UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
URGENT URIBE MEETS BLAIR: Emergency Picket of Downing Street 6-8pm Tuesday 12 Ju
11-07-2005 17:04
Stop State Terrorism in Colombia!No to International Impunity! No Military Aid to Uribe! Support the Victims of Human Rights Violations!
European Union Bombed into Submission?
11-07-2005 17:00
So: MI5, MI6, Scotland Yard, The Special Forces and Branches, the Metropolitan Police, all the 'Bobbies' in the streets of London, Military, Air Force and/or 'Naval Intelligence' - and all other domestic and even the foreign 'security services' like the CIA and Mossad have been asleep on their watch? And 'Homer' Clarke 'fixes' the EU ID-cards on Wednesday?Business as usual as bomb scares occure all around the country
11-07-2005 16:48
A quick google news search revealed a hell of a lot of bomb scares and the occasional controlled explosion over the last week or two....Support Mehment Tarhan, gay Turkish Conscientious Objector on trial on 12 July
11-07-2005 16:48
Turkish gay conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan is back on trial on 12 July. He has been threatened, humiliated and tortured by other prisoners in the military prison of Sivas, where he's been since 8 April. He went on trial on 9 June, the judge realeased but he was rearrested and put bakc in prisonAlvaro Uribe coming to London on Wednesday
11-07-2005 15:28

Pride in refusing to kill - Defend Mehmet Tarhan
11-07-2005 13:20
Mehmet Tarhan, a gay man and anarchist activist, declared his conscientious objection to military service on 27 October 2001. He has continued publicly to oppose killing, including by the US and UK in wars against Afghanistan and Iraq.London Bombings: Blame Blair and Bush
11-07-2005 05:57
Re: the London bombings: When you start a war, when you invade another country, you have to expect people to fight back...and you have to expect that people will get killed....that's why it's called "war" .Thoughts on the London Bombings
11-07-2005 02:13
A few thoughts about the London bombings that will undoubtedly not apppear anywhere in the corporate media.Charles Kennedy is a dick
10-07-2005 20:30
Lib Dem idiot Charles Kennedy has made a fool of himself by dismissing reports linking London bombings to the war in Iraq. FUnny how the polititians have been so quick to point the finger at 'Muslim extremists' yet seem to be at pains to distance the bombing from any connection to the invasion and continued occupation of Iraq. Why? Surely if the group that claims responsibility really did do it (and the Madrid bombing) as we are meant to believe - then the link to Iraq is undeniable since the statement by the group specifically call for the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq.G8 Alternatives summit Edinburgh Sunday 3rd July 2005
10-07-2005 15:25

60 Years Ago Dietrich Bonhoeffer was Murdered
10-07-2005 13:02
"Translated in nearly all the languages of the world, Bonhoeffer's texts encourage liberating the Bible from the godless bonds of fundamentalist interpretations and protesting increasingly perfect weapons and destructive relations with the goods of the earth."Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committe Blasts Blair Torture Policy
10-07-2005 11:37
The Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Select Committee Foreign Affairs has launched a damning attack on the government's human rights record in the "War on Terror", urging Blair's government to "end its policy of obfuscation and that it give straight answers to the Committee's questions".TROOPS GOING HOME: ANTICHRIST AND POODLE ADMIT DEFEAT IN IRAQ
10-07-2005 00:40
BRITAIN and America are secretly preparing to withdraw most of their troops from Iraq the SUNDAY MAIL in UK is reporting. The document, Options For Future UK Force Posture In Iraq, is the first conclusive proof that preparations for a major withdrawal from Iraq are well advanced. The secret paper written by UK Defence Secretary John Reid for Tony Blair reveals that many of the 8,500 British troops in Iraq are set to be brought home within three months, with most of the rest returning six months later.Report of Gleneagles march and rally on Wednesday July 6th 2005
09-07-2005 23:39

United for Peace and Justice-Action Alert
09-07-2005 22:41
United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) issues statement from America on London bombings.A G8 protestor reacts to London attacks
09-07-2005 20:34
Here's something I jotted down on the Resist G8 train from Scotland to London. It's basically sets out my feelings at this stage about the political situation, and these may change while I'm actually in London. It's weak on many points, but please see it as a starting point for discussion.NO VIGILS! TROOPS OUT NOW - BLAIR NO CONFIDENCE - OUT NOW
09-07-2005 16:17
What's with the peace vigils? 50 dead in london - that's the price for 50 dead every day in Iraq! Come on, lets turn this around.Blair must go!
Troops out now!
Justice for Palestine!
09-07-2005 13:48
announcement - SATURDAY 5PMBush resigns!
09-07-2005 11:40

If only!