UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
UG#675 - What We're Not Being Told (BIS, CFR, TLC, Scientific Truth)
25-01-2014 15:01

Syria: Who are the real war criminals?
25-01-2014 11:51

This slur of disinformation focusing on alleged atrocities committed by the Syrian government has coincided in a timely fashion with the Geneva 2 Peace Talks.
Triple Treason in the Caucasus
23-01-2014 16:49
If it was not standing behind Europe, such as the Himalaya stands behind India, it would be the highest place of it. But being only a pillar, not a ridge of the entire width of the landmass, it is looking at a much more undefined seam between the subcontinent and the bigger entity it is attached to. Where Europe ends and Asia begins most of the time has been a matter of rivalry of empires, various European ones on one side and Russia on the other, with the entire situation itself being a result of a sort of musical chairs arrangement among them in which the respective ideologies of these empires have been rotating. This constellation has not significantly changed over the recent centuries, and neither have the problems of the two sides, but the role of the Caucasus region in it definitely has."Syria's holocaust": The British media totally lose the plot
23-01-2014 13:59

At no time in history has the perversion of the truth been so extreme. Once the NATO-led genocide on the people of Syria comes to an end, The Guardian and the entire British media establishment must be tried for crimes against humanity.
Syria's offical delegation at Geneva2
23-01-2014 09:17
Geneva2 begins with paticpation of Syria's offical delegation, headed by al-Moallem .... Montruex, (SANA) - The international conference on Syria, Geneva2, kicked off on Wednesday morning with the participation of Syria's official delegation, headed by Deputy Premier, Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Walid al-Moallem.Who is behind the massacres in Syria? Avaaz spreads media propaganda
22-01-2014 15:16
Avaaz, which presents itself as an alternative media and an independent voice is part of a corporate public relations campaign. Avaaz will report on civilian casualties in Syria without mentioning the influx of US-Saudi sponsored terrorists.Free Margaretta
21-01-2014 22:28
79 year old artist, peace activist, & feminist jailed by Irish StateGeneva II – Washington’s Plan B for regime change in Syria
21-01-2014 18:35

The fatal problem with the Geneva II negotiations on Syria, due to open next week in Switzerland, is that the process is furtively being treated by the US and its allies as a lever for regime change. It is their Plan B for regime change, where Plan A is the failed covert military tactic. That does not bode well for a successful, that is sustainable, settlement to a crisis that is nearly three years old with well over 100,000 deaths and nine million people – more than a third of the total population – displaced from their homes. It amounts to an illegal interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, and as such is doomed to fail.
Datganiad Stop NATO Cymru (Statment in Welsh)
21-01-2014 12:11
Ddoe de cafodd sawl banner ei ollwng mewn mannau gawhanol yn Casnewydd, de Cymru mewn gweithred o unoliaeth gyda'r NATO 3 ag i lawnsio y datganiad isod a cofodd ei ddosbarthu i pobl yn canol y dref.Am ragor o wyboadaeth am y NATO 3 dilynnwch y ddolen yma:

Stop NATO Cymru Statment
20-01-2014 17:40

For more information about the NATO 3 follow this link:

To get involved in resisting the 2014 summit in Newport:

No NATO Newport planning meeting
20-01-2014 11:34
Monday 3rd February at 6pmDa Vinci's Coffee Shop, 10 High Street, Newport, NP20 1FQ
"COINTELPRO" U.K.: Exposing the integral role of British human rights..."lawyers
17-01-2014 21:05

Latino Vegetarians: A Critical Mass
17-01-2014 17:08

Phone Blockade about to start - help stop deportation of Emily Mei Yeh
17-01-2014 09:39

UG#674 - Sane Methods but Insane Purposes (Angles On The Crescendo Of Violence)
16-01-2014 11:56

Martin Luther King’s historic plea to break the silence on militarism
15-01-2014 07:02

“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” — Martin Luther King, in his famous speech at the Riverside Church in New York City on April 4, 1967
King’s Riverside Church speech was titled “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence.” It was delivered exactly one year before his April, 4, 1968 assassination in Memphis.
The people who heard that speech recognized it as one of the most powerful speeches ever given articulating the immorality of the Vietnam War and its destructive impact on social progress in the United States.
Sharonian evil lives
14-01-2014 09:35

The Syrian sarin question – Human Rights Watch refuses to answer
13-01-2014 16:14

On the 28th of December 2013 the New York Times to a certain degree withdrew its previous claims although it blamed the US government and not itself for the lies produced then back in September 2013. However Human Rights Watch still didn’t react to these developments and so continues to stick to its old now discredited lies.
Behind NATO's propaganda outlet for progressives - the Guardian's board members
11-01-2014 12:52

Likewise, it is absurd to suggest that the Guardian editors are implementing a "publish and be damned" policy, as Guardian writer Glenn Greenwald has suggested, when it is inconceivable that their editorial policy on publishing Edward Snowden's material will not have been closely coordinated on the basis of the Board's relations with colleagues in the British government, in British intelligence and in the US-Anglo corporate sector.
Urgent - Please contact British Airways to stop Osama's forced removal to Libya.
10-01-2014 23:49
We are calling on people to help us prevent the forced removal of our friend Osama to Libya on the British Airways flight number BA898 at 9.20am on Sunday 12th January.For more information: