NATO: Cluster Bombing of Misrata
Brian Pohlman | 26.05.2011 13:53 | Guantánamo | Anti-militarism | Repression | Terror War | Cambridge
On the 15th April 2011, during the day, sub-munitions of a MAT-120 cluster bomb were shown to Human Rights Watch (HRW) and C.J. Chivers, a journalist for the New York Times, in Misrata. On that evening, during ongoing clashes between rebel and loyalist forces, Human Rights Watch workers witnessed 3 or 4 cluster munitions landing in residential areas of Misrata. HRW attest to further subsequent such bombings. Civilians were killed in these attacks and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, condemned: .........
“The reported repeated use of cluster munitions and heavy weaponry by Libyan government forces in their attempt to regain control of the besieged city of Misrata.”
She noted that one cluster bomb had reportedly exploded a few hundred metres from a hospital in Misrata while another two clinics were apparently hit by mortar or sniper fire.
“Using imprecise weaponry such as cluster munitions, multiple rocket launchers and mortars, and other forms of heavy weaponry, in crowded urban areas will inevitably lead to civilian casualties.”
The rush to judgement
Both HRW and C.J. Chivers immediately blamed these attacks on the Gaddafi regime and the news has been a front page and first item on the television news around the world.
Here are the relevant HRW and NYT reports:
Cluster munitions 'used in Misrata' ????????? Fred Abrahams on BBC Radio 4 Today Program 16 April 2011 ..........
Libya: Cluster Munitions Strike Misrata ........ ????????????? ...........
Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: May 26, 2011 ........ U.S. Supplies Bombs To NATO Allies For Libyan War Canadian Warplanes Have Dropped 240 Bombs On Libya NATO’s Intensified Air War: 8,394 Air Missions, 3,175 Strike Sorties ............... M O R E:
The cluster bombing of Misrata: The case against the USA .......... The ongoing HRI investigation of the cluster bombing of Misrata in April 2011 has found convincing evidence the bombing was committed by US naval forces. ......... M O R E:
Here is USS Barry earlier in the Libyan operation firing Tomahawk missiles into Libya - Video:
Hear this call on behalf of millions of Libyans now facing a new stage in the increasingly indiscriminate bombing of NATO that is now targeting civilian infrastructure with exponentially increasing civilian casualties. He only asks you to do a few simple things. Get organized! .....................
If you want to see another good source of info, please check out this blog done by a Spanish lady that is now (date: may 25 2011) in Libya and has friends there:
Libyen während der Zeit des Faschismus - ein vergessenes Kapitel der Geschichtsschreibung
Bis zum Jahr 1911 war Libyen ein Teil des Osmanischen Reiches, das sich in dieser Zeit bereits im Prozess der Auflösung befand. Anfang des XX. Jahrhunderts entschied sich das Italien von Giolitti, Libyen zu okkupieren (Giolitti, geb. 1842, gest. 1928, war ein prägender italienischer Politiker und mehrfacher Ministerpräsident des Landes). Die Vatikanbank Banco di Roma hatte bereits im Vorfeld - neben den europäischen Kapitalisten – durch Bergwerkskonzessionen, Schifffahrtseinrichtungen und Industrieanlagen in Libyen Fuß gefasst und damit die militärische Invasion ökonomisch vorbereitet. .........
(|en ) Libya during the period of fascism - a forgotten chapter of history
Until 1911, Libya was a part of the Ottoman Empire, which was at that time already in the process of dissolution. Beginning of the XX. Century, the Italy of Giolitti chose to occupy Libya (Giolitti, born 1842, died 1928, was a formative Italian politician and multiple prime minister of the country). The Vatican Bank was Banco di Roma in advance - in addition to European capitalists - through mining concessions, marine equipment and industrial installations in Libya to take root and thus prepared the military invasion economically. .........
She noted that one cluster bomb had reportedly exploded a few hundred metres from a hospital in Misrata while another two clinics were apparently hit by mortar or sniper fire.
“Using imprecise weaponry such as cluster munitions, multiple rocket launchers and mortars, and other forms of heavy weaponry, in crowded urban areas will inevitably lead to civilian casualties.”
The rush to judgement
Both HRW and C.J. Chivers immediately blamed these attacks on the Gaddafi regime and the news has been a front page and first item on the television news around the world.
Here are the relevant HRW and NYT reports:
Cluster munitions 'used in Misrata' ????????? Fred Abrahams on BBC Radio 4 Today Program 16 April 2011 ..........

Libya: Cluster Munitions Strike Misrata ........ ????????????? ...........

Libyan war updates/Stop NATO news: May 26, 2011 ........ U.S. Supplies Bombs To NATO Allies For Libyan War Canadian Warplanes Have Dropped 240 Bombs On Libya NATO’s Intensified Air War: 8,394 Air Missions, 3,175 Strike Sorties ............... M O R E:

The cluster bombing of Misrata: The case against the USA .......... The ongoing HRI investigation of the cluster bombing of Misrata in April 2011 has found convincing evidence the bombing was committed by US naval forces. ......... M O R E:

Here is USS Barry earlier in the Libyan operation firing Tomahawk missiles into Libya - Video:

Hear this call on behalf of millions of Libyans now facing a new stage in the increasingly indiscriminate bombing of NATO that is now targeting civilian infrastructure with exponentially increasing civilian casualties. He only asks you to do a few simple things. Get organized! .....................

If you want to see another good source of info, please check out this blog done by a Spanish lady that is now (date: may 25 2011) in Libya and has friends there:

Libyen während der Zeit des Faschismus - ein vergessenes Kapitel der Geschichtsschreibung
Bis zum Jahr 1911 war Libyen ein Teil des Osmanischen Reiches, das sich in dieser Zeit bereits im Prozess der Auflösung befand. Anfang des XX. Jahrhunderts entschied sich das Italien von Giolitti, Libyen zu okkupieren (Giolitti, geb. 1842, gest. 1928, war ein prägender italienischer Politiker und mehrfacher Ministerpräsident des Landes). Die Vatikanbank Banco di Roma hatte bereits im Vorfeld - neben den europäischen Kapitalisten – durch Bergwerkskonzessionen, Schifffahrtseinrichtungen und Industrieanlagen in Libyen Fuß gefasst und damit die militärische Invasion ökonomisch vorbereitet. .........


Until 1911, Libya was a part of the Ottoman Empire, which was at that time already in the process of dissolution. Beginning of the XX. Century, the Italy of Giolitti chose to occupy Libya (Giolitti, born 1842, died 1928, was a formative Italian politician and multiple prime minister of the country). The Vatican Bank was Banco di Roma in advance - in addition to European capitalists - through mining concessions, marine equipment and industrial installations in Libya to take root and thus prepared the military invasion economically. .........

Brian Pohlman
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