UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
The Decapitation of Pakistan by its own Military!
30-09-2009 18:16
Pakistani military helped destroy Afghanistan, and they are now helping to destroy Pakistan. No Pakistani civilian I know, including myself, ever authorized the Pakistani military to destroy Afghanistan, or aid the United States in its own hegemonic plans on the Grand Chessboard. Do you know anyone? So from where did they get their mandate? I would rather have clean drinking water in my tap, damn it! What good are the bloody nukes when they become the raison d'être for our very destruction in this manner without ever firing a single missile at the drones that are killing our own peoples?
Second Coup Fails, as Lonely Oligarch Plots Third Honduran Coup of 2009
30-09-2009 15:36
"Facusse’s proposal is in effect on behalf of The Third Coup, or at least a trial balloon toward its attempt. But beyond its whacky proposals above, The Third Coup has an even more fatal flaw: It was developed in a back room by rich and powerful magnates, without so much a consulting, much less dialoging with, a single worker, or farmer, or student, much less their organizations that represent the great mass of the mobilized Honduran people. For it is their power from below that has prevented both malicious coups this year from triumphing. No regime - not any more - can hold on to power in Honduras unless it sufficiently satisfies the amalgam of social movements that are now popularly referred to as The Resistance.Furthermore, to attempt to reward Micheletti just two days after he bared his despotic teeth – in effect, betraying his other coup plotters in their lust for portraying this pustch as “not a coup” - with a lifetime unelected post in Congress, as Facusse’s proposal does, indicates a mindset so far removed from the realities demonstrated over the past summer, so profoundly out of touch with the overwhelming sentiment of the majority of his countrymen and women, that it offers a glass window into the mysterious mind of the oligarch, trying one more time to extract advantage over everybody else, even as his best made plans come crashing down all around him."
David Miliband to block Goldstone Report!
29-09-2009 10:48
Urgent Action Needed. War Criminals getting away with murder in Palestine.Key facts to keep in mind while opposing war against Iran
29-09-2009 09:16

Now is the time to reaffirm a simple principle that ought to be the bedrock of our anti-war movement: every country that has been oppressed by U.S imperialism has the right to determine its own destiny.
Guinea: Bloody Repression Kills Dozens of anti-Junta Protesters
29-09-2009 02:47

Black is Back! Nov. 7 Anti-war March in Washington, D.C
29-09-2009 02:45
Washington, D.C. – A newly-formed Black coalition has announced a rally and march on the White House to take place November 7, 2009 beginning in Washington, D.C.’s historic Malcolm X Park. The Rally and March are to protest the expanding U.S. wars and other policy initiatives that unfairly target African and other oppressed people around the world. Known as the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations, the coalition formed on September 12, 2009 during a meeting in Washington, D.C. of more than fifteen activists from various Black organizations, institutions and communities.Honduras: Soldiers invade radio station during live show (audio)
28-09-2009 14:19
Following orders of coup leaders, soldiers invaded the studios of Radio Globo, one of the dissident voices against Honduras coup, and shut down the radio. This is the very moment when soldiers started to slam the doors of radio during the live broadcast.More Lies, More Deception
28-09-2009 06:56

Jobs, Education, Peace: Protest at Labour Party Conference
27-09-2009 17:02

Reports from Brighton-Tubas Solidarity Group - Al Moussafah
27-09-2009 15:40
Two students from Brighton have just arrived in Palestine and will spend the next few weeks in the Jordan Valley, along with other Brighton-tubas solidarity Group members who will join them over the next few weeks. They will be reporting on the numberous resistance projects in the Jordan Valley, where local Bedouins and other Palestinians are coming together to challenge the occupation by constucting schools, health clinics, homes, playgrounds, roads and water pipes. Read their blog at to keep up to date with what is happening.Nights of terror in Honduras (by Latuff)
27-09-2009 10:00

Brighton local newspaper ordered to hand over Smash EDO mayday footage to police
26-09-2009 21:29
The Argus caves in to the police stateAMN National Gathering – Oct 3rd – Edinburgh
26-09-2009 15:53
The Anti-Militarist Network is a non-hierarchical, UK-wide network of autonomous campaigns, groups and activists opposed to militarism and the arms industry. It aims to provide support to anti-militarist campaigns and groups, a forum for communication, and an infrastructure for direct action.Honduran President Zelaya: Israeli mercenaries are planning to assassinate me
26-09-2009 14:07

U.S., NATO Poised For Most Massive War In Afghanistan's History
25-09-2009 07:57

America's obedient media is preparing domestic audiences for the possibility of the largest escalation of foreign armed forces in Afghanistan's history.
Decommisioners Court Case adjourned til next year
24-09-2009 12:49
see for detailsInterview with a Tel Rumeida settler
24-09-2009 12:16