UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Palestine: divide and conquer (by Latuff)
16-06-2007 13:09

The Day After We Strike Iran. What Will We Do Then?
16-06-2007 10:53
Let us suppose that the Bush-Cheney administration answers the neocons’ prayer and does indeed bomb Iran sometime soon. The plan apparently involves more than the destruction of nuclear facilities, replicating Israel’s attack on Iraq’s Osirak reactor in 1981. (That attack, by the way was condemned by the whole world, including a furious President Ronald Reagan). It includes an all-out assault on the Iranian political and religious leadership. Government buildings and officials’ residences will be targeted, guaranteeing collateral damage.CIA doctor says Bush Sr., Rockefeller led child sex slave scheme
16-06-2007 01:35
Caution: Distressing contentWill Sudan be Re-Colonized?
15-06-2007 23:27
The United States is maneuvering to introduce a UN peacekeeping force into Darfur, as a first step to securing control of the region’s vast supply of oil. US control of Darfur’s petroleum resources would deliver highly profitable investment opportunities to US firms, and scuttle China’s investment in the region, thereby slowing the rise of a strategic competitor whose continued industrial growth depends on secure access to foreign oil. Washington is using highly exaggerated charges of genocide as a justification for a UN intervention it would dominate, while at the same time opposing a workable peacekeeping plan acceptable to the Sudanese government that would see the current African Union mission in Darfur expand.Police try to block anti-war demo
15-06-2007 10:24
Gordon Brown will be crowned Labour leader and our next prime minister within an exclusion zone built to keep out any dissenting voices.Full article | 3 additions | 3 comments
Pictures from StWC Palestine Demo.
14-06-2007 19:59

These images shot on good old fashioned film (hence the lateness) - digital pictures to follow soon.
Mesud Barzani is liable for destabilising both Iraq and Turkey.
14-06-2007 13:21
The consequence of American invasion to Iraq in April 2003 and its limitless support to the Kurdish allies in Iraq had caused numerous damages to Iraqi internal affairs and a real chaos to the neighbourhoods. Recently the sovereignty of Turkey is violated by the separatist Kurdistan Workers’ communist party rebels (PKK) following Mesud Barzani, the leader of KDP’s latest threats to Turkey.Disarm DSEi Public Meeting @ ULU London 30th June
14-06-2007 10:19

Room 2C, University of London Union, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY
Tube : Euston, Euston Sq., Warren St., Goodge St. or Russell Sq.
Bus : 10, 18, 24, 29 , 30, 59 , 68, 73, 91, 134, 168, 188, 205, 253, 390 or 476
It is likely there will be police photographers outside the meeting, don't be intimidated. You might choose to wear a scarf in this warm weather.
The Siege of Baghdad
13-06-2007 22:40
It’s funny, in a sad sick almost perverse sort of way, but it seems the only people who listen to George Bush and take him seriously anymore is the insurgency. Several months after his royal hind ass made his now famous “bring em on” statement the insurgency issued their own proclamation saying in affect, we have brought it on do you have anything else you wish to say to us?Daniel Pipes Details Israeli Attack Against Iran
13-06-2007 15:27
Earlier this week, warmonger and Israel Firster Joe Lieberman said “I think we’ve got to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq,” predicating, as neocons are wont, his argument on allegation. Now we have yet another Israel Firster and former United States Institute of Peace—as in war is peace—board member nominee, Daniel Pipes, calling for an attack against Iran.Candidate Alexander: Iraq War, Many Diversions
13-06-2007 14:13
While Americans were being distracted by the tears and fears of Ms Paris Hilton, brave American soldiers were dying in Iraq. While Americans are watching television, the events in Iraq are dividing the Middle East. While Americans are watching television the Bush administration is assisting the multi-national oil giants in the attempt to privatize Iraq’s vast oil reserves, an effort that will destroy Iraq’s economy, will leave the people of Iraq in poverty and will weaken the existing government.CASMII calls for ethical journalism in response to Observer article on Iran
13-06-2007 01:00
The Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII) is greatly alarmed by the publication in the Observer 10.06.07 of an article "MI6 probes UK link to nuclear trade with Iran", by Mark Townsend, which propagates unfounded allegations and distortions against Iran, similar to the reports in 2003 that paved the way to the bloodbath in Iraq; nearly all of which now discredited.An 89-year-old Prestwich woman arrested at Faslane
12-06-2007 15:50
An 89-year-old Prestwich woman has been arrested while demonstrating outside of Faslane Naval Base near Glasgow. Betty Tebbs, of Ostrich Lane Prestwich, was among 10 activists from Greater Manchester to be held by police following a successful blockade of two of the base’s entrances at 3pm this afternoon.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
11-06-2007 16:33

Demonstrate: Troops out of Iraq 24th June, Manchester
11-06-2007 12:23
Call Out: Protest in ManchesterAFRICOM Eyes the Islamic Maghreb
10-06-2007 22:03
Why exactly is the Pentagon warning us about “al-Qaeda” terrorists that “probably could not attack the U.S. homeland”?As usual, the answer is simple and predictable enough. “The U.S. focus on the group comes as the Bush administration finalizes plans to create a new military command in Africa, called AFRICOM,” part and parcel of the neocon vision of Pax Americana.
Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Photos - 150.000 anti-war protesters gather in Rome.
10-06-2007 04:43

After 40 years of illegal military occupation of Palestine, enough!
09-06-2007 22:23

I'm so sick and tired of the "Support Our Troops" mantra I could eat my internal
09-06-2007 21:03
Support our troops. It’s the only rallying cry left. It’s the dirty, shredded little yellow ribbons and tattered flags that used to mean nationalistic pride and now nobody’s really up to replacing them and, since it’s impossible to agree on much of anything about the Iraq invasion, occupation and subsequent unmitigated disaster, we’re all supposed to at least agree to “support our troops.”