UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Brian Haw for London Mayor
07-11-2007 16:13
Peace campaigner Brian Haw for London MayorNational Conference of US Lawyers Approve Resolution in Favor of the Cuban Five
07-11-2007 15:57

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Distribution of free food to become illegal in London
07-11-2007 13:36
London Councils, which represents the 33 local authorities in London has prepared a private bill, the tenth "London Local Authorities Bill" which will make the distribution of free food and refreshments anywhere in London an offence. The bill is to be put in front of Parliament on the 27th November 2007.Sheffield "NO MORE WAR" day school with Craig Murray
07-11-2007 12:36
SATURDAY 10th Nov: Sheffield StWC "NO MORE WAR" day school takes placebetween 10-4pm at the Burngreave Vestry Hall, Burngreave Road and features
contributors including Mike Gonzalez on Venezuela and Latin America, Musheir
El Farra from the PSC, former ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, Chris
Nineham, from national Stop the War talking on the incresing threat to Iran
plus members of the Burma campaign for democracy. Delegates £5/£3
Abu Graib Torture Corporation CACI To Be Tried in US
07-11-2007 09:56
Corporation Responsible For Interrogations At Abu Ghraib Will Be Tried By Jury For Torture
Major Case Against Private Military Contractor To Go Forward
The latest 'obstacle to peace'
06-11-2007 23:40
The IAEA and its head, Dr. Mohammed ElBaradei, are coming under increasing attack from the governments of the US and Israel. Their 'crime' is to deny that there is any evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. The smears against the IAEA suggest the beginnings of a campaign to undermine it that has strong parallels with the campaign to undermine Hans Blix and UNMOVIC in 2003.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Birmingham students take a second swipe at BAE Systems
06-11-2007 23:00

New warhead facility at AWE Burghfield: just three days left to object
06-11-2007 21:26
DEADLINE for planning objections to new warhead components facility at Atomic Weapons Establishment Burghfield, Berkshire is **FRIDAY 9 NOVEMBER**. Please don't miss this opportunity to put a spanner in the works of Britain's WMD renewal programme (sample email/letter provided).RBS, Barclays and Natwest - Investors in Depleted Uranium
06-11-2007 13:30

Protest Against The Military Dictatorship In Pakistan
06-11-2007 11:04
THURSDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2007, 12.30 – 1.30 pmPakistani Consulate
2/26 Constitution Hill, Birmingham B19 3LH
ICBUW Launches Global Disinvestment Campaign
06-11-2007 10:28

Protest against the military dictatorship in Pakistan
06-11-2007 01:38
A protest against the military dictator of Pakistan Gen. Pervez Musharraf's decision to impose martial law (in the name of emergency) has been organised by the South Asian Alliance. Following is the press release issued by the Alliance. Please do try to come to the protest and register our support for Pakistani people's struggle against the "pro-west" tyrant.Fall out from Bush/Blairs respect war against Islam: "'Thousands' pose UK....
05-11-2007 14:16
....terror threat."Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Anti-Trident Protest in Edinburgh looses direction but continues to sing along
05-11-2007 12:20

Maya Anne Evans, SOCPA protestor, faces prison
05-11-2007 11:37
Maya Anne Evans, the first person to be convicted of noncompliance with the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (2005) - for reading the names of the Iraq war dead opposite Downing Street in October 2005, is in court on Tuesday 6 November for her refusal to pay two fines imposed for SOCPA convictions. She explains the reasons behind her refusal.Campaign against the “11th European Police Congress“
05-11-2007 10:52

Against a “Global Security Architecture”, for more security-critical behaviour!
In the recent months more information about the investigation methods of security forces has been revealed: data storage, online searches, so-called “textual analysis of political pamphlets“ (used in the paragrpah 129a investigations against anti-G8 activists in Germany) and so forth. Police and intelligence services want to attain unrestricted access to personal data and internet user profiles. Internet providers are now forced to save their data traffic long-term in order to relieve the police databases.
The debate around the introduction of biometrical passports has called into attention the fact that the industry has already developed complex surveillance systems: Iris-scanning, RFID chips (e.g. for supermarkets or on ID cards) or automatic facial recognition. In the context of border control “privileged travellers” are supposed to be able to cross borders “automatically”. The new “European Agency for the operative cooperation in the field of management of external borders” (FRONTEX) is in charge of assessing permanently the risks and dangers at the borders of the EU, and to provide more coordination and control. Technological armament is at the centre of the agency’s policies.
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Israel's Collective Punishment (by Latuff)
05-11-2007 09:06

Channel 4 Dispatches plays safe on corruption
05-11-2007 02:11
Last Monday Channel 4's Dispatches broadcast a tired old story about corruption in Africa. In contrast, it has refused to make a program about fraud on UK government arms contracts, and the extraordinary favours government ministers and civil servants have done for companies accused of such fraud.New Video Documents Looting in Nahr al-Bared Camp
04-11-2007 12:07
In May 2007 Nahr al Bared Refugee Camp, home to over 40,000 Palestinian refugees, became the site of a 4-month battle between the Lebanese Army and extremist group Fatah al-Islam.Webster Tarpley: It's over
04-11-2007 05:51
And if any of you out there thinks he's still worth it, you haven't been paying attention...attacking peace activists, and then your own, is just not on...Webster Tarpley: Your services will no longer be required