Lyme Disease and Plague Combined in Biowar Vaccine
Elena Cook | 15.06.2008 12:27 | Anti-militarism | Bio-technology | Health | World
While the Health Protection Agency continues to lie to the public and to the NHS about the true prevalence, chronic nature, and seriousness of Lyme Disease in Britain, their colleagues in the US are busily working on a biowarfare vaccine incorporating genetically modified Lyme and plague.
Most doctors in Britain believe that Lyme Disease is an extremely rare condition which, if it does occur, is easily cured with a short course of antibiotics. In fact, as the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) have testified, Lyme is not rare at all, is very difficult to cure, especially if recognised late, and can cause a lifetime of disability. (1)
It is almost invariably missed because doctors are not familiar with its multitude of symptoms, most of which are non-specific, occurring in many other conditions. The blood tests offered at the HPA lab in Southampton have been proven to be unreliable by peer-reviewed data, yet are still used to rule out Lyme.
Why are our Department of Health and our government epidemiologists ignoring the evidence?
The answer lies in an unholy pact they seem to have struck with the US government, an agreement to downplay and deny this epidemic, because of its relation to secret biowarfare research.
Very many of the scientists and doctors on the "hard-to-catch, easy-to-cure" side of the fence just "happen" to have a background in biowarfare, and/or are members of the Epidemic Intelligence Service, a small elite squad of Infectious Disease experts founded by the American military for purposes of offensive biowar during the Cold War. (2)
In Britain, Porton Down has studied Lyme, though the government tried to conceal this when questioned about recent Lyme research in Parliament.
Perhaps the recent patent (3) published by the "biodefense" firm Biopeptides Inc, run by Raymond Dattwyler, says it all. Dattwyler, incidentally, is notorious among American Lyme patients for the damage he has done with his involvement in the drawing up of the fraudulent "IDSA guidelines", which have resulted in the denial of treatment and even diagnosis to countless sufferers, not just in USA, but in Britain and other countries as well. Dattwyler's patent is for a "live bacterial vaccine" incorporating a genetically modified piece of Osp A, (an outer surface protein of the Lyme bacteria), spliced together with a portion of Plague bacteria involved in virulence, into a Lactobacillus, a common harmless germ.
For more information on the connections between Lyme disease and biological weapons research, please see
Elena Cook
It is almost invariably missed because doctors are not familiar with its multitude of symptoms, most of which are non-specific, occurring in many other conditions. The blood tests offered at the HPA lab in Southampton have been proven to be unreliable by peer-reviewed data, yet are still used to rule out Lyme.
Why are our Department of Health and our government epidemiologists ignoring the evidence?
The answer lies in an unholy pact they seem to have struck with the US government, an agreement to downplay and deny this epidemic, because of its relation to secret biowarfare research.
Very many of the scientists and doctors on the "hard-to-catch, easy-to-cure" side of the fence just "happen" to have a background in biowarfare, and/or are members of the Epidemic Intelligence Service, a small elite squad of Infectious Disease experts founded by the American military for purposes of offensive biowar during the Cold War. (2)
In Britain, Porton Down has studied Lyme, though the government tried to conceal this when questioned about recent Lyme research in Parliament.
Perhaps the recent patent (3) published by the "biodefense" firm Biopeptides Inc, run by Raymond Dattwyler, says it all. Dattwyler, incidentally, is notorious among American Lyme patients for the damage he has done with his involvement in the drawing up of the fraudulent "IDSA guidelines", which have resulted in the denial of treatment and even diagnosis to countless sufferers, not just in USA, but in Britain and other countries as well. Dattwyler's patent is for a "live bacterial vaccine" incorporating a genetically modified piece of Osp A, (an outer surface protein of the Lyme bacteria), spliced together with a portion of Plague bacteria involved in virulence, into a Lactobacillus, a common harmless germ.
For more information on the connections between Lyme disease and biological weapons research, please see
Elena Cook

Elena Cook