UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Constitutional Renewal Bill
12-04-2008 05:50
In a recent judicial review, the government was found to have acted unlawfully in stopping the SFO investigation into corruption at BAe Systems. The government's response is not, it seems, to re-open the investigation but to draft a bill (the Constitutional Renewal Bill) giving themselves the power to stop such investigations in the future.'War on terror' propaganda of the British press is in high gear
11-04-2008 22:52

Asking Wallace Art Collection not to accept Total Blood Money
11-04-2008 15:19

War and the "New Middle East": US Coalition Building and the Arab League
11-04-2008 14:01

Guantanamo: US embassy Baghdad 'liberation' vigil tonight + other actions
11-04-2008 11:02

Another TOTAL demo in Chester
11-04-2008 07:52

Risky Geopolitical Game: Washington Plays ‘Tibet Roulette’ with China
11-04-2008 07:47
Washington has obviously decided on an ultra-high risk geopolitical game with Beijing’s by fanning the flames of violence in Tibet just at this sensitive time in their relations and on the run-up to the Beijing Olympics. It’s part of an escalating strategy of destabilization of China which has been initiated by the Bush Administration over the past months. It also includes the attempt to ignite an anti-China Saffron Revolution in the neighboring Myanmar region, bringing US-led NATO troops into Darfur where China’s oil companies are developing potentially huge oil reserves. It includes counter moves across mineral-rich Africa. And it includes strenuous efforts to turn India into a major new US forward base on the Asian sub-continent to be deployed against China.April 9th: Iraq, Fifth Anniversary of “Liberation”
10-04-2008 21:57
Iraqis have had yet another western insult imposed upon them: the fifth anniversary of “liberation” and the shameful, staged toppling of the statue of President Saddam Hussein, the face covered by an American flag, by a US marine. A flag, the world was told, which had been rescued from the Twin Towers. Like the alleged hijacker's passport ( the latter presumably chucked from the 'plane before impact) the flag too, survived an inferno that melted steel. The Pentagon PR machine must have burned a lot of midnight oil dreaming up that rubbish. The statue's fall began the systematic destruction and erasure of the history of Mesopotamia and our humanity, ancient and modern.The dubious politics behind the Beijing Olympics protests
10-04-2008 20:23
An effort is under way to organize a campaign against the Beijing Olympics along the same general lines as the boycott of the Moscow games in 1980 engineered by the Carter administration as a propaganda weapon, supposedly in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan the year before.High Court Rules BAE Corruption investigation ended UNLAWFULLY
10-04-2008 15:09
---London to Geneva anti-nuclear walk starts Chernobyl Day, Sat 26 April
10-04-2008 14:37

You are warmly invited to join Footprints for Peace on Saturday 26 April for the start of their three-month, 1500km International Peace Walk towards a Nuclear-Free Future, from London to Geneva through France, in conjunction with the main French anti-nuclear coalition Sortir du Nucleaire.
Hey, Tibet's been part of China for 700 years plus!
10-04-2008 10:20
Humanitarian Interventionists and Benevolent Global Hegemonists, most of whom lack even a rudimentary understanding of China's long and complex history, share a particularly nasty trait. Many of these Globocops imagine because they have downloaded a few pages of separatist propaganda from, and shed a tear or two while watching ‘Seven Years in Tibet,’ that qualifies them as China experts. They believe this qualifies them to pass judgment about whether China ‘deserves’ to remain intact or be forcibly Balkanized by the World's Only Remaining Superpower. Their attitude rivals that of the most contemptible 19th century imperialists.UAAF-TV want your direct action vids!
10-04-2008 04:09

Dahr Jamail: "Beyond the Green Zone" in Glasgow
09-04-2008 12:00
Acclaimed independent journalist Dahr Jamail, who reported unembedded from Iraq over the last 4 years spoke in Glasgow last night.War Clouds Over Mideast
09-04-2008 00:04
The world needs to stop Appeasing these Terrorists, before this gets a whole lot worse ...timeline of antiNATO days, bucharest
08-04-2008 19:22
The NATO summit in Bucharest took place between April 2-4. Activists from Romania and abroad organized “Anti-NATO Days” between March 28 and April 5, as a form of protest. What follows is a daily chronology of events, starting with the repression and abuse by border guards, police and the mass-media, to the actions of solidarity by human rights organizations and foreign activists.Hothead McCain
08-04-2008 04:45
As predicted, the 'Neo-Conservative" War Criminals are attempting to piggy-back their way into the White House once again.Is another Rigged election around the corner?
Israeli 'Emergency Drill' Raises Eyebrows
08-04-2008 01:39
After failing to again trick the world into 'excusing' an Act of Aggression against Iran, it now appears as if Israel will try to provoke one of the countries it wishes to attack.The greatest threat facing the Israeli People is the Extremists within their own Government.
House of Cards: Israel Unrestrained
08-04-2008 01:35
It's time for Israel to prove that the Palestinians have a 'partner for peace'.It's absurd to suggest that, while America remains Israel's underwriter, that it will enter into any viable process. These claims hold about as much water as their wild tales about Iraq and Iran.
The fact that this tragic comedy has been allowed to continue for this long shames us all.