Israeli 'Emergency Drill' Raises Eyebrows
Oppose US/Israeli Neo-Fascism, Agression | 08.04.2008 01:39 | Anti-militarism | World
After failing to again trick the world into 'excusing' an Act of Aggression against Iran, it now appears as if Israel will try to provoke one of the countries it wishes to attack.
The greatest threat facing the Israeli People is the Extremists within their own Government.
The greatest threat facing the Israeli People is the Extremists within their own Government.
JERUSALEM (CNN) -- A day before Israel implements a "routine" emergency drill, an Israeli official Monday said the entire country is at risk of Hezbollah rocket attacks and blamed Iran for "provoking us" by backing the terrorist group.
(The Israeli people should know that the only reason they remain under threat is because their Government refuses to make peace, and continues to provoke conflict in concert with the Americans.)
"An Iranian attack will lead to a harsh retaliation by Israel," says Benyamin Ben Eliezer.
(This suggests that Israel may be plotting something beyond simple provocation, like another False Flag, since the world rejected Israel's calls for Aggression against Iran. Perhaps one of their 'excercises' will deliver 'stray' armaments into Iran.)
Israeli Infrastructure Minister Benyamin Ben Eliezer warned against an attack by Iran, which he said is unlikely to happen.
"An Iranian attack will lead to a harsh retaliation by Israel, which will lead to the destruction of the Iranian nation," Ben Eliezer said, pointing out that Iran "will not attack Israel so quickly because they understand the ramifications."
(Why would Iran attack Israel? This is absurd. The Extremists in the Knesset are attempting to create the illusion of a crisis where none exists, beyond the one they've tried so desperately but fruitlessly to create.)
"They are certainly aware of our strength," he said. "Nonetheless, the Iranians are provoking us through their allies Syria and Hezbollah, (providing) them with much weaponry, and with that we have to contend."
(Again, Israel needs to put up or shut up. This is getting a little old ...)
On Tuesday, Israel will begin a nationwide emergency response starting with a 90-second-long siren that will sound across Israel at 10 a.m. (3 a.m. ET) except in the southern town of Sderot, a frequent target of rocket attacks launched by Palestinian militants in Gaza.
(This is designed to Terrify the Israeli people, making it easier for their Government to dupe them into war.)
Ben Eliezer stressed that the nationwide emergency drill "is not aimed at threatening any of the countries surrounding us." But he offered a bleak scenario for Israel in the face of a future war.
"I predict that in the opening strike, hundreds of rockets will land in Israel," Ben Eliezer said. "There will not be a place in the country out of the range of the missiles and rockets of Syria and Hezbollah."
(Another argument for making peace once and for all, and keeping the Extremists, who are the only ones who profit from a perpetuation of tensions and war, out of the Israeli Government.)
During Tuesday's drill, Israeli television will show a message from the military as well as instructional videos on how to seek shelter during an alert. During that time, Israeli schools and government offices will practice entering protected spaces.
The country will also begin practicing its response to a variety of attacks, including rocket strikes and incidents involving chemical and biological agents.
Haemek Hospital in Afula will be one of the institutions taking part in those drills, which will end on Thursday.
Speaking on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stressed the exercise "is only a drill" and has nothing to do with "exaggerated" reports of heightened tensions with Syria.
"I would like to make it unequivocally clear that this is a routine drill," Olmert said before the start of his weekly Cabinet meeting.
"The state of Israel is not intent on any violent confrontation in the north. On the contrary, we have said more than once that we have an interest in holding peace negotiations with Syria. They know exactly what our expectations are. I can also say that we know what their expectations are; if these conditions will bear fruit, then this is what we are intent on and nothing else."
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the exercise is a direct result of Israel's 2006 war with Hezbollah militants based in Lebanon, which failed to weaken the Hezbollah either militarily or politically.
