UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
ECF Peace Not War, free festival, report & photos
11-09-2004 15:46

Letter from our Afghanistan correspondent
11-09-2004 09:36
I write this from Kabul where I can hear rockets exploding in the background.INN WORLD REPORT PRESENTS: 9/11-- CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE:
10-09-2004 18:24
On September 11, 2004 we invite you to come and see why. A prominent panel of researchers, writers and government employees will explain the physical evidence and disprove the official story about 9/11Los Trabajadores Petroleros, las Bases y el Referéndum Histórico
10-09-2004 14:43
Observadores Internacionales ElectoralesSelma James y Nina López
(con vídeo clips)
Estreno del documental:
La Revolución Bolivariana: Trabajadores petroleros ¡Presentes!
Contribución de Identidad Bolivariana, Países Bajos
Sábado 18 de septiembre 15:00-18:00
Trinity United Reform Church, Buck St, Londres NW1
Metro Camden Town Entrada a pie de calle, servicios disponibles en las cercanías
Entrada: £3 asalariados; £1.50 sin sueldo
Se celebrará la victoria del referéndum con música y refrigerio.
The Bolivarian Revolution: ENTER THE OIL WORKERS!
10-09-2004 14:32
July 2004, 34minutes, Spanish with English subtitles, VHS PAL/NTSCProduced by the Bolivarian Circle of the Global Women’s Strike
Venezuela is the world’s 5th largest oil exporter, yet 80% of its population lives in poverty. In 1998 President Hugo Chávez was elected to use the oil revenue to tackle poverty. In April 2002 a coup against him was defeated by the millions who took to the streets. A few months later the élite and the CIA paralyzed Venezuela’s oil company PDVSA to bring Chávez down. Oil workers took over and worked round the clock to recover production.
In this documentary José Bodas, Luís Felix Marín, Jesús Montilla and Tania Suárez tell how they saved PDVSA and how they are organizing to “put the oil industry at the service of humanity”.
La Revolución Bolivariana:
10-09-2004 14:28
Julio 2004, 34 min., Español subtítulos en inglés, VHS PAL/NTSCProducción Círculo Bolivariano de la Huelga Mundial de Mujeres
Venezuela es el 5o exportador de petróleo del mundo, sin embargo el 80% de su población vive en condiciones de pobreza. En 1998 Presidente Hugo Chávez fue electo para que se utilice el ingreso petrolero para eliminar la pobreza. En abril del 2002 se dio un golpe contra Chavez pero fue derrotado por los millones que salieron a la calle. Pocos meses después la elite y la CIA paralizaron a Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) para derrocar a Chávez. Los trabajadores petroleros tomaron la industria y trabajaron 24 horas diarias para recuperar su producción.
En este documental José Bodas, Luís Felix Marín, Jesús Montilla y Tania Suárez cuentan como salvaron a PDVSA y como se están organizando para “poner la industria petrolera al servicio de la humanidad”.
10-09-2004 14:21
International Election Observers Selma James and Nina Lopez (with video clips)and
Documentary Premiere: The Bolivarian Revolution:
Contribution from Identidad Bolivariana, The Netherlands
Saturday 18 September 3-6 pm
Trinity United Reform Church,
Buck St, London NW1
Camden Town Tube
Level entrance, accessible toilet nearby
Entrance: £3 waged; £1.50 unwaged
Followed by celebration of the referendum victory with music and refreshments.
Some Oxford anti-bush sentiment
10-09-2004 11:42

Nationwide protests AGAINST the Project for the New American Century
10-09-2004 04:51
Iraqi Exit Strategy Plan and Analysis
10-09-2004 02:40

IRAQ: Medical Facilities, Pigeons & Propaganda.
09-09-2004 07:37
Helen visits Al-Nahrwan, 30 km from Baghdad. Here she visits a rudimentary clinic. Operations are as little as $3. There is, however, no safety net if things go wrong. There is no anaesthetic, just Diazapam. The procedures were carried out professionally, with what little facilities were available. However it simply isn't acceptable that Iraqis should have this as a medical service.Why do the Neo-Cons hate America Mummy?
08-09-2004 21:36

True Olympics: Olympian Seeking to Renounce U.S. nationality!
08-09-2004 16:06
One Olympian's quest not over, former Olympic athlete, Nathaniel Lincoln Mills, has been seeking to denationalize, describes nation-state system an "uneccessary form of segregation, disrupting natural connections between members of our one human family." U.S. State Department wrestling with case, denying to honor U.S. & human right to renounce, fearing Mills would become "stateless". Mills now in London, after traveling from home in Washington, DC to Athens, Greece during Olympic Games to renounce.Globalization Strikes Back
07-09-2004 18:52
"The war against terror must be a war against poverty.. Washington reserved to itself the right to attack other states of the region.. The most important corrections should be made in two political fields, the unsolved conflicts in the Middle East and the unequal distribution of chances of development.. Distributive justice is increasingly a demand of security policy, not only of morality and humanity.."Israel-Palestine: Appeal from Greek comrades for an international anarchist day
07-09-2004 14:44
Israel-Palestine: Appeal from Greek comrades for an international anarchist day of action. Greece, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Brasil and Australia are already on the move!Occupiers Lose Control
06-09-2004 13:26
According to media reports, the US occupation forces are increasingly losing control over iraqi cities. For the time being, all oil exports of the country are halted. Resistance groups have successfully cut off important pipelines in southern Iraq.Iraq war continues to deteriorate
05-09-2004 21:06
Friends,Far from cooling down as our leaders and corporate media mouthpieces would have us believe, the war in Iraq continues to “deteriorate.” Now “officially” 985 GI’s have been killed in that devastated land. I believe the true figure is much higher (see attached discussion). Good estimates of the number of Iraqis killed and wounded are hard to come up with, but they are massive and heartbreaking, and like our own, those casualties are rising. This does not include the effects of depleted uranium contamination which will become known soon enough.
This is the madness (see madness of emperor George) of a ruling class being forced to contemplate a world where they will not “be 1st in line.” Unthinkable. I’m afraid that we are seeing that no crime will be considered to terrible if it could allow our masters just a little more time at the heights of their rule. They are drunk on power. But their hangover is well on its way. Please read and spread the enclosed notes widely. jamie
P.S. Views held by some posters in the enclosed dialogue are not necessarily shared by this editor.
Iraq: Media Suppresion & Yet Another Bomb
05-09-2004 10:19