UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
War in the Caucasus: Towards a Broader Russia-US Military Confrontation?
12-08-2008 17:19

conflict? Supported by media propaganda, the Western military alliance is
intent on using this incident to confront Russia, as evidenced by recent NATO
Clashes at Lefkimmi's police station, Corfu, Greece
12-08-2008 16:57

"Riots started when more than 150 persons gathered at the work site of the XYTA ("hygienic" disposal center). As the residents claim, they went there to dig water channels at their fields, that are tresspassed by the XYTA works, and the riot police repelled them with batons, bang-light grenades and tear gas. Residents state the policemen were beating and insulting women and children as well. The police claims they were attacked with molotovs, stones and metal screws."
Information Links & Sources for the (short) war in South Ossetia (2)
12-08-2008 14:09
First the good news! Russia has ceased operations.This article will Follow on from the daily updated series of links & sources which began on the 8th of August on the conflict between Georgia & Russia & the aspirations to statehood by both South Ossetia & Abkhazia.
As a bonus extra this article also compiles all IMC UK & IMC Russia pieces which has so far appeared.
Palestine Today 081208
12-08-2008 14:03

Russia, Georgia and South Ossetia
12-08-2008 12:52
Thoughts on the crisis.Hugo Chavez Spearheads the South American Revolution
12-08-2008 11:49
How Venezuela is leading the revolutionary integration of South AmericaDSEi Downing Street legal observer cleared of obstruction on appeal
12-08-2008 09:56
A legal observer convicted in February of obstructing a police officer during a stop and search outside Downing Street won his appeal at Southwark Crown Court in London on Friday, 8 August following a one-and-a-half-day hearing. The incident occurred during a peaceful vigil and blockade of Downing Street last September in memory of victims of the arms trade. The demonstration took place while arms dealers from around the world congregated in east London for Europe’s biggest arms fair.urgent callout against the fascist Nazi bnp
12-08-2008 03:38
urgent calloutthe BNP's annual 'Red, White, & Blue Festival' is due to take place over the weekend of 15-17th of August. 2008
Climate Campaigners Target Military Base
11-08-2008 17:13

Palestine Today 081108
11-08-2008 15:34

Anti War Conspiracy Trial Shambles Draws To A Close
11-08-2008 14:21
Smash EDO Press ReleaseMonday 11th August
For more info call Andrew Beckett or Chloe Walsh on 07875708873 or email
Russia-Georgia conflict: another cartoon (by Latuff)
11-08-2008 14:17

Wed 13th: Discussion on 'The Britain-Colombia Connection
11-08-2008 11:11
Wednesday 13 August 7pm: discussion on 'The Britain-Colombia Connection', at Housmans Bookshop 5 Caledonian Road, Kings Cross, London N1Russia-Georgia conflict: it's about oil...again! (by Latuff)
10-08-2008 02:51

Inventing Terror at Home
09-08-2008 17:57

enemies, real and imagined. They are abetted in this evil enterprise by
corporate media organs that spread domestic hysteria, and by a Congress that
seems eager to classify all dissent as "homegrown terrorism." The author, a
former congressperson and current presidential candidate on the Green Party
ticket, dissects legislation that would classify as terroristic "the
activities of many organizations of the civil rights era." By such
definitions, "Dr. King's type of resistance to the U.S. version of apartheid
could surely be considered homegrown terrorism."
Major Geopolitical crisis looms in ME as world watches Olympics
08-08-2008 19:25
There have been major developments in the Middle East. Russia and Georgia have exchanged hostilities in South Ossetia. A massive US naval armada is enroute to the region and the stage is now set for a confrontation between all the major players in the region over petroleum resources, pipelines and geopolitical aims. Focus and organize now!Two More US Carrier Groups Heading Towards Iran
08-08-2008 18:47
Troubling to say the least.I truly cannot believe what I am witnessing ...
Israel Aids Georgia in Caspian Oil Pipeline Battle with Russia
08-08-2008 17:08
Once again Israel starts a war that others will have to clean up.Only a year ago I was speculating that Israel's real agenda might be to trick the US and Russia into a mutually destructive war, leaving Israel and its nuclear weapons in control of the Middle East and its oil.
This is especially interesting contrasted against the recent revelations which support the antiwar movement's contention that the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan was about oil & gas pipeline routes from the Caspian Sea Basin.
Damn, I hate being right all the time.
Information Links & Sources for the (short) war in South Ossetia
08-08-2008 16:01

First link really should be to the people who invited them to engage not those who provoked them.
This Week in Palestine 32 2008
08-08-2008 15:05