(In that case, Hizbollah fired at Israeli military installations, but many of them have been constructed in civilians areas. This was to serve as a warning to Israel that the location of these sites is known, but also allowed Israel to create the myth that Hezbollah was firing indiscriminately, like the UN said Israel was doing in Lebanon.)
"The Second Lebanon War created a situation by which the home front is part of the front," Barak said Monday. "Israel has no interest in escalating the situation in the region."
(That's ALL they've been trying to do!)
Olmert: Emergency drill is not cover for attack on Syria
(However, this IS a preparation for something, judging from the resources being utilized.)
By Barak Ravid and Yuval Azoulay
Israel's largest-ever emergency drill starts today to test the authorities' preparedness for threats such as a missile attack on central Israel.
Ministers will go over various scenarios in which thousands of missiles and rockets are fired at Israel, incurring many civilian causalities. There will also be scenarios including the use of non-conventional weapons.
"The drill is no front for Israeli bellicose intentions toward Syria," Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said. "Its aim is to check the various authorities' ability to carry out their functions."
"The Syrians know they have no reason to interpret this drill in any other way," Olmert said. He addressed news reports over tensions between Israel and Syria, and said talk about the possible outbreak of hostilities should be toned down. "We still have an interest to carry out peaceful negotiations with the Syrians, who know what our expectations are of them and know we know what their expectations are."
The drill will include a simulated missile attack on civilian areas - some missiles with chemical warheads. The Home Front Command, national emergency authority, government ministries and emergency services will take part.
The Israel Defense Forces said yesterday that the exercise aimed "to prepare the different services and institutes operating in the civilian environment for various emergency situations." It said the exercise was "not planned in relation to any current events."
At 10 A.M. on Tuesday, a siren will sound throughout the country and children from kindergarten up will practice emergency procedures. State employees are also expected to drill emergency procedures at their workplaces.
Just before the siren, the new Home Front broadcasting center will be unveiled under the command of Gadi Sukenik, a former commando and anchorman for Channel 2.
The center will broadcast for an hour instead of Channel 33, which usually broadcasts Knesset proceedings.
Local governments will then join the exercise, following instructions to be given on the spot.
The exercise will continue throughout the week, with scenarios including a simulated hazardous-material spill in Haifa Bay, the rescue of survivors from a collapsed building in the Meron and Nazareth areas, and the firing of ground-to-ground missiles equipped with chemical warheads.
During the exercise, Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud Barak will conduct situation reviews and make decisions based on the various scenarios as they unfold.
MDA goes underground
A new underground Magen David Adom emergency service headquarters in Haifa will be unveiled during the nationwide drill.
Located underneath the central bus station, the center cost NIS 1.5 million to renovate and is equipped with state-of-the-art technology.
MDA's Haifa branch said the headquarters was built as a result of lessons learned during the Second Lebanon War, when the Haifa area was hit by dozens of rockets and missiles fired by Hezbollah. It can lodge MDA staff and their families for long periods of time.
"Its spaciousness will give its teams more room for operational and administrative functioning," said Shimon Biton, MDA chief in the Haifa area. "No doubt, the MDA's preparedness has undergone serious change, and it could be said we've taken a couple of steps forward."
Israel Threatens Iran With Destruction§ionid=351020101
These comments suggest Israel may be planning another 'False Flag' in order to start its desired war.
Ritter says White House preparing for war in Iran
Israel's Extremists Laying Groundwork for Iran War
Israel's Syrian Air Strike Was Aimed at Iran
The ME has had a Secretive Nuclear Power in its Midst for Years
Spooks Refuse to Toe Cheney's Line on Iran
IAEA Again Verifies Iranian Compliance
Israel Considering Strike on Iran Despite US Intelligence Report,,2224052,00.html
US intelligence report heightens danger of Israeli strike on Iran
'Laptop of Death': Revising the NIE on Iran
The entire claim that Iran was building nuclear weapons rests on a laptop provided by a single, dubious source. /ips/akhavi.php?articleid=12028 /prather/?articleid=12025
