UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Croatian police violently stops Peace caravan for Palestine
09-07-2005 11:31
Croatian police violently stops Peace caravan for PalestineStatement of IAC-Boston on Bombings in London
09-07-2005 00:16
IAC expressed sympath and condolences, but also reminds us of ALL the casualities of wars.London terror bombings: a political crime
09-07-2005 00:11

Opinion about London bombs
08-07-2005 22:05
"Across this space I want to give the innocent civil victims of London my condolence, without forgetting those that die daily in Iraq and other countries..."G8 report 6th July
08-07-2005 18:58
Eyewitness report, police tactics and suggestions for future demonstrations.Peace Vigil for victims of London bombings: Sat.5pm
08-07-2005 15:43
announcementThe terrorist plot to destroy democracy from within
08-07-2005 14:00
People PowerG8 and Terror - Qui bono?
08-07-2005 13:57
comentary on yesterday's terror and G8 summitTerror and who profits? The G8 becoming a farce.
terror in London compared to US-British involment in Iraq. The causes of terrorism and how we can fight them.
"Claim of responsibility" unsubstantiated
08-07-2005 13:56

Photos from 7/7 Edinburgh vigil against war and bombings
08-07-2005 11:28

The London Bombings: Time for Blair to Wake Up or Resign
08-07-2005 10:23
The US & UK’s oil & war-hungry foreign-policies look set to see London and other major western cities facing years, perhaps decades, of terrorist guerrilla warfare. Could our elected representatives be doing more to speak out against the illegal wars that have precipitated these barbaric acts?Edinburgh Vigil
08-07-2005 00:26
From 9pm, a small group gathered beside the galleries on Princes Street / The Mound to hold a vigil in support of those killed and wounded in the London bombings and in recognition of the violence of the past week.Stattfor prime suspect in London Bombing
07-07-2005 23:35
In the long tradition of news leaks, the latest results of my investigation of the London bombings as I work backwards in time to get a positive ID lock on an exact assholePhotos from Edinburgh vigil in response to London bombings
07-07-2005 22:44

Photos From Edinburgh Vigil For Victims Of Bombings And War
07-07-2005 22:14
Photos from a July 7th vigil that took place at 7pm on Prince St. In EdinburghZarqawi: Everywhere and nowhere
07-07-2005 21:38

Fear stops here! (and spit on Blair's condolences)
07-07-2005 18:04
There won't be any terrorists on a dead planet anyway.TEXT OF ISLAMIC COMMUNITY'S REMARKS
07-07-2005 16:09
Any resemblance to the text of Poodle Blair's statement Thursday on London blasts with G-8 leaders in Gleneagles, Scotland is purely intentional.More than 33 dead in London blasts
07-07-2005 14:32
Police announce 33 confirmed fatalities, more to follow.