Press Release The Final Waging Global War By Way of Deception Report: Statement
Project | 30.05.2009 21:16 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Terror War | World
The Pakistani military is repeating the same genocidal mayhem as it did in East Pakistan to secede it into Bangladesh. Now it is once again at its best for further balkanizing Pakistan at the behest of its paymasters. There is apparently always some very good justification for practicing the 'war on terror' upon civilian populations.
Press Release Project
May 26, 2009.
The Final Waging Global War By Way of Deception Report: Statement on Pakistan
Zahir Ebrahim
© Project
[PHBF, California, Tuesday, May 26, 2009] On the inauspicious occasion of Pakistan Army's full-spectrum military onslaught upon its own citizens in the Tribal-Belt of Pakistan, Project Humanbeingsfirst issued the following critical analysis of Pakistan's 'war on terror' in its monthly terrorism report for May 2009 (

The Pakistani military is repeating the same genocidal mayhem as it did in East Pakistan to secede it into Bangladesh. Now it is once again at its best for further balkanizing Pakistan at the behest of its paymasters. There is apparently always some very good justification for practicing the 'war on terror' upon civilian populations.
To put matters in urgent overarching context, two crucial points. Firstly, according to the Reuters report of May 17, 2009: “The army said intense exchanges of fire were taking place on the outskirts of Mingora.” A rag-tag bunch of bare-foot illiterate Talibans giving the world's fifth largest standing army “intense exchanges of fire” is only as burlesque as this report of July 23, 2007 in the New York Times of “drug smugglers” holding off the fully armed and trained elite Iranian military. Headlined “Drug Smugglers Kill 11 Iranians in Elite Corps”, it stated:
'TEHRAN, July 22 [2007] — Eleven members of the Revolutionary Guards have been killed in clashes with drug smugglers in southeast Iran near the border with Pakistan, a state-run news agency reported this weekend. Nine others were wounded. The clashes occurred Thursday in a mountainous area in southeastern Sistan and Baluchestan Province after drug smugglers ambushed a group of Revolutionary Guards, the Fars News Agency reported. The drug smugglers left without casualties, the news agency said. The province has also been a major gateway for drug traffickers from Pakistan and Afghanistan. Iran has dug a trench at the border. But it has said that more than 3,300 security personnel have died since 1979 in the fighting with drug smugglers. The region is also home to a large ethnic group of Baluchis who are Sunni Muslims. A majority of Iranians are Shiites. The Revolutionary Guards have been the target of attacks before. In February, a car loaded with explosives blew up in front of a bus carrying Revolutionary Guards, killing 11 and wounding 34. Iran has linked insecurity in the region to a militant Sunni group known as Jundallah, led by Abdolmalek Rigi. The authorities have said Mr. Rigi has links to Al Qaeda and is a drug trafficker.'
Note that “The drug smugglers left without casualties,” after inflicting heavy fatalities on Iran's Elite Army. The same way that a rag-tag bunch of illiterate Talibans are now holding off the elite Pakistan Army, and that too after surviving 8 years of intense bombardment by NATO and American forces. A super-human bunch of “drug-smugglers” aren't they, and quite a super-human bunch of antediluvian “Talibans”! In any other epoch, their nom de guerre surely would have been “Ali Baba”, and their formidable weapons of world-conquest their magical flying carpets. See the detailed deconstruction of this super-human “Ali Baba” smugglers who can hold Iran hostage in “Letter to Editor: Iran, the Associated Press, and Covert-War of 'Imperial Mobilization'”.
In Pakistan's case, the only rational explanation for “Ali Baba's” formidable prowess in the 21st century based on the empiricism of political-science, the historical record of the hectoring hegemons, and the self-evident reality in the right-field while the public is kept distracted in the left-field, is that NATO and American black-ops are fighting the Pakistan Army to depopulate the region in a prelude to de-nuking and re-partitioning Pakistan. Additionally, to continually create the well-known 'Strategy of Tension' in order to keep the fear of the boogieman of 'militant Islam' alive in the Western public's imagination for its own “imperial mobilization” agenda (see BBC-2 Timewatch 1992 documentary on Operation Gladio, pt1, pt2, pt3 to learn how the fear of communism was kept alive in Western Europe).
Pakistan Army is apparently entirely complicit in this criminal agenda of Pakistan's destabilization and de-nuking. They are participating in manufacturing the so called 'militants' ab initio, entirely in cahoots with the Pentagon's black-ops, and then fighting the marvelously fabricated and infinitely re-supplied enemy at the behest of their paymasters. Only a few in the top echelon of high-command have to be compromised. The military discipline among the sheepish-ranks, typically the canon-fodder, and the unquestioning 'unity of command' among the officers, automatically do the rest. The Western funded machinery of civilian NGOs, the Mighty Wurlitzer's assets in the newsmedia, and the intelligence apparatus further take care of the public discourse by manufacturing both consent and dissent to lend 'respectability' to the boogieman of 'militant Islam'.
Otherwise, I find it hard to believe that the world's fifth largest standing military would be so incredibly smart and sophisticated in being able to indigenously build Pakistan's atomic weapons arsenal despite the world's opposition, and yet simultaneously be so stupid, ignorant, and criminal against their own peoples such that they couldn't fathom this entirely self-evident reality on 'the Grand Chessboard'. Treason is writ large all across Pakistan – for without the help of Pakistan's own Negroes and mercenaries, the state could not have been put on the dismantling-block so trivially! See “Open Letter to a Pakistani General”. What is not already obvious here?
This brings to the urgent second point. According to the same Reuters report which was headlined “Pakistan urges civilians to flee from Swat”, U.N. Refugee agency stated: “The offensive in the one-time tourist valley, 130 km (80 miles) northwest of Islamabad, has also forced at least 1.17 million people from their homes,”. The history of how Zionistan was systematically depopulated through Zionist terror of its 700,000 to one million indigenous inhabitants is annually commemorated by the surviving Palestinians in their tormented living memories, between 4-8 million of whom are now living in Diaspora and in refugee camps. That history hasn't yet become ancient history. It was again lamented as the 61st Nakba on May 15, just a few days ago. These Pakistani refugees, I fear, may similarly never be able to return – for a new country is being constructed as we speak. Just like the Biharis were left stranded when Pakistan was first Balkanized for the creation of Bangladesh, we now have another palpable monumental crime against humanity under orchestration during Pakistan's second Balkanization. From Lal-masjid in Islamabad in the summer of 2007 which adorned Pakistan the label of 'Terror Central' by George W. Bush, to this spring of 2009 under Barack Obama, an entirely transparent continuous script that I am now hoarse rehearsing.
Who is listening? Who has the power to intervene to stop these Supreme War Crimes against humanity?
For further analysis in full context of fast-breaking world events laden with deception and purveyed by mighty statesmen and mercenaries, please contact the undersigned.
Thank you.


contact person: Zahir Ebrahim


Project 2/4 Press Release May 26, 2009