UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Britain trains Papua killer squads - demo in London against Indonesian president
30-10-2012 20:49

Survival is using SBY's visit to protest against human rights violations in West Papua and to challenge UK Government on its training of specialist anti-terror police who have been implicated in the killing of Papuan leaders.
The Interface Of The Mormon Church And Electoral Politics
30-10-2012 00:29
Mormon political connections to war, race, the environment, women's rights, and other political issues and actionYearly Smash EDO Halloween demo, Wed 31st, 4pm
29-10-2012 13:30
It's almost time for the yearly Smash EDO Halloween demo. Dress in your scariest mask and come prepared to haunt some arms dealers..
The Benghazi Brigade - Manipulating an Election
27-10-2012 13:54
Joseph Nasrallah Abdelmasih is the guy legally responsible for Media for Christ, the outfit that produced the trailer without a film known as Innocence of Muslims. He is very close to one Morris Sadek (lives near Langley) who is the guy that plugged the incendiary trailer all over the place in the days preceding September 11, 2012. Abdelmasih has done a lot of Islamophobic "activism" like saying, at a Ground Zero Mosque rally, that it would go up over his dead body. So, we have one guy making the film and generating anti-Muslim sentiment here at home and his buddy out there, dutifully, fanning the flames of anti-American and anti-Christian and (scapegoating an Israeli for the film-not-film) anti-Jewish sentiment abroad. Why, then, has the media ignored these two figures? It's just the tip of the iceberg or, if you prefer, rabbit hole.Protesting drones at RAF Waddington, Lincs. Some photos
26-10-2012 22:15

Twelve people demonstrated outside the main entrance to RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire today in response to the RAF's announcement that Britain is doubling its fleet of armed Reaper Drones from five to ten. While the demonstration was going on outside, the RAF was holding a ceremony to 'stand-up' its new drone squadron inside the base.
After the demonstration, we went round the other side of the base to meet Helen John who has been maintaining a one-woman anti-drone peace camp at Waddington for months.
Drone information stall in Wrexham: report and photos
25-10-2012 14:53

Drone wars info stall Wrexham Thu / demo at RAF Waddington Lincs Fri
24-10-2012 21:07

This week, the issue of drone warfare has reached the High Courts (and the mainstream media) in both the UK [ 1 | 2 | 3 ] and Pakistan; the UK is about to double its fleet of armed drones and begin to operate the new drones from RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire; and more people have been killed and injured in another drone attack in Pakistan.
Wrexham Peace & Justice Forum will have an information stall on drones outside Wrexham Library on Thursday 25 October between 11.45am and 1.15pm.
There will be a demonstration at RAF Waddington main gates between 12 noon and 2pm on Friday 26 October called by Drone Wars UK. This will take place as the RAF holds a ceremony to 'stand-up' its new drones squadron, 13 Squadron.
"Vigil for Iran"
23-10-2012 15:10

We build this campaign in solidarity with the people of the Middle East. The desire to create peace is the objective, with the aim of preventing an attack on Iran.
Weekly Vigil at Parliament Square, London SW1A OAA
Census case verdict in Liverpool: Donate to support refusers
20-10-2012 16:50

Andy Manifold was back at Liverpool's Dale Street Magistrates' Court on Friday 19 October to hear the outcome of his trial on a charge of failing to complete the 2011 Census. Six people held a solidarity vigil outside the court beforehand. In the week that the CPS dropped charges against another census refuser in Liverpool, Andy was found guilty, fined and costs were awarded against him.
A number of people are now in the position of having fines taken directly from their benefits. As these aren't enough to live on even before any deductions, please consider making a donation to the solidarity fund if you can afford it, and particularly if you resisted the census but weren't prosecuted. Over 1 in 20 households didn't complete a census return (see this Daily Telegraph article) but only a few hundred people were prosecuted. Donation details below.
L'pool Census Refuser prosecutions. Sarah Ledsom – case dropped
18-10-2012 09:21

L'pool: Support Census Refuser Andy Manifold - court verdict Fri 19 Oct. Join Us.
17-10-2012 16:01

Anarchist Zine about NI
15-10-2012 23:38
Troubled; An Anarchist Primer on the Occupation of the North of IrelandProtests end National Gallery's arms trade links
11-10-2012 07:18

Photos from Census Resistance solidarity vigil at Liverpool court
08-10-2012 23:01

Join anti-war/solidarity vigils outside the court again from 1pm on Friday 19 October (Andy) and Friday 23 November (Sarah).
Turkish jets bombers targets Kurdistan region in North of Iraq
06-10-2012 17:06

Turkish warplanes struck around midnight against several areas in the Kurdish Iraqi area,
8 October: Two Census Refuser Trials in Liverpool. Vigils outside.
06-10-2012 10:48
Two people accused of failing to complete the 2011 Census will appear again at Liverpool Magistrates Courts on Monday 8 October in cases that have been dragging on since the beginning of the year. Andrew Manifold's hearing will be at Victoria Street court in the morning and Sarah Ledsom's at Dale Street in the afternoon. Please show your support outside the courts from 9.30am (Victoria St) and 1:30pm (Dale St). Hearings commence at 10am and 2pm respectively.Smash EDO Fundraising Meal this Sunday
04-10-2012 13:05
Shutting down a multinational arms company takes money. Come and support the campaignSmash EDO October events
04-10-2012 09:37
Hello everyoneSmash EDO has been pretty quiet for a while but, rest assured, we've been plotting and scheming. Here's a few events we've got coming up. We're building up to our Halloween demo at the end of the month
Venezuela: Anarchists and October 7, 2012
03-10-2012 18:47

Three days for Peace in Wrexham: report and photos
01-10-2012 18:25
![The marquee is put up just in time [photo: Holly Cooper]](/icon/2012/10/500786.jpg)
Peace Days in Wrexham have been marked for a number of years and have steadily grown, from the occasional 'peace picnics' that Wrexham Peace & Justice Forum and Wrexham Women for Peace held in Wrexham's Peace Garden (on the site of the old Quaker Meeting House) and in 2010 on the library green with local band Heal the Last Stand, to last year's collaborative effort with the additional involvement of Wrexham Diocese Faith, Justice & Peace Network, local music promoter Brendan Griffiths, Freeconomy Wrexham, Give and Take, the Yum Yum Project and others. [Reports 1 | 2 ]
This year, we organised three days for peace, the first in St. Christopher's school on Thursday 20 September with nine other schools represented and well over 300 children in total taking part – big thanks to St. Christopher's for inviting us - and then Friday 21 and Saturday 22 September on the library green. Brendan put on free gigs at Saith Seren cultural centre both evenings too.