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“BUILD PEACE WITHOUT WEAPONS”: Burghfield Month of Action

Stanleigh Trude Spohr | 01.06.2016 19:36 | Anti-Nuclear | Anti-militarism | Climate Chaos

This is a press release from the Trident Ploughshares affinity group in Plymouth. You are warmly invited to come along to Burghfield and disrupt Trident.

Monday 6th June – Trident Ploughshares
Tuesday 7th June – Scottish groups

Wednesday 8th June – European mainland groups

Thursday 9th June – Yorkshire and North of England
Monday 13th June – Students

Tuesday 14th June -Southern Region

Wednesday 15th June – Wales

Thursday 16th June – Academics

Monday 20th June – Women

Monday 27th June – Religious and Faith based groups

Tuesday 28th June – Legislators

Wednesday 29th June – London

Thursday 30th June – Bristol

Throughout the month of June there is a Month of action at Burghfield, near Reading, the facility where the nuclear warheads are assembled.

The belief that peace is sustainable through possessing nuclear arms is very popular in times of fear and hatemonging. For us, it threatens and prevents peace.

The aim is to disable a war machine or system so that it can no longer harm people. The British Government has failed to implement Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty in which it promised nuclear disarmament.

News on Devonport’s Dockyard about the contamination of plutonium in the Tamar, Babcock’s quest to discharge even more radiation, reports on accidents within the dockyard, the statements of whistleblowers and health and safety specialists continues to horrify Plymouth residents.

The current system is costing UK taxpayers £5,000 a minute to fund Trident submarines. Each submarine is armed with 4 nuclear warheads and each warhead is 8 x the power of the one used at Hiroshima. In these times of austerity we really need to divert this funding into health, education and sustainable energy.

As part of the “Burghfield Month of Action” protestors from France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, England, Scotland and Wales will stand in solidarity for the disarmament of nuclear weapons.

Stanleigh Trude Spohr
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