UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Support the Decommissioners Public Meeting
25-05-2010 12:09
Public MeetingSaturday 5th June
5.30-8pm, Community Base, Queen's Road, Brighton
Support the Decommissioners Public Meeting
On 17th January 2009, as Israeli bombs rained down on Gaza, six people
broke into the EDO factory in Brighton and decommissioned the
production line damaging their capability to make weapons to be used
against Gazan civilians.
At this public meeting, just two days before the start of the
decommissioners trial, where they will argue that their actions were
justified, we will discuss EDO's complicity in war crimes worldwide.
Iran, Israel and the "threat to peace" (by Latuff)
24-05-2010 20:34

Boost to the nuclear weapons industry under Obama: The new nuclear legislation
23-05-2010 20:50

Nottingham anti-arms-trade activist convicted
23-05-2010 12:14

The charge arose from a February 18th protest at the Nottingham warehouse of international arms company Heckler & Koch. Before dawn, four activists locked themselves to the gates, preventing employees from entering, while Mr Jackson and another activist climbed onto the roof and displayed banners accusing the company of “arming repressive regimes”.
Corporate Watch: Working for Shamir Salads in Barkan industrial zone
22-05-2010 20:55
More from Corporate Watch's research in Palestine.Visit the web-site for photos.
CW: Orange -Making the Future Bright for Israel’s Illegal Settlements
22-05-2010 20:51
Latest from Corporate Watch -Orange's complicity in the occupation of Palestine.For photos visit the webs-site.
A New Oil Rush Endangers the Gulf of Mexico and the Planet
22-05-2010 02:46
"In the process, however, most of our easily accessible onshore oil and gas reservoirs have been depleted, leaving only less accessible reserves in offshore areas, Alaska, and the melting Arctic. To ensure a continued supply of hydrocarbons -- and the continued prosperity of the giant energy companies -- successive administrations have promoted the exploitation of these extreme energy options with a striking disregard for the resulting dangers. By their very nature, such efforts involve an ever increasing risk of human and environmental catastrophe -- something that has been far too little acknowledged."Democracy Village pics (Days 19-20)
21-05-2010 20:59

Noam Chomsky's contradictions on Palestine
21-05-2010 18:25

Calling All Rebels Another Hunger Strike In Ireland
21-05-2010 02:57
Today, a selfless, dedicated and uncompromising Irish Republican political prisoner, Liam Hannaway, lies unbowed in a cold and unforgiving British gaol cell, as he enters his 35th day on Hunger Strike whilst being incarcerated at Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’s pleasure at Maghaberry Gaol, located in occupied Irish territory that is known as the State of Northern Ireland. During the recent history of Ireland’s quest for ‘Unity’, this ultimate act of Irish Republican defiance against Britain’s colonial Prison regime in the North has already been presided over by this current British monarch and by a Conservative government in Westminster! – The 1981 Hunger Strike- Lest We Forget!"War without borders": Obama's "Long War"
20-05-2010 20:39

In March of last year, the Defense Department's office of security review stated that that "this administration prefers to avoid using the term 'Long War' or 'Global War on Terror'. Please use 'Overseas Contingency Operation.' "
The surge in troop deployment is part of a long war scenario, which is by no means limited to the Middle East and Central Asia. While the US and NATO are directly threatening Russia, China and Iran, the Obama doctrine tacitly denies the very existence of a war. What is increasingly presented to public opinion is a Worldwide counter-terrorism crusade against Al Qaeda.
A change of words and labels does not modify the nature of America's global military design. What were dealing with is an intractable war, which in a very real sense threatens the future of humanity.
US sabotages ‘unique opportunity’ for peaceful resolution with Iran
20-05-2010 10:17

This US stonewalling of any avenue for dialogue with Iran has disturbing echoes of Washington’s deliberate sabotaging of diplomatic overtures for a peaceful resolution prior to its invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. It also exposes Obama’s vow of a new beginning in US foreign policy to be cynical lie, trotted out in front of his nation and the world with hand on heart.
ISM Palestine: Join the Global Intifada this summer!
20-05-2010 09:36
The International Solidarity Movement need people to come to Palestine this summer!Or join the Global Intifada from where you are.
Please circulate widely.
The "War on Terrorism" for oil: Folly of the imperial oil adventure
20-05-2010 09:35

The signs are unavoidable and clear: the Anglo-American empire has run out of time, and oil, and humanity itself has paid the steepest cost. From war and chaos, catastrophic financial meltdowns, or the mega-disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that could ultimately render all else moot, events are well beyond the empire’s ability to control or hide any of it.
Iran uranium deal and other missed opportunities
19-05-2010 22:53

Bring Shaker Aamer home now! Demo in Parliament Square, Tue 25 May
19-05-2010 12:25

Next Tuesday (25 May), on the day of the state opening of Parliament, a demonstration and rally in Parliament Square has been organised by the Save Shaker Aamer Campaign:

Corporate Watch:Mehadrin’s business in Beqa’ot settlement – and Tesco’s Complici
19-05-2010 11:48
This is the latest from Corporate Watch's research project "Profiting from the Occupation".For pictures see:

Corporate Watch: Opportunities for apartheid tourism in Kibbutz Afik
19-05-2010 11:39
The latest from Corporate Watch's research blog "Profiting from the occupation".ISM Palestine: Urgent call for equipment
19-05-2010 11:06
The International Solidarity Movement in the West Bank and Gaza are in desperate need of some new equipment. If you can, please consider a donation to the ISM.To donate, go to