Call to Action
Smash EDO | 02.02.2008 21:46 | Anti-militarism | South Coast
February has been declared a national month of action against affiliates of EDO MBM! We are calling on people round the country to take direct action against these merchants of genocide.
EDO MBM's supply of weapons systems to the US, UK and Israeli Armed Forces for their illegal invasion and occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine have caused more than a million deaths in recent years.
Since 2005 residents from Brighton & Hove, rallying under the banner "Smash EDO", have been campaigning to close down this company. The campaign has also become a test case for the freedom to protest. Sussex police and EDO MBM management have been trying to stamp out the weekly noise demos, even trying to impose an injunction to ban peaceful protest outside the factory. Which successful would have paved the way for the downfall of the basic principals of democracy... Fortunately they lost!
The police and EDO MBM management are desperate to eradicate our civil liberties. Despite heavy policing from the metropolitan police and Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT), the campaign continues to succeed. During the last protest camp in Wild Park Brighton, police invoked an 1872 byelaw created to prevent the spread of cholera as an excuse to steal tents and property of peaceful protestors. A five hour operation involving 55 police offices ensued for an archaic law carrying a maximum fine of £2. Despite this flagrant intimidation and harassment the event continued thanks to the support of Brighton’s community who donated food and bedding, proving which side in the dispute has Brighton’s support. This is not a city that panders to the arms trade.
With around 15 arrests since August, some of which could result in very serious trumped up charges, Smash EDO have decided to up the pace and start targeting not only the factory itself, but also those companies working with it. These companies include;
The Sussex-based anti-protest specialists "Guardian Guards" who supply security to the factory and operate clamping services in car parks. Led by the infamous Mr Lynch, more commonly known by his victims as "egghead". I’m sure many of you are already familiar with them due to their heavy handed security at several protest sites, including Titnore woods in Durrington.
"TNT","DHL", "Initial City Link" and "Interlink Express" all of which frequently carry weapons components and other vitals to and from the factory, making possible the continuation of production of weapons at the factory.
We believe that if these companies and their employee's are informed of their role in the deaths of over a million people, and enough “pressure” is put on them, we can stop them delivering and shut this factory down for good!
Guardian Guards is located in Arundel road, Worthing, West Sussex.
Tel: 01903 269 999 Fax: 01903 269 988
For the address of the nearest involved couriers, please visit one of the following links:
City Link:
Interlink Express:
Together we can make possible the changes needed for a fairer and less deadly society, longed for by so many.
Please visit the Smash EDO website @
Peace, Love, Solidarity and good luck to you all!
Thank you
Smash EDO
Since 2005 residents from Brighton & Hove, rallying under the banner "Smash EDO", have been campaigning to close down this company. The campaign has also become a test case for the freedom to protest. Sussex police and EDO MBM management have been trying to stamp out the weekly noise demos, even trying to impose an injunction to ban peaceful protest outside the factory. Which successful would have paved the way for the downfall of the basic principals of democracy... Fortunately they lost!
The police and EDO MBM management are desperate to eradicate our civil liberties. Despite heavy policing from the metropolitan police and Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT), the campaign continues to succeed. During the last protest camp in Wild Park Brighton, police invoked an 1872 byelaw created to prevent the spread of cholera as an excuse to steal tents and property of peaceful protestors. A five hour operation involving 55 police offices ensued for an archaic law carrying a maximum fine of £2. Despite this flagrant intimidation and harassment the event continued thanks to the support of Brighton’s community who donated food and bedding, proving which side in the dispute has Brighton’s support. This is not a city that panders to the arms trade.
With around 15 arrests since August, some of which could result in very serious trumped up charges, Smash EDO have decided to up the pace and start targeting not only the factory itself, but also those companies working with it. These companies include;
The Sussex-based anti-protest specialists "Guardian Guards" who supply security to the factory and operate clamping services in car parks. Led by the infamous Mr Lynch, more commonly known by his victims as "egghead". I’m sure many of you are already familiar with them due to their heavy handed security at several protest sites, including Titnore woods in Durrington.
"TNT","DHL", "Initial City Link" and "Interlink Express" all of which frequently carry weapons components and other vitals to and from the factory, making possible the continuation of production of weapons at the factory.
We believe that if these companies and their employee's are informed of their role in the deaths of over a million people, and enough “pressure” is put on them, we can stop them delivering and shut this factory down for good!
Guardian Guards is located in Arundel road, Worthing, West Sussex.
Tel: 01903 269 999 Fax: 01903 269 988
For the address of the nearest involved couriers, please visit one of the following links:


City Link:

Interlink Express:

Together we can make possible the changes needed for a fairer and less deadly society, longed for by so many.
Please visit the Smash EDO website @
Peace, Love, Solidarity and good luck to you all!
Thank you
Smash EDO
Smash EDO
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