDO's dismal 3rd QuarterBrighton-Tubas Region Friendship and Solidarity Group Newsletter
30-11-2006 16:34
The Brighton Tubas Region Friendship and Solidarity Group is a network aiming at fostering links between community organisations in Tubas, occupied Palestine, and Brighton.Boycott Day of Action - 9th December
30-11-2006 16:12
This will be the third day of action in favour of a boycott of Apartheid Israel since Israel's invasion of Lebanon...Bush to deliver ultimatum to Iraqi prime minister at Jordan summit
30-11-2006 13:26
The planned meeting between US President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in the Jordanian capital of Amman failed to go ahead yesterday, after a secret White House memo detailing US plans for Iraq, and critical of Maliki, was leaked to the New York Times.Attacks against civilians accross Iraq to halt the resistance
30-11-2006 01:12
The human community must wake up. The sufferings of the Iraqi people are tragic and criminal. Whole cities are under siege: Fallujah, Sammara, Kirkuk, Haditha, Hit, Ramadi. Latifiyah, Tarmiyah, Baaquba, Moqdadiyah, Buhruz, Madaen, Abualkhasib, Al-Zubeir, Fahamma, Tel Afar, Husaiba …The attacks aim to stop the spreading resistance to occupation. Now the resistance is everywhere: in the north, middle and the south. It encompasses all the Iraqi populations: Arabs, Shias, Sunnis, Turkomen, seculars, Kurds, Assyrians and other Christians, and Sabbits and Yaziids.
Police use Fixed Penalty Notices At EDO
29-11-2006 18:45
Today was the weekly Noise Demo at EDO, Brighton's dealers in death...Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
British Army gets a budget rise
29-11-2006 16:30
The Ministry of Defence has today secured a £1.7bn budget increase, bringing it's total budget up to well over £33bn. But why?Iraq cartoons tracked by the US Central Command
29-11-2006 15:21

Demo at RAF Brize Norton Dec 2
29-11-2006 12:44
A national anti-war demonstration will take place at RAF Brize Norton on Sat., Dec. 2nd. Assemble noon on Carterton Rd near Brize Norton village for a 1 pm march past the main gate of the base to the Carterton Rec where there will be a rally with speakers. Bring your own signs and flowers to lay at the main gate of the base in remembrance of the dead of all nationalities.Two new cartoons about Iraq (by Latuff)
29-11-2006 12:13

CSSGJ open seminar - The university as site of social struggles
29-11-2006 09:08
academic author and activist Anna Stavrianakis will be a giving a talk on the university as a site of militarised capitalism and site of social struggle - all welcome!