Israeli Extremists Prep for Nuclear Strike on Iran
Hersh: Israel Pressed me to Write Syrian Site was Nuclear
Sy Hersh confirms: Syrian Facility Bombed by Israel Not Nuclear
A Strike in the Dark
What did Israel bomb in Syria?
by Seymour M. Hersh
Israel & The 'Clash of Civilizations'
Israel, US Joint Plotting Against Iran, Attack ElBaredei
(The Israeli people should know that the only reason they remain under threat is because their Government refuses to make peace, and continues to provoke conflict in concert with the Americans.)
"An Iranian attack will lead to a harsh retaliation by Israel," says Benyamin Ben Eliezer.
(This suggests that Israel may be plotting something beyond simple provocation, like another False Flag, since the world rejected Israel's calls for Aggression against Iran. Perhaps one of their 'excercises' will deliver 'stray' armaments into Iran.)
Israeli Infrastructure Minister Benyamin Ben Eliezer warned against an attack by Iran, which he said is unlikely to happen.
"An Iranian attack will lead to a harsh retaliation by Israel, which will lead to the destruction of the Iranian nation," Ben Eliezer said, pointing out that Iran "will not attack Israel so quickly because they understand the ramifications."
(Why would Iran attack Israel? This is absurd. The Extremists in the Knesset are attempting to create the illusion of a crisis where none exists, beyond the one they've tried so desperately but fruitlessly to create.)
"They are certainly aware of our strength," he said. "Nonetheless, the Iranians are provoking us through their allies Syria and Hezbollah, (providing) them with much weaponry, and with that we have to contend."
(Again, Israel needs to put up or shut up. This is getting a little old ...)
On Tuesday, Israel will begin a nationwide emergency response starting with a 90-second-long siren that will sound across Israel at 10 a.m. (3 a.m. ET) except in the southern town of Sderot, a frequent target of rocket attacks launched by Palestinian militants in Gaza.
(This is designed to Terrify the Israeli people, making it easier for their Government to dupe them into war.)
Ben Eliezer stressed that the nationwide emergency drill "is not aimed at threatening any of the countries surrounding us." But he offered a bleak scenario for Israel in the face of a future war.
"I predict that in the opening strike, hundreds of rockets will land in Israel," Ben Eliezer said. "There will not be a place in the country out of the range of the missiles and rockets of Syria and Hezbollah."
(Another argument for making peace once and for all, and keeping the Extremists, who are the only ones who profit from a perpetuation of tensions and war, out of the Israeli Government.)
During Tuesday's drill, Israeli television will show a message from the military as well as instructional videos on how to seek shelter during an alert. During that time, Israeli schools and government offices will practice entering protected spaces.
The country will also begin practicing its response to a variety of attacks, including rocket strikes and incidents involving chemical and biological agents.
Haemek Hospital in Afula will be one of the institutions taking part in those drills, which will end on Thursday.
Speaking on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stressed the exercise "is only a drill" and has nothing to do with "exaggerated" reports of heightened tensions with Syria.
"I would like to make it unequivocally clear that this is a routine drill," Olmert said before the start of his weekly Cabinet meeting.
"The state of Israel is not intent on any violent confrontation in the north. On the contrary, we have said more than once that we have an interest in holding peace negotiations with Syria. They know exactly what our expectations are. I can also say that we know what their expectations are; if these conditions will bear fruit, then this is what we are intent on and nothing else."
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the exercise is a direct result of Israel's 2006 war with Hezbollah militants based in Lebanon, which failed to weaken the Hezbollah either militarily or politically.
(In that case, Hizbollah fired at Israeli military installations, but many of them have been constructed in civilians areas. This was to serve as a warning to Israel that the location of these sites is known, but also allowed Israel to create the myth that Hezbollah was firing indiscriminately, like the UN said Israel was doing in Lebanon.)
"The Second Lebanon War created a situation by which the home front is part of the front," Barak said Monday. "Israel has no interest in escalating the situation in the region."
(That's ALL they've been trying to do!)

