Unusual addition to WTC aircraft
Tobe Gerrard | 11.03.2005 22:10 | Analysis | Anti-militarism
Would anybody from Indymedia care to explain what this is attached to the underside of this 'passenger' aircraft about to hit the World Trade Centre - preferably before they hide this article for some obscure reason.
This image is taken from a private video shot by a Czech visitor to New York, Pavel Hlava. It was captured from a video report from The New York Times and without any enhancement shows something attached under the fuselage of the plane with far greater clarity that any of the official news footage which strangely has not been broadcast since late 2001. It really needs to be stressed that the white highlight in this captured still is NOT the pre-impact flash. It would appear to be a reflection from the building in the foreground. The original New York Times report can be seen here:

Tobe Gerrard
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