UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
DSEI - Day of Action. Details for the day
10-08-2015 11:57
On Saturday 12th Sept, take part in a big day of action to challenge the arms fair on the weekend before the arms fair begins.This fun and accessible action will be the culmination of a week of action in the run up to the arms fair to make it as difficult as possible for it to go ahead. Exhibition equipment and military hardware will be rolling (or sailing) into ExCeL – let’s stop it getting to its destination!
John Pilger to appear at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe on August 9th.
30-07-2015 14:53

6 July: Join Smash EDO at Elbit Block the Factory mass action
26-06-2015 04:42

Last summer’s assault on Gaza, which killed over 2,200 Palestinians, was one of the most brutal effects of Israel’s ongoing occupation and colonisation of historic Palestine. The massacre was carried out using drones manufactured by Israeli arms company Elbit Systems. In response, activists occupied Elbit’s factory in Shenstone, causing its operations to grind to a halt and costing Elbit over £100,000.
On 6th July, to mark the first anniversary of the assault on Gaza, groups and campaigners from across the UK are going back to Elbit’s factory to demand that the UK stops arming Israel. Join us for a day of creative action in solidarity with Palestine!
Supporting organisations have endorsed the call and will be there taking collective action to block the factory from making these weapons.
Defend Chelsea Manning & all whistleblowers!
25-06-2015 09:57

Defend Chelsea Manning & all whistleblowers!
Saturday 27 June, meet 12.15pm outside Baker St (march starts at 1pm)
Queer Strike, Payday, Compassion in Care, whistleblowers from Yarl’s Wood detention centre, women from the Julian Assange Vigil and many more...All Welcome
Ongoing weekly demo, Tuesday evenings at NSA/NRO Menwith Hill
24-06-2015 21:53

18.00-20.00 BST/GMT
Demos/vigils organised by the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases.
Menwith Hill is the largest US spy base outside the USA. Run by the National Security Agency (National Reconnaissance Office also present), it is situated in the Yorkshire dales, approximately 8 miles from Harrogate adjacent to the A59.
Menwith Hill is the largest intelligence-gathering, interception and surveillance facility outside the USA. The base is unaccountable, secretive, and out of control of the UK government.
MANILA – ‘Morong 43’ arrest, detention illegal — CHR
22-06-2015 13:46

Independence FROM America
21-06-2015 21:33

Armed Forces Day North Wales: Report & Pics
21-06-2015 13:59

The Armed Forces Day 'family fun' extravaganza in Colwyn Bay's Parc Eirias went ahead on Saturday in intermittent drizzle and behind a prominent banner near the main gate stating what you'd have thought would be bleedin' obvious, but apparently to many punters wasn't: 'WAR IS NOT FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT'. As you'd expect of any attempt to disguise the brutal reality of war as fun and games, the event was at best conflicted and contradictory, at worst downright dishonest. With the stated aim of "recognising and honouring our armed forces and veterans" AFD is designed to leave no space open to question the legality or morality of the wars they've been off fighting in recent years, to ask whether warfare offers any real solutions for the problems we face, nor indeed to consider whether our various wars of aggression might conceivably be an aggravating factor in these problems.
In the end it was down to a handful of protesters to pitch up and create this space, right by the main entrance, and to break the illusion that everything in the military garden is rosy.
This event was held a week before official Armed Forces Day on 27 June. There's time to organise a presence at an AFD event in your area and it's well worth doing, however small. Even one person standing vigil at the gate can have a big impact.
UG#709 - Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 2 (Atoms For Profit)
09-06-2015 16:01

Whistleblower McNeilly's statements compared
18-05-2015 16:57

The attached pdf compares these statements. Main variations are towards the beginning and end of the text.
Royal Navy Sub Engineer blows whistle on Trident Nuclear Weapons System
17-05-2015 07:10

"This... document will enlighten you to the shockingly extreme conditions that our nuclear weapons system is in right now, and has been in the past..."
"British, Americans, Chinese, Indians, Russians... We are all the same; most people all across the globe just want to live in peace. That peace can no longer be maintained by nuclear weapons (Fear)"
and calls for "a new world order through peace and unity."
Report & Pics: Anzac Day in Wales - Remembering a Pioneer for Peace
28-04-2015 19:28

On Saturday 25 April, over 50 people came together in Llangollen, Wales, on the centenary of the first Gallipoli landings to celebrate the very long life of Elisabeth (Lib) Rowlands-Hughes, born at the end of WWI into a family missing most of its young men.
Lib firmly believed that the lesson of WWI, a war which claimed the lives of four of her uncles, should be NEVER AGAIN. As an early member of the Peace Pledge Union, Lib made the following vow:
I renounce war, and am therefore determined not to support any kind of war. I am also determined to work for the removal of all causes of warand this is what she did for the rest of her life.
Event in Llangollen to remember lifelong peace activist Lib Rowlands-Hughes on centenary of Gallipoli landings (Anzac Day)
21-04-2015 12:49

Here in Wales, we have chosen this day to celebrate the life of the great peace campaigner Elisabeth (Lib) Rowlands-Hughes, born right at the end of WWI, who lost an uncle at Gallipoli and three more in WWI: near Gaza and in France: uncles she never knew but remembered all her life and whose deaths she described as "an utter, utter, utter waste." Lib, who died last November aged 96, would have appreciated an event for peace on this anniversary which she would have seen as an invitation not to glorify war but to reflect on its futility.
A Peace Tree in Oxford
20-04-2015 21:18
On 12th April 2015 we planted a Bombed Kaki Tree Junior of Nagasaki in Barracks Lane Community Garden in East Oxford. This is a descendent of a tree which survived the atomic blast at Nagasaki seventy years ago this year. Such trees are planted around the world as symbols of peace and healing as a part of the Kaki Tree Project.World Social Forum 2015 in Tunis Joins the Cry "Nous Sommes Bardo!"
06-04-2015 05:59

UG#706 - When Are Terrorists Not Terrorists? (States assassinating by drones)
02-04-2015 16:13

Report of UN anti-racism day demonstration in Glasgow 21st March 2015
22-03-2015 20:46

Report of Radical Independence Campaign Conference
20-03-2015 17:50

The banning of landmines
17-03-2015 15:16
The International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) is a coalition of non-governmental organizations working for a world free of anti-personnel mines and cluster munitions, where mine and cluster munitions survivors see their rights respected and can lead fulfilling lives.The coalition was formed in 1992 when six groups with similar interests, including Human Rights Watch, Medico International, Handicap International, Physicians for Human Rights, Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation and the Mines Advisory Group, agreed to cooperate on their common goal. The campaign has since grown and spread to become a network with active members in some 100 countries – including groups working on women, children, veterans, religious groups, the environment, human rights, arms control, peace and development—working locally, nationally and internationally to eradicate antipersonnel landmines.
Smash EDO response to supreme court ruling on surveillance
04-03-2015 21:26
This morning John Catt lost his case in the supreme court to have his details removed from the 'domestic extremist' database. Smash EDO have issued the following statement in response to the verdict. For more info see Network for Police Monitoring's analysis here: