UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
DSEI - we are going to end it for ever.
13-11-2015 08:49
Once again this year concerned people came together to protest the DSEI arms fair in London and once again the event was massively disrupted and bought close to cancellation by our actions but now we need help for the future.UG#723 - A US Deep State Event (The Deep Implications of the 9-11 Money Trail)
08-11-2015 15:02

UG#722 - A Milieu of The European Deep State (NATO and The Bilderberg)
01-11-2015 10:48

Trollhattan Killer´s Odd Obsession Revealed
23-10-2015 12:44
Young male serial killers, unless they have imams or rabbis, tend to have one thing in common: A sort of an hobby pursued like a profession-to-be they tend to spend most of their time with – either it is their guns, or a cultural supremacism or over-affirmation of leadership, or a commercial aberration binding unguarded personality traits – as well as a huge motivation to stick to it. And it is hard to turn down the thought experiment that if the world was as in the capitalist war propaganda, as stacks of wasted paper and box office charts would like to suggest, there would be a special place for them as specific professionals. But in the real life of international system average and climate chaos they are dead-enders.The Massacre of Ankara. Eye-witness Account& Analysis
18-10-2015 04:20
In Turkey, an attack on a demonstration for peace killed over a hundred people. An eye-witness account by Alp KayseriliogluMoron Hunt through Haze October
16-10-2015 22:13

UG#721 - Mind-numbering Contradictions (Israel, "Anti-semitism", Free Speech...)
15-10-2015 12:59

Chinese Hackers Sink British Aircraft Carrier
12-10-2015 13:28

Witness Venezuela’s Elections This December-6, 2015
06-10-2015 22:34
This December, witness one of the most important elections in the history of Venezuela, and of the hemisphere. On December 6, the people of Venezuela will exercise their right to vote in elections for deputies to the country’s National Assembly. Voters will decide whether to carry forward the Bolivarian Revolution by retaining a Chavista majority in the National Assembly or return the political intitative to the traditional elites represented by most of the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD).Indian anti-nuclear film and discussion with the film maker.
29-09-2015 12:35
This Wednesday, in SOAS, Pradeep Indulkar will be showing two of his anti-nuke films and fielding questions. He worked for 11 years in the Indian nuclear industry. Free and interesting..UG#718 - The Deep State'sIncreasing Shallowness (Bombs from Oklahoma to Libya)
25-09-2015 17:12

Arms fair's cyber security breached
19-09-2015 13:41

Anarchists calling themselves the 'Information Liberation Front' (ILF) have leaked documents [ 1 | 2 ] to the Indymedia UK website, which show that they were able to gain access to Hacking Team's company EZONE account on the DSEI arms fair's website and register a fake exhibitor at the fair. DSEI is one of the world's biggest arms fairs and is taking place in London's Docklands today. Hacking Team is a cyber surveillance company, which is exhibiting at the fair.
More files from Anarchists breach of DSEI arms fair's online security
18-09-2015 20:42
Additional files obtained from Hacking Team's DSEI account.Anarchists breach DSEI arms fair's online security
17-09-2015 20:23
The Information Liberation Front was able to access Hacking Team's visitor portal and EZONE account on the DSEI website and view information intended for DSEI exhibitors. We are happy to share the information below.Numbers low, help needed NOW !
16-09-2015 16:24
Although last week saw a reasonable number of people attend actions to disrupt the set up of DSEI arms fair at the Excel Centre the numbers protesting the actual fair this week have been very disappointing.We need help !
Berlin Weighs Controversial Parachuting Ramp
14-09-2015 09:59

turning both lanes into one runway. But during peacetime, the military
training platform in the backyard of the CIA´s European headquarters is
groomed to appear as a motorway bridge running across a geologically
precious river valley between two steep mountain ranges. Legally however it is
especially delicate, as it is being claimed by a branch of the American
military-industrial complex which unilaterally came into existence only after
the ink under the respective multilateral treaties had dried.
British Embassy in NZ claims "we're doing better than most European countries"
08-09-2015 03:48

BLACK SKIN, WHITE FATIGUES Opposing Imperialist Army Recruitment
14-08-2015 21:01

UG#713 - The Deep State in Western Europe, 1972-1986 (The Vicious Cercle...)
13-08-2015 18:50