UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Ken pledges support for DSEi
01-06-2005 14:00
Ken Livingstone has given a speeach to Arms dealers where he pledged support for DSEiGay Turk jailed and beaten
01-06-2005 08:53
URGENT ACTION – Email Turkish Prime Minister.War Resisters' International fears for the safety of imprisoned Turkish conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan, presently awaiting trial in the Military Prison at Sivas.
Zarqawi tape 'magic'
01-06-2005 02:05

J20 San Diego Reclaim the Streets film
31-05-2005 22:56
Counter Inaugural Reclaim the Streets in San Diego. We're just finishing up the film...Violent Arrests at EDO Big Demo, Brighton !!! Phone the cops now!
31-05-2005 19:02
At least 7 people were violently arrested at the Big demo at arms dealers EDO MBM in Brighton today. PHONE CHIEF INSPECTOR KERRY COX on 0845 6070999 to protest the brutal arrests of at least 7 antiwar/civil rights activists!Embargo called on Brighton police following brutal arrest of peace protestors
31-05-2005 18:30
Brighton Police brutally arrest 8 anti-Edo peace campaigners - please ring Sussex police now!Holland votes NO to European Superstate and wars
31-05-2005 14:06
Future wars by the US/NATO/EU-Army without a UN MandateStory from Baghdad with 7 photos
31-05-2005 02:17

The Iraqi Nightmare
30-05-2005 14:15
The truth is nothing is under control in Iraq. The number of suicide attacks, surprise assaults and car bombs has doubled since February to 70 per day.. The strategy for victory is breaking down because Iraq is not going forward economically.Greens welcome NON to Euro constitution
30-05-2005 11:35
The Green Party reaction to the French people's response to the European Union constitution.EDO interim injunction latest
30-05-2005 10:58
Arms Company EDO/MBM push protesters over the edge.Five Years In Prison For Stepping in the Road at EDO
Protestors Vow to Defy High Court Injunction
Freedom Summer Palestine 2005
29-05-2005 19:09
Freedom Summer Palestine 2005 is a Palestinian non violent campaignagainst Israeli occupation — This summer, With the participation of
international supporters, Palestinians will continue their
long-standing mobilization for nonviolent direct action against the
occupation and draw the world's attention to what is really happening
in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
EDO Lawyer Doesn't Like The Samba
29-05-2005 17:34
TLC Complains To Law Society Gazzete about music outside his window.Stop The War Coalition Get Go Ahead for 2 Edinburgh G8 Protests
28-05-2005 10:55
The Stop The War Coalition have progressed in getting approval for their two protests in Edinburgh around the G8 Summit in July.This is despite The Scotsman Newspaper briefing against them and initial objections from Lothian and Borders police.
Lockheed Martin gives children in Sierra Leone Electronic Welfare
27-05-2005 11:37

26-05-2005 11:21
BUT THERE'S STILL NO WAY OUT...TURKEY: 13 arrests at trial of conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan/trial adjour
26-05-2005 11:13
13 antimilitarists and conscientious objectors were arrested in Sivas following the trial of conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan.WHY CLOSE THE G8? (audio from the film)
25-05-2005 15:45

(MP3 - 14 mins 14secs - 48kbps mono - 4.9MB)

CIRCA in Time Out
25-05-2005 15:33

Their next stop is London (this weekend) then Birmingham, Sheffield, Manchester and Newcastle before heading up to Scotish cities, Aberdeen, Glasgow and finally Edinburgh.
US- 'Frenchfries protestor turns against Iraq war.
25-05-2005 15:16
The US Rep'senator (Walter Jones) who renamed
frenchfries 'Freedom fries' has now turned against the
Iraq War.
Better late than never....