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Fred Thompson, Please Go Back to Hollywood

Kurt Nimmo | 21.06.2007 18:57 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Terror War | World

“Fred Thompson, who may join the Republican presidential race, said today that the U.S. and its allies should consider a blockade against Iran before military action to curb the nation’s nuclear ambitions,” reports Bloomberg. “Thompson didn’t give details about his view for a possible blockade or discuss whether it should be limited to naval power or extended to cover Iran’s land borders with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey or Azerbaijan.”

In order to get in the running to be a presidential selectee, one has to be an over-the-top warmonger. Well, that’s not exactly true, as Ron Paul is not a warmonger, but Fred Thompson, former television actor, most certainly is.

“Fred Thompson, who may join the Republican presidential race, said today that the U.S. and its allies should consider a blockade against Iran before military action to curb the nation’s nuclear ambitions,” reports Bloomberg. “Thompson didn’t give details about his view for a possible blockade or discuss whether it should be limited to naval power or extended to cover Iran’s land borders with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey or Azerbaijan.”

A blockade is considered an act of war, as there is no regulation of international law which justifies a blockade in times of peace. Since 1909, in the London Naval Conference, as a principle of international law, it was defined that “blockade is an act of war,” and thus it is legally employed when countries are at war.

Iran and the United States are not at war, although there is no shortage of neocons who would like nothing better than to attack Iran. Fred Thompson is obviously one of these neocons. He believes the United States is at war with Iran, or it should be.

“When the president of Iran shares his nightmare visions before cheering crowds, those are not just a fanatic’s version of an empty applause line,'’ Thompson told the Policy Exchange, a political research foundation, in London. “The only safe assumption is that he means it.”

Thompson is apparently talking about Iran’s nuclear weapons program, the program nobody can demonstrate exists, certainly not the International Atomic Energy Agency. According to the neocons and the “hawks” in Israel—that is to say the racist, Arab and Muslim hating regime currently in control—Iran plans to cobble together a nuke or two and bomb Israel. Israel and the neocons base this illusory threat on a speech Ahmadinejad made, a speech deliberately mistranslated by MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, a Mossad front in the business of mistranslating the Arab and Persian media. Thanks to MEMRI and its founders—a former IDF Intelligence colonel, Yigal Carmon, and Dr. Meyrav Wurmser, wife of the neocon David Wurmser—the corporate media in this country insists on a daily basis Ahmadinejad wants to wipe Israel off the map. Ahmadinejad, of course, said no such thing. He simply said the “regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history.” But, naturally, for Israel and the neocons, the two statements, one a historical reality and the other a Brothers Grimm fabrication, are equivalent.

“If we know anything from modern history it is that when fanatical tyrants pledge to wipe out an entire nation, we should listen,” the former actor continued. “We must gather our alliance and do all in our power to make sure that such men do not gain the capability to carry out their evil ambitions.”

In other words, short of bombing the heck of Iran, the “alliance” (no word on its composition) should lay siege to the people of Iran, beginning with a blockade.

As John Lyly declared in Euphues, The Anatomy of Wit, all’s fair in love and war, so what’s to stop Iran from blockading our harbors? Of course, Iran is incapable of such a feat and, moreover, if they attempted to retaliate the neocons, with no shortage of chortling yahoos decked out in “God Bless America” t-shirts (made by slaves in China) calling for Iran to be turned into a glass parking lot, would have an excuse to nuke the place, something they are itching to do but yet do not have the political consensus required.

In the meantime, we can only hope Fred Thompson, after he fails to be selected as president—obviously, that selection, this time around, will go to a Democrat—will return to Hollywood. No doubt Thompson believes, as an actor, he is as good if not better than Ronald Reagan at reading scripts. Chances are slim he will be given the chance, not that it matters.

For as we know, Democrats are warmongers too, that is in their special if nauseating Democrat way.

Kurt Nimmo
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  1. who the fuck — And