UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Armistice Day in Iraq
12-11-2004 04:01
Armistice Day was intended to celebrate peace - a remote concept to people victimized by Bush in Iraq.Green Councillor demands University Dept Boycott
12-11-2004 02:55
Oxford's Green Party Councillor Matt Sellwood demands that the Oxford University Student Union boycotts the Said Business School over ethical factors regarding the contribution of arms dealer Wafiwq Said.Activists Increase Militance in Wake of Bush's Re-election
12-11-2004 01:26

Bring the War Home, meeting. London
11-11-2004 22:10
So far 100,000 Iraqis have been killed as a direct consequence of the US and UK led war on Iraq. It's about time it stopped.New York Times: Confirmation of U.S. gassing of Fallujans: White Phosphorus Gass
11-11-2004 20:42
Photographic and text evidence.Denial of water to Iraqi Cities during US assaults
11-11-2004 20:01
Water supplies to Tall Afar, Samarra and Fallujah have been cut offduring US attacks in the past two months, affecting up to 750,000
civilians. This appears to form part of a deliberate US policy of
denying water to the residents of cities under attack. If so, it has
been adopted without a public debate, and without consulting Coalition
partners. It is a serious breach of international humanitarian law, and
is deepening Iraqi opposition to the United States, other Coalition
members, and the Iraqi interim government.
I have just witnessed a murder on my TV screen
11-11-2004 18:34
We have all let this occur, but there is hope and it will manifest it's self soon. We will see the results of our actions and what our way of life will bring.Blunkett in Nottingham
11-11-2004 13:41
Blunkett In Nottingham - Demonstrate from 5.30pm, Park Plaza Hotel, Maid Marion Way, Nottingham.Parliament Square 10/11/04
11-11-2004 12:33
Demo outside Parliament in square. Also road blockedDie Now, Vote Later: Twenty doctors killed in Fallujah
11-11-2004 12:16
Fallujans are going to vote, goddammit,even if they all have to die first.
CamPeace Vigil Saturday 13 November
11-11-2004 12:07
Campeace will be holding a vigil between 12 noon and 2pm outside the Guildhall on Saturday 13th to protest the assault on Fallujah and to draw the attention of the public to this war crime.VANUNU RE-ARRESTED IN ISRAEL
11-11-2004 09:35
MORDECHAI Vanunu, who was freed in April after 18 years in an Israeli prison for revealing the country's nuclear program, was re-arrested here today, police said.Vanunu is suspected of having communicated "secret information to foreigners" and of having violated the restrictions imposed on him by Israeli security services after his release from prison, police said.
The former Israeli nuclear technician was taken into custody at a Jerusalem hotel, where police seized documents found in his room, they said.
more soon.
Is Bush Compromised by Israeli Intelligence?
11-11-2004 08:34
Let's outline a scenario:Parliament Square last night: anger at last!
11-11-2004 06:33
Last night's noisy, passionate demo in front of parliament was an encouraging sign that the days of marching placidly from A to B are over...Fallujah Protestors Block Piccadilly Circus
10-11-2004 23:57

Report of Fallujah demonstration in Edinburgh on Tuesday 9th November 2004.
10-11-2004 23:21

Tanks Confront Los Angeles Iraq War Protestors!
10-11-2004 20:00
TANKS APPEAR AT ANTI-WAR PROTEST IN WESTWOODLOS ANGELES, November 9, 2004 - At 7:50 PM armored tanks showed up at an anti-war protest in front of the federal building in Westwood.
The tanks circled the block twice, the second time parking themselves in the street and directly in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered.
Enraged, some of the people attempted to block the tanks, but police quickly cleared the street.
The people continued to protest the presence of the tanks, but after about ten minutes the tanks drove off. It is unclear as to why the tanks were deployed to this location.
Fulluja and BBC Newsnight
10-11-2004 16:59
I have reproduced below an exchange I had yesterday with the editor ofBBC's Newsnight programme. I have sent this exchange to MediaLens, the
essential website which monitors the British media.