UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
“BUILD PEACE WITHOUT WEAPONS”: Burghfield Month of Action
01-06-2016 19:36
This is a press release from the Trident Ploughshares affinity group in Plymouth. You are warmly invited to come along to Burghfield and disrupt Trident.Monday 6th June – Trident Ploughshares
Tuesday 7th June – Scottish groups
Wednesday 8th June – European mainland groups
Thursday 9th June – Yorkshire and North of England
Monday 13th June – Students
Tuesday 14th June -Southern Region
Wednesday 15th June – Wales
Thursday 16th June – Academics
Monday 20th June – Women
Monday 27th June – Religious and Faith based groups
Tuesday 28th June – Legislators
Wednesday 29th June – London
Thursday 30th June – Bristol
New book: Struggles for autonomy in Kurdistan
23-05-2016 10:48
New book from Corporate WatchNorth Korea: Kim Jong Un issues temporary ban on weddings and funerals for 'secu
08-05-2016 03:33

Philippines: The Duterte Phenomenon and our attitude towards it
07-05-2016 07:46

Philippines: Rodrigo Duterte’s One-Man Revolution and the CPP
19-04-2016 09:55

Arms fair faces lively protests
02-04-2016 14:01

One of the UK’s biggest arms fairs (DPRTE) met resistance on 16th March in Cardiff town centre.
Full report with pictures and original formatting (via StCAF blog).
The Taliban have declared war on God
29-03-2016 09:57
How the distorted acts of the Taliban is a attack on IslamStop Trident replacement public meeting.
04-02-2016 15:26
A public meeting to build support for the campaign to stop Trident replacement. The vote will take place in Parliament this year.SHUT DOWN THE BANKS #OpIcarus
30-01-2016 16:53

Mindanao, Philippines: Stop ‘Lumad’ killings, harassment - UN
10-01-2016 06:43

Joma Sison welcomes Pia Wurtzbach’s ‘welcoming Americans’ stance
02-01-2016 13:17

Joma Sison welcomes Pia Wurtzbach’s ‘welcoming Americans’ stance
02-01-2016 13:08

Archived discussion re cover-up over Alzheimer's - Borrelia link
01-01-2016 16:31
I am attempting to archive here a discussion about the relation between Alzheimer's disease and chronic persistent Borrelia infections of the central nervous system. There is an official cover-up regarding this being conducted by the United States Dept of Defense and its satellite bodies within the public health service, chiefly the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS). this is because Borrelia bacteria are of military biowarfare interest.Countries around the world influenced by the US government are also affected, and the number of people who have contracted dementia as a result of this is unknown but potentially enormous.
Germany’s staying secretly supportive of the Turkish Kurds
24-12-2015 05:52

Berlin, nominally being a NATO ally of Ankara, doesn’t always stick devotedly to its partnership commitments.
China Prepares Rare Earth Mineral Sanctions Against US
18-12-2015 09:54
In response to the Taiwanese jump-start into the Pacific arms race, the Beijing politburo is weighing to slap a major package of correctional trade sanctions upon United States industrial players, sources in Singapore associated with the Communist Party´s leadership school suggested today. It was said that the party´s closely guarded internal debate had concluded China would pursue the opening stage of its carbon emission reductions under the NGO-herded climate diplomacy initiative by means of triangulation-steered de-escalation based on dialectic-materialist estimation of military carbon footprint evasion, to soften up the currency trade for industrial emission reductions.Secret Kurdistan’s ally
16-12-2015 10:36

Cambridge Gets Creative Against Syrian Bombing
04-12-2015 00:44

Cambridge Says "No" to Bombing Syria!
01-12-2015 23:35

Sheffield #DontBombSyria Protest
28-11-2015 20:09

Iran Using Chumbawumba Trick To Defuse Car Bombs
15-11-2015 18:49
It cannot catch the Anarchist who asks some passers-by for a cigarette, breaks off the filter tip and walks away until the improvised fuse ignites the next stage, but it does not need to – because car bombs these days do not come out of backyard garages, but out of electronics factories. And the modern industrial car bomb with its high-end multifunctional user interface can be fought on an entirely different level than its self-reliant lo-tech ancestor. Like for any serial product, the disposal thereof can be serialised as well. Doing so has turned Washington´s ground-based assassination program into a virtual train wreck.