UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
car bombs in Iraq - who is responsible?
25-05-2005 14:35
detailed reports are ermerging of Iraqi drivers being stopped for interrogation by US occupation forces. after being released, the drivers found large caches of explosives inside of their vehicles.Smash EDO National Demo Saturday June 11th
25-05-2005 11:45

Life of anarchist total objector Mehmet Tarhan is in danger!
25-05-2005 09:35
Anarchist, gay total/consciencious objector MehmetTarhan has been under arrest for over 45 days. He has faced threats, torture and a lynching attempt by some of the prisoners who are under the manipulation of prison administration.
TURKEY: FEAR OF TORTURE/Conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan abused by prisoners
25-05-2005 09:26

Reopen 9-11 Events in London and Manchester
24-05-2005 16:36, sponsored by Jimmy Walter, is putting on events in London and Manchester where they will be discussing the evidence concerning the September 11th attacks.Reopen 911 is a call to reopen the investigation into the 9-11 attacks
project camouflage comics - announcement
24-05-2005 16:13

G8 NVDA Training in London
23-05-2005 23:32
We are offering an Non-Violent Direct Action training in London on June 18th from 11am - 4pm at a central London venue to be confirmed.The Conceited Empire
23-05-2005 18:31
There will never be another single superpower.. The traditional superpowers are all stagnating. But the developing world is fast gaining. And that is cause for some hope.. In 1976 Prof. Todd predicted the fall of the Soviet Union.Pix of Uzbek Embassy Demonstration, Sat 21 May 05
23-05-2005 14:16

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For a link to the other set of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.
Pix of 'Free Palestine' demonstration, Sat 22 May 05 - Set 1 of 2
23-05-2005 13:35

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For a link to the other set of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.
Pix of 'Free Palestine' demonstration, Sat 22 May 05 - Set 2 of 2
23-05-2005 13:16

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For a link to the other set of photos, see one of the comments at the foot of this page.
G8 Summit 2005 - Major Protest and Mobilisation Events List
21-05-2005 12:05
This page is an evolving list of protests, events and actions against this summer's G8 Summit in Gleneagles (Scotland) that take place from the 6th to 8th of July 2005.This is a resource that will be kept updated as new information comes in.
Also see PGA Website Timeline of Events
There are also many cultural activities and other events currently not listed. More events are expected to be added - please only post additional public information on events below.
Stop The War Coalition announces G8 Demo in Edinburgh Mon 3rd July
21-05-2005 11:34

Dear handicapped Friend!
21-05-2005 10:37
Bringing 'US Democracy': the DREAD WEAPON SYSTEM: Devastating, Jam Proof, and Silent - No heat, no recoil, no sound, no gunpowder, no flash - just 120,000 rounds per minute of pulverizing (democracy) power.Stuck out at EDO
21-05-2005 09:05
Workers at Brighton arms dealers EDO/MBM had a sticky reception as they arrived at work on Friday morning. Some local stixies had paid them a visit in the night making sure there would be no easy entry for the warmongers in the morning by glueing all the locks.Bush/Bliar war crime victims not killed in vain.. Iraq brings democracy to USUK
21-05-2005 04:27

USUK murder at our hands in Iraq from the USUK Falluja massacres to latest atrocities being hidden from our media are not solely for the profit of the Raytheon and haliburton shareholders, Carlyle et al, and their war criminal puppets in "government."
The US against the UN
20-05-2005 22:45
The Senate's Permanent Siubcommittee on Investigations finds that the US is the main perpetrator in the scandal surrounding the oil-for-food program.PALESTINE DEMO TOMORROW 21ST MAY
20-05-2005 18:49
free palestine demo and rally in trafalgar sq. 1pm at embankment. speakers and music in the square.US senate removes Galloway testimony from its website!
20-05-2005 17:22
Evidence 'goes missing' from Committee website...
What the Americans are doing to Iraq, our world
20-05-2005 13:51
I watched the news about the aforementioned statements by al-Dahri on Al-Jazeera with one of my close Iraqi friends here. As we watched the large funeral procession with the body of the murdered cleric while al-Dahri made his ferocious statements, I watched her head drop into her hands as she said softly, "This is so horrible what has happened to my country since the Americans came."