UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
General Predicts Israel Will Attack Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah this Summer
26-06-2007 21:59
It is a provocative headline: “Israel braces for July war with up to five enemies.” If we are to believe Israeli military intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, this attack will be launched by Iran, Syria, Hizbullah, Hamas and, of course, “al-Qaeda,” the database. “Each of these adversaries is capable of sparking a war in the summer,” Yadlin told the World Tribune. In other words, Israel is capable of attacking one or all of these “adversaries,” as Israel has a notorious history of attacking its neighbors under contrived pretense.Update on the "War is Stil the Issue" Peace Camp
26-06-2007 11:22
The illegal "War is Still the Issue" Peace Camp in Parliament Square has now been in place since noon on Saturday 23 June.US-Vietnam Group Tackles Toxic Agent Orange Legacy
26-06-2007 10:21

Phares: Gaza Fighting Part of Iran-Syria Plot
25-06-2007 21:38
According to neocon Walid Phares, writing for FrontPageMagazine, Iran and Syria are “involved in a regional campaign to seize as much physical terrain and score as many victories across the Middle East in order to consolidate their strategic posture” before Bush leaves office. Phares’ “Tehran-Damascus axis” is “arming and supplying neo-Taliban and other Jihadi forces in Afghanistan,” stirring up sectarian divisions in Iraq, and “has unleashed two blitzkrieg-like offensives” in Lebanon and Gaza.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
24th June, Manchester: Gordon Brown Demo report
25-06-2007 19:23
While the rest of the march was going by...George W. Bush Movin' Out Campaign!
25-06-2007 16:43

Parliament Square update, Monday afternoon.
25-06-2007 16:39

Students to create week-long Tent State in protest against Britain's nukes
25-06-2007 13:55
In the coming week, students from around the country will gather near Glasgow to protest against Britain's policy of nuclear renewal and deterrence.Full article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Where was the media coverage of the Manchester anti-war demonstration?
25-06-2007 09:58
Thousands demonstrated in Manchester yesterday ,didn't they? So where are the photos, reports? I collated this from the mainstream and alternative media - not much, is it?"Catastrophic Emergency" in US: Building a Justification for Waging War on Iran
25-06-2007 08:51
According to neocon Walid Phares, writing for FrontPageMagazine, Iran and Syria are “involved in a regional campaign to seize as much physical terrain and score as many victories across the Middle East in order to consolidate their strategic posture” before Bush leaves office. Phares’ “Tehran-Damascus axis” is “arming and supplying neo-Taliban and other Jihadi forces in Afghanistan,” stirring up sectarian divisions in Iraq, and “has unleashed two blitzkrieg-like offensives” in Lebanon and Gaza.Baquba: ' A kill sack'
24-06-2007 17:31
Operation 'Arrowhead Ripper' is underway. A new America killing field is opening up. The victims are the residents of Baquba, captol of Iraq's Diyala governorate. As the killers move in, they are targetting, as ever, 'Al-Qaeda.'They’ll Break the Bad News on 9/11: FRANK RICH; A Vice President Without Borders
24-06-2007 14:46
23-06-2007 18:21

"TIP OF THE ICEBERG" where todays dodgydibbler exspycriminals "practised". . . .
23-06-2007 12:36
Coming out this week! The 693 page report of the dodgy deeds of some of the operations carried out under the pretext of coldwar "defence of the realm" excuses using USA taxpayers cash in the 1950s to 1970s was commissioned in 1973 after Watergate was described as "the tip of the iceberg" by some of the old hacks that - for all sorts of reasons, perhaps - opposed its creation. Apologies, it seems, are due to the "tinfoil hat" brigade.Mammoth electoral fraud in Philippines elections: Padding and shaving
23-06-2007 08:07

Peace Strike - Your Presence Required
22-06-2007 09:40
PEACE STRIKE – THE BIG ONE - Parliament Square Saturday 23rd JuneSinger Harry Loco and guest speakers join the Peace Camp in "Don’t Attack Iran" Pre Emptive Peace Strike Number 7
Parliament Square Peace Camp
22-06-2007 06:15
Parliament Square Peace Camp, 23-28 June 2007Brown's Tweedledum to Blair’s Tweedledee?
See out Blair See in Brown
A third US carrier, the nuclear-powered USS Enterprise Strike Group is speeding
22-06-2007 05:59
Israeli news agency tracks Iran attackFred Thompson, Please Go Back to Hollywood
21-06-2007 18:57
“Fred Thompson, who may join the Republican presidential race, said today that the U.S. and its allies should consider a blockade against Iran before military action to curb the nation’s nuclear ambitions,” reports Bloomberg. “Thompson didn’t give details about his view for a possible blockade or discuss whether it should be limited to naval power or extended to cover Iran’s land borders with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey or Azerbaijan.”