UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
11-03-2006 05:33
The land of International penny stock fraud makes for strange bedfellows and here often right wing cons of all stripes lie together.So it should come as no surprise that by touting or allowing his name to be used to tout a Michael Zwebner pump and dump penny stock scam(one of many over the years) President of Israel Moshe Katzav not only mixes his name and reputation with American mafia and international crooks and gangsters but also Mr.Zwebner's business partner in a number of scams over the years including UCSY or Universal Communications Systems is the infamous Mohamed Hadid,a Palestinian of ill repute connected to the Herndon,Virginia Muslim charity suspected in both money laundering and terrorist funding activities,including Al Qaeda.4 crucial things to remember re: iran '53 . . . . ( + first hand accounts)
10-03-2006 19:32
. . . . that every journalist working on the iran story should make themselves aware of . . . . since its the forgetting that causes the very worst tragedies.EDO cases collapse
10-03-2006 13:52
Charges against eight activists (charged with a rangeof public order offences) were dropped by the Crown
Prosecution Service yesterday afternoon (THURS 10th
Mar). The eight were arrested on May 31st during a
demonstration outside Brighton arms dealers EDO MBM.
Glowing in the Dark
10-03-2006 13:24
The prospect of Iran developing a nuclear capability (which would realistically entail at least a five-year time frame) did not prevent John Bolton, US representative to the UN, stating that a “painful” response would be inflicted on Iran if it failed to comply with UN (American) dictates! Questions of the UN’s independence aside, is the focus on Iran a distraction from the debacle that is Iraq or is the USA following their PNAC strategy with little regard for consequences?NEW SchMOVIES 2006 ON LINE
10-03-2006 00:04
Two new SchMOVIES are available to download free. Covering the recents demos at EDO/MBM since the injunction has come down and the anti-TESCO site at Shepton Mallet.Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Global anti-war demonstrations March 18th and March 19th 2006
09-03-2006 23:05

Veteran Says - Dishonorable Commander and Chief
09-03-2006 22:16
author: Joseph DuRochere-mail:e-mail:

A Veteran's Letter to the President:
"I Return Enclosed the Symbols of My Years of Service"
Peace Not War - Brixton Jamm - Friday 10 March
09-03-2006 04:12

this time PNW is free to all activists and Indymedia users.
The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill
09-03-2006 01:06
The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill is currently being passed quietly through parliament, with hardly any mention in the national media.Unfascist Radical Reprogramming Programme Proposed
09-03-2006 00:32

FBI ordered McKie case 'swept under carpet'
08-03-2006 16:38
"THE FBI met senior members of Scotland's forensic service to ensure the Shirley McKie affair was "swept under the carpet" and so avoid any embarrassment in the run-up to the Lockerbie trial, according to an investigator into the bombing." - todays Scotsman headlineChurch (ofE) Caterpiller Share Disinvestment - Ethics Committee Advises U-turn
08-03-2006 16:18

Interview with Joe Zacune from War on Want campaign
5 mins 33 secs, Mono MP3, 1.9MB @ 48kbps
Law Lords Rule DSEI Arms Fair Section 44 Terrorism Act Use Valid (Liberty Audio)
08-03-2006 15:42

Interview with Alex Gask from Liberty and next legal steps
8 mins 11 secs MP3 mono 2.8MB @ 48kbps
Democracy Now! London visit
08-03-2006 11:37

Listen on 104.4 at 1530 (3:30pm) in London
OR download from

Protest against Condoleezza Rice
07-03-2006 22:41
Merseyside Stop the War Coalition will be protesting outside Liverpool's town hall against the visit to Merseyside by the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice from 1pm on Saturday 11th March 2006:The Iraqi Women Have Arrived. C Sheehan & M Benjamin Jailed Delivering Truth
07-03-2006 21:37

February Protests - Calls for Impeachment Increase
07-03-2006 20:51
State Senator Alan Bates of Oregon and the San FranciscoRules Committee are recommending impeachment of the Bush
US has been asking Iran to stabilise Iraq
07-03-2006 19:50

While I realise Jon Snow isn't independent media, he is the closest thing to it regularly permitted on British TV. It is highly significant to lots of issues discussed here ( the occupation, Irans nuclear ambitions, US and UK allegations of Iranian involvement ) and this transcript isn't yet available on the Ch4 website or anywhere else. As this report flies in the face of all other US/UK journalism on the subject and carries serious implications I hope it is allowed to remain here despite its obvious mainstream source..
Autonomous Village Under Siege by Korean Troops
07-03-2006 18:46

Pyeongtaek, South Korea - On March 6th, 2006, South Korean military riot police began an attack on the autonomous village of Daechuri. For over four years, Daechuri and the nearby community of Doduri have defiantly resisted the siezure of their homes and fields for the expansion of an United States Army base. Barracaded inside the elementary school, rice farmers, elderly residents, and peace activists are holding out against sporadic, sometimes intense attacks by Korea's elite military police force. International support is needed to pressure the Korean government to halt its brutal assault.