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London Bombings: Blame Blair and Bush

l | 11.07.2005 05:57 | Analysis | Anti-militarism

Re: the London bombings: When you start a war, when you invade another country, you have to expect people to fight back...and you have to expect that people will get killed....that's why it's called "war" .

Bush and Blair started a war. They invaded Iraq and have killed between 100,000 and 200,000 (innocent) Iraqi civilians....(and have maimed and injured many, many more)....and now 50 (innocent) Britians have been killed (and many more injured)....which "they "call "terrorism", as if it were somehow different.

But guess what, it's exactly the same.

War is terrorism.

It's no better to drop a bomb from 30,000 feet and blow someone up, then it is to explode one up in the's the same:

It's called war....and it is "terrorism".

And that's exactly why you don't start wars, as Bush and Blair did.




Display the following 9 comments

  1. Well said — lives in real world
  2. Got it yet ? — Alan
  3. Where is — No-body
  4. We didn't have to invade Iraq — Suzie
  5. Your haing a laugh mate — Nick
  6. The white mans burden — FOAD
  7. Please - can we just have time to pause for thought before debating — A London train passenger
  8. Living and dying in the 'real world' — Richard
  9. A logical leap too far — BRB