UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Nottingham anti-arms-trade campaigner on trial
18-05-2010 00:51

Rolls Royce targeted
17-05-2010 14:51
Last night the distribution center of the Rolls Royce factory in Derby was targeted by autonomous individuals against the war machine.U.S. threatens a nuclear first-strike against Iran
17-05-2010 00:20

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London Campaign Against the Arms Trade at the Spirit of Summer Fair
16-05-2010 20:44

Who is bombing in Iraq?
16-05-2010 12:06

Repeating history with Iran
15-05-2010 09:27

Perhaps the court was familiar with how U.S. officials had used the so-called “dual use” game against the Iraqi people during the 11 years of brutal sanctions against Iraq.
Palestine's Nakba commemoration in London - Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm
14-05-2010 20:17

Free Palestine!
Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm
Opposite 10 Downing Street, London SW1 (nearest tube Westminster)
NATO In Afghanistan: World War In One Country
14-05-2010 17:05

It is also a testing range for new 21st century weapons and combat systems intended for future use around the world.
Nakba Commemoration in London - Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm
13-05-2010 20:41

Free Palestine!
Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm
Opposite 10 Downing Street, London SW1 (nearest tube Westminster)
Is the New York Times misleading its readers again - This time on Iran?
13-05-2010 17:52

Peace activists reclaim tree outside Downing Street
13-05-2010 15:02

Top media lies about Iran
13-05-2010 14:38

Manchester anti-arms trade activities
13-05-2010 08:58
Target Brimar are calling for solidarity with the EDO Decommissioners in Manchester. On Monday 17th May at 12.30 pm we'll be leafleting outside Barclays on Mosley Street in Manchester City Centre; please join us.Filmshow: The Jewish Anarchists, Brighton, 21st June, 7.30pm, The Cowley Club
12-05-2010 18:15
The Free Voice of Labor: The Jewish Anarchists (Paul Avrich, 1980, Duration 58 mins)UK: Brighton, 21st June 2010, 7.30pm, The Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton, BN1 4JA Free/Donation
Decommissioners trial postponed until June 7th
11-05-2010 20:41
plus upcoming Smashing events...Palestine Today 05 11 2010
11-05-2010 16:40

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Tuesday May 11th, 2010.
Democracy Village Guerilla Gardening this saturday
10-05-2010 11:56

Bombs made in fareham and Derbyshire used to supress dissent in Greece
09-05-2010 19:24
Grenades made by the Chemring group (

Women In Black Are Back!
09-05-2010 15:52
Women In Black hit the streets of Oxford (well, Bonn Square) on Saturday 8th May in a silent and pasifistic sort of way.IAEA director Yukiya Amano oversteps his bounds
09-05-2010 11:23

It remains to be seen whether Amano can restore consensus to the IAEA Board and building trust particularly of the majority of its members who represent the developing countries. However, his perfomance with respect to Iran thus far does not bode well.