UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Why Not Crippling Sanctions for Israel and the US?
02-09-2009 20:32

The position taken by Israel, and by Israel’s puppet in Washington, is that Iran must not be allowed to have the rights as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty that every other signatory has, because Iran might divert enriched uranium to a weapons program.
In other words, Israel and the US defy international law by claiming the right to abrogate Iran’s right to develop nuclear energy.
DSEi open meeting in Brighton on Friday
02-09-2009 19:45
As you may know by now the world's largest arms fair, DSEi, returns to London next week. If you are in Brighton and are thinking of coming up to DSEi, or just want to know more, why not come along to the Disarm DSEi public meeting?It will be held this Friday (4th) at 5.30pm in the Cowley Club back building, 12 London Road, Brighton. All welcome.
Sept 4 international mobilization: Latin America free of US bases & intervention
02-09-2009 07:28

NATO official: Iran could fire conventional or nuclear missiles into Europe
01-09-2009 18:31

Echoing the six-month-long intensive propaganda campaign before invading Iraq in 2003, the leading members of the NATO Alliance (US, UK, Germany, France) and Israel are desperately trying to show Iran as a threat, without presenting a shred of evidence.
Now, an anonymous “NATO official” is claiming that Iran is posing a threat not only to Israel, but also to Europe. Even more astonishingly, after 4 years of constant scare-mongering over “Iran’s nuclear threat”, this official is reverting to Clinton administration’s “Iran’s ballistic threat” propaganda.
Rethink Afghanistan - Security
01-09-2009 15:48

Palestine Today 090109
01-09-2009 15:35

DSEi warm-up demo at EDO tomorrow
01-09-2009 13:12
The noise demo at EDO tomorrow (4-6) will have a DSEi theme in preparation for the London demos next week.Monday September 7th - ITT are organising a conference at the QE2 conference centre for the delegates at the DSEi arms fair. We'll be there to make some noise from 9am.
America's Tortured Past
31-08-2009 21:44

In office, Obama abandoned his promise to continue America's sordid, tortured past in violation of the rule of law, ethical and moral standards, and everything he swore he'd change.
Israeli Occupation Soldier Shoots Blindfolded, Handcuffed Palestinian Detainee
31-08-2009 20:29
The Israel Defense Forces officer accused of ordering a soldier under his command to shoot a bound and blindfolded Palestinian detainee failed his second polygraph test on Monday, after having passed the first test in a private institute last week. The results of Monday’s lie-detector test, held under the auspices of the military police, prove that Lieutenant colonel Omri Fruberg, commanding officer of IDF regiment 71, lied in his testimony, and suggest he did in fact give order to open fire at the Palestinian detainee.Palestine Today 083109
31-08-2009 17:20

Reflections on Peaceful Protest and Constitutional Dialogue in San Pedro Sula, H
30-08-2009 22:09
"As a result, the political demand of the protest is simple: reinstate Zelaya as the legitimate president and permit the constitutional referendum."Support the Decommissioners Booklet
30-08-2009 20:28
A booklet titled 'If I had a Hammer' has been released in support of the EDO decommissioners.Noam Chomsky Meets with Chavez in Venezuela
29-08-2009 16:02
"Chomsky said the growing disappointment with the Obama administration in the U.S. was predictable because the corporate media marketed Obama's presidential candidacy on the slogan of "Change We Can Believe In" but omitted concrete proposals for effective changes, and the Obama administration has since shown an incapacity to institute such changes."Inglorious Bastards (US)
29-08-2009 12:39

Inglorious Bastards (UK)
29-08-2009 12:37
There is a damnable war-propaganda article in the Times today, an extract of a war-porn book called 'Desperate Glory: At War in Helmand with Britain's 16 Air Assault Brigade'. Before I link to the article, I'll give a brief synopsis of the facts I can extract from it.Israeli PM Netanyahu: Threats to our existence must be nipped in the bud
29-08-2009 11:18

Actually, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that it is possible for “the coalition of the willing” to impose these sanctions “even without a UN Security Council decision”.
Meanwhile, the 118 member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) (about two thirds of UN member states) have “reaffirmed the basic and inalienable right of all states to develop research, production and use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, without any discrimination and in conformity with their respective legal obligations”.
AFRICOM: The Pentagon's First Direct Military Intervention In Africa
28-08-2009 10:23

Climate Camp Mass Action Against Barclays - Friday 2:30pm
28-08-2009 01:40
FROM CLIMATE CHANGE TO OPPRESSION – BARCLAYS FINANCES IT ALLFrom militarism, to environmental degradation to gentrification and the oppression of migrants - the banks finance the corporations responsible.
Anti Arms Trade Campaigners Publish Map of UK Arms Dealers
28-08-2009 00:32
Disarm DSEi anti arms trade campaigners ( have released a map showing the locations of thousands of UK arms dealers and manufacturers.