UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Cardiff Activist Arrests Bomber Blair!
30-09-2003 16:24
A peace protestor from Cardiff has performed a citizen’s arrest on the Prime Minister, Tony Blair.More photos from the London march
30-09-2003 10:43

This is Camp X-ray exhibition
29-09-2003 16:45
Don't cross the lineNew North West Exhibition explores Imperialism, Internment and Immigration
Retired Irish Army Commandant Ed Horgan Protests the War
29-09-2003 16:36

Edinburgh 'End the Occupation' Demo, pictures.
29-09-2003 15:09

Other other Thursday 20th in 2003
29-09-2003 10:17
On Thursday, 20th March 2003, aka Day X, we demonstrated in our own cities. 8 months to the day later, again a Thursday, George Bush will be enjoying the delights of British Royal Hospitality. I suggest we recreate a bit of day X specially for him.15 Photos of London End Occupation Demo 270903
29-09-2003 08:06

Many thanks to everyone who made my day a good one on saturday, and blessings to everyone around the world who joined in this struggle.
Thank you for existing!
Hugh Mann
read my article at
Conscience or Complicity: The Altered State Solution
29-09-2003 04:35
The United States continues to support Israel with BILLIONS of tax dollars while Israel blatantly disregards International and Humanitarian Laws, especially and most poignantly against children collected in mass retaliations who are locked away indefinitely in prisons. Meanwhile US mainstream medias continue their biased and slanted coverage reporting one terror victim and not another.Are these American human rights?
29-09-2003 02:14
A man was killed and two of his children wounded when two U.S. missiles struck their farm in the middle of the night, last week. "May God's curse fall upon the Americans, for they have no fear of God," said the man's cousin, who asked, "Are these American human rights?"End the Occupation March Photos
28-09-2003 23:10

If you like these please let me know, if you would like to publish them then get in touch for higher qual pics.
Here's to a better world.
Manchester CND Peace Dogs Speak Out!
28-09-2003 19:07
Not everyone could get to the anti-Iraq war demo in London yesterday. In Manchster, those who could not attend held an imprompru rally in the peace Gardens of St Peter's Square.Photos from anti-occupation demo
28-09-2003 18:59

BAE Systems spy on anti-arms trade activists
27-09-2003 23:30
UK weapons giant BAE Systems pays spooks to spy on CAAT - article in this weekend's Sunday TimesWhy the pisspoor coverage of the big London anti-war demo?
27-09-2003 23:24
Contrast the appalling feature column coverage of Saturday's big anti-war demo in London with the blow by blow, hourly, coverage of DSEi.Some of the chalk graffiti from todays Trafalgar Sq protest
27-09-2003 22:50

samba bands join forces on anti-occupation rally
27-09-2003 22:24

Crowd release boy arrested for chalk offence
27-09-2003 22:10

Some pics from the End Occupation of Iraq London demo
27-09-2003 22:04