UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
EDL, Brighton, the Crude Awakening, Anti-cuts marches - what can we learn?
05-11-2010 17:53
Lessons for the movement:The Poll Tax Riots and 4 weeks of actions – EDL, Brighton, the Crude Awakening, Anti-cuts marche. How can we learn and move forward.
(Some) Details of British Drone Attacks Revealed
05-11-2010 14:42
British Reaper Drones have fired Hellfire missiles or laser guided bombs in 120 attacks over the past 30 months according to newly released information. In addition that UK government plans to purchase five more Reaper drones over the next five years to double the size of the UK Reaper drone force.Against any repressions.
04-11-2010 21:10
Repression and social control gets stronger and stronger.We face all the time arrests, accusations of various kind, restrictive measures, people getting fired, administrative sanctions while our living conditions get more and more precarious.
Britain - Drones and the Israeli connection
04-11-2010 14:06

One example being the arms trade and the exchange of knowledge and money in the development and use of Unmanned Ariel Drones.
Foreword 2010 Pakistan Decapitation Papers – A Report on the Banality of Evil
03-11-2010 23:10

The Day of the Dead affinity group blockade at Devonport
03-11-2010 18:04

General Peace Strike Saturday 20th November
02-11-2010 22:20
A call for non-violent direct action to close down Westminster and Whitehall from 20th November onwards. This peaceful action will take place after the 'Stop The War' demonstration called for that day.Afghan Voice Forum 21/11/2010 Brighton
02-11-2010 18:05

LCW Manor House Vigil in Solidarity with Trident Blockade
02-11-2010 11:00

nuclear dawn at rotherhams advanced manufacturing park
02-11-2010 10:47

Nuclear new dawn at the AMP
Site works have commenced on the land where the latest expansions of the University of Sheffield's AMRC will be located.
The seven acre plot at the AMP will house the new Nuclear AMRC and a revolutionary Knowledge Transfer Academy.
BAE on the back foot: Student protests against arms trade sweep UK universities
02-11-2010 10:31

UK and France to cooperate over new nuclear weapons production
02-11-2010 09:23
From BBC
First hand account from the Devonport blockade
01-11-2010 21:57
Report by Ray Davies of Trident Ploughshares and CND Cymru about today's Devonport blockade.Quick report of the Brighton Anti Vodafone action
31-10-2010 19:08
On Saturday 30th October over a thousand people attended the Stop the Cuts march in Brighton - 2 Vodafone Stores were targetedScreening of Sanjay Kak's 'Jashn-e-Azadi' on Kashmir + film-maker QnA
31-10-2010 11:33

America threatens Iran: The anti-war movement's trojan horse
31-10-2010 10:30
After a period in which defending Iran hasn't been very high on the agenda of most U.S. anti-war activists, there are now two petition campaigns opposing war and sanctions against Iran.One effort is led by a New York City-based organization more known for defending Cuban “dissidents” who openly take U.S. money to try to undermine the Cuban Revolution. The other was launched by an independent Tehran-based organization formed to promote Iranian solidarity with Cuba, Venezuela and other progressive countries in Latin America.
Curiously, it's the first campaign that seems to be getting the most support.
Trident is Cancer - Cut It Out
30-10-2010 20:16
Latest Press Release from Trident Ploughshares about blockade of Devonport Dockyard.Letter from Parliament Square
30-10-2010 18:15

Parliament Square.
Terror plot - No plane from Yemen
30-10-2010 10:25
No cargo planes flew from Yemen to Chicago - Yemeni air authoritiesmilitarism from childhood
29-10-2010 23:56

Spetse island 28th Oct 2010