UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Twenty-five years since the Malvinas war
21-06-2007 17:40
With full military pomp, the British ruling class has been celebrating the 25th anniversary of victory in the Malvinas (Falklands) Islands. With religious services on the Islands and across Britain, parades and fly-pasts, there has been a definite air of imperialist triumphalism about the occasion.Victory: Reed-Elsevier gives in
21-06-2007 13:29
The Morning Star published a version of this article a couple of weeks ago. It describes the successful campaign against publishing house Reed-Elsevier's involvement in the arms trade.Coming Soon to a Mall Near You: Dadullah’s “Suicide Bomber” Grads
20-06-2007 13:16
In short, it appears the groundwork for an attack against either the United States, Europe, or both, is underway, and for the usual reasons—to terrorize the blinkered public into acquiescing to a police state, a project well advanced but in need of a few important flourishes.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Pictures from StWC Palestine Demo (pt 3).
19-06-2007 22:13

More pictures from StWC Palestine March (pt 2).
19-06-2007 21:58

Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
march against war: 24th June
19-06-2007 18:39
Manchester Sunday 24th June: Protest against warReviewing Michel Chossudovsky's America's War on Terrorism
19-06-2007 16:07

Filton Five charged
19-06-2007 15:09
Five Bristol residents were charged on Monday 18th June with 2 charges relating to their occupation of BAE Systems in Filton, Bristol on Thursday 26th April this year. The group occupied an office in New Filton House, the Bristol HQ of the arms firm, for one and a half hours. Hanging a banner reading 'BAE Systems: Corruption and Destruction: Business as Usual' from the office, the group were drawing attention to the dropped Serious Fraud Office investigation into corruption with the Al-Yamamah deal with Saudi Arabia."THOR"cover-up WAKKS WIKIPEDIA as USA vote fraud unravels further
19-06-2007 12:16
Remember the computer vote fraud scams, amongst others, that "won" the USA election for those few criminals machinating the lobby groups that machinate some of the "neo-cons" in the administration. . . . latest news shows that the "cover-ups" expose the "cunning plots", plotters, etc. further all the time !Lieberman hides from CASMII
19-06-2007 09:10
Around 35 of us opponents of war on Iran (mobilized on two days notice with help from CASMII) were told Thursday afternoon at Senator Lieberman's office in Washington that we couldn't actually meet with him. The appointment Code Pink activists had secured earlier in the week, a day after the Senator said on national TV that Iran should be attacked militarily if it "doesn't play by the rule," was thus scrapped unilaterally. We were told by Lieberman's staff we were denied a meeting because they divined our intention was to stage a sit-in and hunger strike!Geiger Counter Shootout At the OK Corral
18-06-2007 11:16

Muffled Voices: ElBaradei’s Unheard Assessments
17-06-2007 22:15
As the bridges uniting Iranian academia with their international colleagues burn, NGO’s come to a complete stop and our writers, activists and scholars sit in Evin, the Bush administration continues on its military plans for regime change. ElBaradei, the figure most well versed in the Iranian program’s progress, calls for the U.S. and Israel to halt plans of war against Iran, and we are left to wonder if anyone is listening.Benefit gig for Disarm DSEi - Thursday 21st June
17-06-2007 15:13

Disarm DSEi meeting in Brighton - Wednesday 20th June
17-06-2007 14:56
DSEi (Defence Systems & Equipment international), the world's largest arms fair, returns to East London's ExCeL Centre from 11-14 September. Despite massive local opposition, and a huge bill to the taxpayer, arms dealers will once again be free to deal in death and destruction.Help Stop the Nuclear Nightmare
17-06-2007 11:11

Peace is Dead, give War a Chance
17-06-2007 06:43
As the Middle East explodes in factional and sectarian conflict the neo-cons gloat, John Bolton and Condi Rice revealed U.S. policy during the South Lebanon conflict, their non-interventionist policy encouraged the slaughter of children and civilians by Israeli forces – peace is clearly of no use to American interests! What does it matter if most of the Middle East tears itself apart, America stands to gain from the mayhem and bloodshed.The Spanish Civil War: 40 years later: new translation
17-06-2007 03:07
This is a brand-new translation of a text from 1937 that has never been in English before.IAEA Head: Iran Attack 'Act of Madness'
16-06-2007 15:07
Note that, even though this is an AP story, very few media outlets have picked up the story. Please forward it to any media contacts you might have.Document details 'US' plan to sink Hamas
16-06-2007 15:06
Some context that the MSM seems to have missed.Hamas may have been motivated by the knowledge that Abbas and Fatah were unwitting partners in a US-Israeli plot. Sadly, however, now the shoe seems to have now been placed on the other foot.
US occupiers complicit in Sammara blast: Nothing new in this Imperial strategy
16-06-2007 13:24
"In a message on the recent bombing of the shrines of the two revered Shia Imams in the Iraqi town of Samarra, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei blamed the intelligence services of the Zionist regime and the occupation forces in Iraq for the bombing, saying such terrorist acts are meant to intensify sectarian violence in the Muslim world."