UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Tony Blair: What, me worry? (by Latuff)
30-06-2007 22:34

Blair's future is Brown
30-06-2007 20:37
As Tony Blair left Downing Street, leaving Britain 's Prime Ministership to his long time rival and co-leader of the Labour Party, Gordon Brown, the protesters outside Blair's office were greeted with the news that Blair had just been appointed as the new "Middle East Envoy" for the Quartet. (US/EU/UN/Russia)More Nottingham students arrested at Faslane
30-06-2007 20:01
Six Nottingham students have been arrested following blockades at the North and South entrances of Faslane nuclear base.Peace envoy Tony Blair (by Latuff)
30-06-2007 05:56

Absurd London “Bomb Plot” Inaugurates “Control Freak” Brown
30-06-2007 00:28
Of course, you need evidence to claim “al-Qaeda” is behind the sloppy and wholly amateurish work in London today, but that has not stopped the corporate media or the fear-monger hacks with an agenda—i.e., slaughtering Muslims and divvying up the Middle East—from leading to conclusions and thus subjecting the public to non-stop propaganda.Showing off Killing Machines in Town
29-06-2007 16:50

We Want A Tank For DSEi
29-06-2007 14:25

US/UK Arms Trade Treaty Increases Military-Industrial Secrecy
29-06-2007 13:22
On his last day in office as PM, Tony Blair signed the 'US-UK Defence Trade Co-operation Treaty' with George Bush, extending the UK Official Secrets Act to all imports from the US of military technologies on the US 'Military List'.The treaty (if ratified) will make it an offence under the OSA for employees of UK contractors to disclose any information about US imports of military list items into the UK, and in return licencing will also be relaxed by US authorities for Amercian companies sharing information with their UK subsidiaries. The UK already waivers requirements by UK contractors to get export licences for the export of military equipment to the US, and this arrangement will continue.
The treaty marks an unprecedented level or co-operation between two aggresive militaristic countries who are the top two arms manufacturers and arms traders on earth, and who are jointly responsible for the creation of ongoing instability and violence in the Middle East.
(Source: Society for British Aviation,

Students Against Trident blockade North and South gates at Faslane nuclear base
29-06-2007 13:19

Anti-Trident camp sends clear message to Gordon Brown
29-06-2007 12:22

Peace camp in parliament square
29-06-2007 10:37
Last week-end I toddled up to London to participate in a peace camp in Parliament Square. The camp lasted from noon Saturday until noon Thursday, straddling the death throes of the Blair administration and the early wailings of the Brown era (“The King is dead! Long live the… errrm. No, actually, down with the next king too!”)Migaloo the White Whale frustrates US-Australian War Games
28-06-2007 17:16

Smash EDO Lebanon War Protesters Found Not Guilty
28-06-2007 15:17
28th June 2007Smash EDO Press Release
Who’s sawing off the Horn of Africa?
28-06-2007 13:28
An analysis of the Horn of Africa’s political outlook in the short to medium term should include an assessment of geopolitical conditions in the Middle East. As part of Operation Enduring Freedom US naval vessels have engaged in several military strikes in Somalia. This shows that the Ethiopia-Somali axis is to some extent the “Southern front” of the larger Middle East theatre of war. US intervention in the Horn of Africa is brought about by the policy framework of the war on terror, as well as the need to safeguard shipping routes through the Suez Canal. This raises significant political questions that the AU has to confront, foremost among which is the impact foreign military aid (and political interference) has on the stability of African states.Tony Blair: Middle East peace envoy (by Latuff)
28-06-2007 07:02

Tony's last hour.
27-06-2007 23:16

Blair to be a Middle East `peace envoy` - is satire now obsolete?
27-06-2007 22:06
Is it April fools day?The "Use of the Armed Forces" in America under a National Emergency
27-06-2007 17:48
Taken together, NSPD 51 and Sec 1042 of the DDAA 07 define the contours of a "democratic dictatorship" in America (in the case of a National Emergency) under the authority of the White House.We are not dealing with "Military Rule" or "Military Government" as normally understood, because the authority to govern is still vested in the President and Vice President. What is at stake is the unrestricted and arbitrary "Use" of the Military by the President /Vice President in the conduct of police and law enforcement functions.
Who Should Bomb Iran First? The myth of Left-leaning media bias
27-06-2007 17:38
Mainstream media discussions of media balance are limited to a single question: Is the media too critical of powerful interests?Good riddance Blair from Parliament Square.
27-06-2007 16:30