UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Neo-Fascist Madmen Still Plotting Against Iran
28-12-2007 22:37
Be very nervous ...More proof that Madmen are running the USA and Israel.
This is yet another desperate attempt to create the illusion of a threat where none exists.
Of course their conclusion is true, since Iran doesn't have nukes!
Israel Defends Lebanon War Crimes
28-12-2007 22:36
This should be a matter for a War Crimes Tribunal, not the perpetrators. Their findings are contrary to investigations carried out by the UN and human rights organizations.Smash The Arms Trade Noise Demo 3rd January
28-12-2007 18:06
call out to all anti-arms traders, anti-capitalists, peaceniks, liberals, anarchists and everything inbetween. lets smash the arms trade together!Humanism and Violence
28-12-2007 17:23
"Not torturing is changed into an act of barbarism.. Torture, the atom bomb and the globalization strategy-all save life. State terrorism presents itself as humanist realism, the only true way of securing life. As a Chilean general said, national security is like love; there is never enough."Ron Paul: 'We're getting ready to bomb Iran'
28-12-2007 12:22
Despite a recent National Intelligence Estimate finding that Iran has halted its nuclear weapons program, libertarian-leaning GOP presidential contender Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) says there is still "a great possibility" of US military action against the country.Neocons and the West too quick to blame ‘Al Qaeda’ and ‘terrorists' for Bhutto
28-12-2007 08:49
Whenever turmoil is created in our world, such as assassination and bombing, and the neocons rush to point the finger of blame at ‘al Qaeda’ or some other associated ‘terror’ organisation, one can be reasonably sure that what the world has witnessed is yet another false flag operation perpetrated by a group or groups that have some ulterior, political, or even pecuniary motive or motives for creating such turmoil. And such is the case with the assassination yesterday of Pakistani politician Benazir Bhutto.US prepares to increase occupation forces in Afghanistan
27-12-2007 21:09
The Bush administration is preparing to significantly increase US troop levels in Afghanistan in an attempt to quell growing popular hostility to the US and NATO occupying forces. It is doing so with full confidence that it will face no significant opposition from the Democratic-controlled Congress.Iraq: Struggle goes on! (by Latuff)
27-12-2007 07:26

Police State America - A Look Back and Ahead
26-12-2007 20:27
It's been that way ever since 9/11 with both sides of the aisle complicit with the administration. This article looks back at the record, and year end is a good time to review it. It's hard imagining another as bad with a President defiling the law and once telling Republican colleagues the Constitution is "just a goddamned piece of paper."On ‘Israel’s Right to Exist’
25-12-2007 15:31
There is an enormous difference between "recognizing Israel's existence" and "recognizing Israel's right to exist".Lies, Injustice and the Capitalist Way: We’re on the Highway to Hell—Don’t Stop
24-12-2007 17:29

CIA Won't Be Made Scapegoat in Torture-Gate
24-12-2007 16:04
This scandal seems designed to give the impression that 'al Qaeda' is real. But nonetheless, it probes the brutality of the Extremists behind the 'War Of terror'.Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Happy New Year! (by Latuff)
24-12-2007 04:23

Open Letter to the Directors of ITT over the proposed merger wth EDO Corp
23-12-2007 15:54
This has been sent to the home addresses of the directors of ITT Defence and ITT Ltd.Iraq: 'It's Madness'
23-12-2007 12:05
If the scale of the unimaginable tragedy the British have wrought in Basra was not of the historical enormity which it is and for which the UK will never be forgotten and likely, never forgiven, world wide (only second to the Americans, of whose accountability for unspeakable atrocities, words temporarily fail) with Prime Minister Gordon Brown again trying to dress up defeat as victory, as the British 'left' the city last week, it would be laughable. The British actually slunk off from their illegally inhabited palace in central Basra in September, to cower in a base well outside the town, spent, redundant and now with the loss of one hundred and seventy four tragically wasted lives, for UK government lies. Ironically, Iraqi women were photographed throwing sweets at the Iraq forces on December 16th's Sunday 'handover' of the Iraqi city to Iraqis. The sweets and flowers promised by the CIA backed, convicted embezzler, Ahmed Chalabi and the Iraq National Accord's Iyad Allawi to the invaders, transpired, absolutely predictably, to be rocket propelled and hand grenades, improvised explosive devices and ambush by varied imaginative booby traps and weaponry.Let us press Turkey to stop killing villagers and destroying their homes
23-12-2007 11:15
Under the guise of fighting terrorism, Turkish war planes are bombing Kurdish villages, killing innocent villagers, and destroying their homes and possessions.Funding Democracy Or War?
23-12-2007 08:24
The ‘Iran Democracy Fund’ was recently awarded $60 million. There seems to be neither rhyme nor reason to this re-appropriation, especially since more than two dozen Iranian American and human rights groups appealed to Congress to eliminate the program given that the program had backfired, undermining democracy efforts in Iran and leading to wider repression of activists. It therefore begs the question why the United States would deliberately waste tax payers’ money while causing hardship on aspiring democrats in Iran? Perhaps the answer lies in the lead up to the Iraq invasion.