After 40 years of illegal military occupation of Palestine, enough!
kriptick | 09.06.2007 22:23 | Anti-militarism | History | Palestine | London
Jews against zionism receive much respect
Must be great knowledge behind such a face
Other religious dudes support Palestine too
Counter zionist demo against double standards
The six day war in the middle east

was when the Israeli army very suddenly and very aggressively attacked nearly all the neighbouring countries, stealing the Golan Heights, Sinai Desert, West Bank and the Gaza strip for itself. They destroyed the entire Egyptian airforce while it was still on the ground and caused the immediate creation of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees - ethnically cleansed from land they had lived on for many centuries. It very much shaped how the middle east is to this day and greatly increased the humiliation of the Palestinian people who were already suffering from when we the British, in 1948 had handed over Palestinian land to the Israelis that we had absolutely no right to ourselves.
Being really very young 40 years ago, I wasn't exposed to much news going on around the world then. However I do remember how our old headmaster at school would make announcements to the whole school about particularly momentous events - the Aberfan disaster, death of Churchill, devaluation of the pound. About the six day war though, I remember him being absolutely jubilant throughout that extraordinary week. Much of the time in our lessons with him then was taken up with him enthusiastically describing the latest spectacular military victories for the Israelis to a barely comprehending classroom of small boys.
I have to assume therefore that then just as now, the Arabs received generally bad world press coverage and the Israelis received much more supportive coverage. It is because of this grossly unbalanced reporting and also its huge support from the USA, that Israel has managed with impunity to ignore dozens of UN resolutions ordering it to return stolen land to the Palestinians, stop building the apartheid separation wall etc.
More Photos
10.06.2007 10:18
Dave C
video links
11.06.2007 22:20

London Manifestation "Free Palestine" 9 june 2007

MP3 of all speeches!
17.06.2007 01:40
