UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Petition calling for an immediate British withdrawal from NATO
22-02-2015 12:23
The worsening relations between the US and Russia risk starting a nuclear war in Europe, and the US nuclear installations in Britain are an obvious military target.US secretly passes arms to Ukraine, while Ukraine secretly passes it to… Bashar
18-02-2015 06:45

Second UK-based Israeli drone factory shut down by occupation
17-02-2015 09:59

Philippines: The fate of peace in Mindanao hangs in the balance
14-02-2015 00:22

AN-225 Mriya: NATO tanks for Ukraine?
02-02-2015 13:22

AN-225 Mriya: NATO tanks for Ukraine?
02-02-2015 12:23

Possible US Presidential Candidates In 2016
28-01-2015 21:53

8 of the 22 most commonly mentioned possible Republican candidates for the presidency gathered in Iowa to garner support. Generally the Republican Party supports illegal wars, opposes environmental protection, fights against protection for animals, supports draconian punishment for nonviolent pot smokers etc. Many Democrat candidates have voted for war appropriations. There are many third parties: Green, Socialist, Libertarian, Communist etc.
The Crisis Denial Illusion as a Shadow Deficit Symptom
23-01-2015 15:47
The fact is undeniable: The civilian Unitedstates atomic (i. e. nuclear + electronic) program is a bigger risk of extinction than the Russian military one. And that is all the more so if it is being assumed that intentional destruction was excluded. The accidental risk alone is unbalanced enough to make up for this odd result. The suicide belt of geological fault-line reactors that is on Unitedstates territory is at a significantly higher risk to bring about catastrophe than Moscow´s military submarine reactors, as indicated by its own fire protection regulations resp. lack thereof. The boiling point of this crisis is a fuel and/or reactor meltdown in the very backyard of Unitedstates population agglomerations, which would turn the abolition of imperialism from an external into an internal necessity, as it then were to immediate crumble the crisis denial illusion that currently regulates the Washington regime.On suppression of truth during Pope’s visit and challenges to the Filipino relig
19-01-2015 09:24

Je ne suis pas Charlie!
13-01-2015 20:59
“Je ne suis pas Charlie – I am not Charlie!” That is the defiant note being sounded by anarchists in France in the face of the sickening wave of nationalistic reaction sparked by the Charlie Hebdo killings.23/24 January: 2nd Manning Truthfest in west Wales
09-01-2015 21:24

Remember the Manning Truthfest in January 2014? Well, it's back!
A troupe of Irish musicians, actors and activists supported by Afri will travel across the Irish sea to Pembrokeshire on 23rd January for a solidarity weekend for Chelsea Manning and her Welsh-Irish family.
Can Greece Shrink the Submarine Bubble Without Burst?
05-01-2015 22:34
The European currency is a case of a congenital error that can only be survived with early awareness and correction. Every other culture, even the North Americans with their obscene adoration of money, has different words for cash and people. Only the Euros do not. So while everyone else sees money as some kind of tool in their hands, Europeans are seduced by language to perceive money as an equivalent of themselves, not as a dead thing with function and purpose but as a living entity with will and soul. Yet the European languages do not put up a grammatical wall between living and dead things, nor between liveable and unliveable ones. In this sense the British separate currency is European as well, because it is cherished as a matter of identity rather than an exchange technique. It would have to be advised that, when change is being made to that, it should directly go to separate words for currency name and currency unit such as grammatically appropriate for material things instead of remaining in the half-way position of different words but indifferent grammar. Money is a material thing such as mud and not a living entity such as Earth. “The Euro” is a speculation currency with no anchor in natural treasures set to be passed on to these who do inherit the outcome of it. It breathes like an exotic lilly under the cheese-cup of Unitedstates military dominance, which is another shared circumstance with its British counterpart. But with the revolutionary cause of anti-austerity accordingly accomplished, the Greek awakening seems to have gained momentum to paradoxically save the “European” currency from itself by squeezing it down to healthy dimensions before it collapses into nothingness.My view on the `Honours System`
02-01-2015 01:48

UG#699 - A Country with A Military or A Military with A Country?
31-12-2014 12:29

Catholic Workers Blockade Northwood Military HQ
29-12-2014 12:30

Barclays blockaded over arms trade shares
19-12-2014 13:14

One person was arrested, who had glued himself to the front doors of the bank. He was dressed as Santa wearing a placard which read 'Santa says you've been a very naughty bank this year'.
Here's the initial press report from the Argus

Chelsea Manning demo US Embassy, London
18-12-2014 21:25