Olmert: Emergency drill is not cover for attack on Syria
(However, this IS a preparation for something, judging from the resources being utilized.)
By Barak Ravid and Yuval Azoulay
Israel's largest-ever emergency drill starts today to test the authorities' preparedness for threats such as a missile attack on central Israel.
Ministers will go over various scenarios in which thousands of missiles and rockets are fired at Israel, incurring many civilian causalities. There will also be scenarios including the use of non-conventional weapons.
"The drill is no front for Israeli bellicose intentions toward Syria," Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said. "Its aim is to check the various authorities' ability to carry out their functions."
"The Syrians know they have no reason to interpret this drill in any other way," Olmert said. He addressed news reports over tensions between Israel and Syria, and said talk about the possible outbreak of hostilities should be toned down. "We still have an interest to carry out peaceful negotiations with the Syrians, who know what our expectations are of them and know we know what their expectations are."
The drill will include a simulated missile attack on civilian areas - some missiles with chemical warheads. The Home Front Command, national emergency authority, government ministries and emergency services will take part.
The Israel Defense Forces said yesterday that the exercise aimed "to prepare the different services and institutes operating in the civilian environment for various emergency situations." It said the exercise was "not planned in relation to any current events."
At 10 A.M. on Tuesday, a siren will sound throughout the country and children from kindergarten up will practice emergency procedures. State employees are also expected to drill emergency procedures at their workplaces.
Just before the siren, the new Home Front broadcasting center will be unveiled under the command of Gadi Sukenik, a former commando and anchorman for Channel 2.
The center will broadcast for an hour instead of Channel 33, which usually broadcasts Knesset proceedings.
Local governments will then join the exercise, following instructions to be given on the spot.
The exercise will continue throughout the week, with scenarios including a simulated hazardous-material spill in Haifa Bay, the rescue of survivors from a collapsed building in the Meron and Nazareth areas, and the firing of ground-to-ground missiles equipped with chemical warheads.
During the exercise, Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud Barak will conduct situation reviews and make decisions based on the various scenarios as they unfold.
MDA goes underground
A new underground Magen David Adom emergency service headquarters in Haifa will be unveiled during the nationwide drill.
Located underneath the central bus station, the center cost NIS 1.5 million to renovate and is equipped with state-of-the-art technology.
MDA's Haifa branch said the headquarters was built as a result of lessons learned during the Second Lebanon War, when the Haifa area was hit by dozens of rockets and missiles fired by Hezbollah. It can lodge MDA staff and their families for long periods of time.
"Its spaciousness will give its teams more room for operational and administrative functioning," said Shimon Biton, MDA chief in the Haifa area. "No doubt, the MDA's preparedness has undergone serious change, and it could be said we've taken a couple of steps forward."

Israel Threatens Iran With Destruction

These comments suggest Israel may be planning another 'False Flag' in order to start its desired war.
Ritter says White House preparing for war in Iran

Israel's Extremists Laying Groundwork for Iran War

Israel's Syrian Air Strike Was Aimed at Iran

The ME has had a Secretive Nuclear Power in its Midst for Years

Spooks Refuse to Toe Cheney's Line on Iran

IAEA Again Verifies Iranian Compliance

Israel Considering Strike on Iran Despite US Intelligence Report

US intelligence report heightens danger of Israeli strike on Iran

'Laptop of Death': Revising the NIE on Iran
The entire claim that Iran was building nuclear weapons rests on a laptop provided by a single, dubious source.

Israeli Extremists Prep for Nuclear Strike on Iran

Hersh: Israel Pressed me to Write Syrian Site was Nuclear

Sy Hersh confirms: Syrian Facility Bombed by Israel Not Nuclear

A Strike in the Dark
What did Israel bomb in Syria?
by Seymour M. Hersh

Israel & The 'Clash of Civilizations'

Israel, US Joint Plotting Against Iran, Attack ElBaredei

Oppose US/Israeli Neo-Fascism, Agression