UK Election: a vote for peace
Tony Gosling | 23.03.2005 11:42 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Globalisation
This is one of the most important UK elctions ever this coming May. And much more difficult to fix than the US ones were. Lets make sure it's not a Blair / Howerd Punch and Judy show and that we use our votes - and access to voting record of our MP's - intelligently for promoting peace and sending the gullible and warmongering MP's down into the dustbin of history. If you agree with my three point voting plan please promote it amongst your UK friends and neighbours. The hopes and fears of countless millions around the world are riding on this one.
2. UK Election: Three point peace plan for May
I have no vote in the UK's May General Election, as I'm homeless. I wish I had, because our representatives, chosen at this election, will determine the destiny of the world for some truly crucial years to come. A stark choice confronts us - either Tony Blair behind bars awaiting trial for war crimes - or the same man shoehorning in totalitarian laws for another four years.
There is ample evidence if we care to dig for it, that ruthless elements, cloaked by official; secrect within our armed forces and intelligence services have been killing innocent citizens, blaming those deaths on the current 'bogey', left wing militants or Al Quaeeda, and getting away with it. Just do a web search for "9/11 truth" or "Bologna" and "Gladio" and you'll see what I mean. The obsessive secrecy Britain is plunging into also becomes clearer.
The US mission for a global empire is in full flow, the war crimes are scrolling past on our computer monitors and TV screens and the public are slowly cottoning on. The big question right now is - as the totalitarian truth leaks out - for how long will the British public buy it?
Will we buy the deaths and sackings of journalists, our eyes and ears? Will we buy destruction of public services to pay for massive military spending? Will we believe Blair when he launches an attack on Moslems and says he's not a racist? Will we, this May, buy into a Punch and Judy show election between two traitors, Howard and Blair?
How we Britains vote in response to the shame of being implicated in Bush's amoral imperial carnage is a choice of truly historic proportions. And the hopes of the world will be with us.
Unlike the US elections, with their easily fixable electronic and postal systems, UK elections are conducted in traditional secret ballots on numbered slips of paper which the candidates can verify. Even if Special Branch do go through ballot papers afterwards to see if you voted for a Moslem the end result is very difficult to fix. And just like last year's Spanish elections the people really do have a chance to say a clear NO to plans for a global police state, and NO to a never ending war on Moslem 'terrorist' freedom fighters.
Please, if you do nothing else in the run-up this forthcoming election do the following three things.
1. Find out the name and party of your MP.
2. Find out if they voted against the war. If they abstained or voted for, it it's bye-bye traitor!
3. The best chance to remove mincing or pro-war New Labour MP's will almost certainly be to vote Liberal Democrat.
Whether or not the Campbell, Blair, Hain, Milburn, Prescott vision for Britain is allowed to unfold really is down to us, and whether we can be bothered to pull out our fingers to stop it. That means supporting Labour MP's that voted against the war and voting in Liberal Democrats elsewhere, the party that sees right through the ridiculous War on Terror and will help bring in an electoral system, PR, which would mean Britain seeing it first Green MP's!
Now how's that for a plan of action!
US election fraud
US war crimes
I have no vote in the UK's May General Election, as I'm homeless. I wish I had, because our representatives, chosen at this election, will determine the destiny of the world for some truly crucial years to come. A stark choice confronts us - either Tony Blair behind bars awaiting trial for war crimes - or the same man shoehorning in totalitarian laws for another four years.
There is ample evidence if we care to dig for it, that ruthless elements, cloaked by official; secrect within our armed forces and intelligence services have been killing innocent citizens, blaming those deaths on the current 'bogey', left wing militants or Al Quaeeda, and getting away with it. Just do a web search for "9/11 truth" or "Bologna" and "Gladio" and you'll see what I mean. The obsessive secrecy Britain is plunging into also becomes clearer.
The US mission for a global empire is in full flow, the war crimes are scrolling past on our computer monitors and TV screens and the public are slowly cottoning on. The big question right now is - as the totalitarian truth leaks out - for how long will the British public buy it?
Will we buy the deaths and sackings of journalists, our eyes and ears? Will we buy destruction of public services to pay for massive military spending? Will we believe Blair when he launches an attack on Moslems and says he's not a racist? Will we, this May, buy into a Punch and Judy show election between two traitors, Howard and Blair?
How we Britains vote in response to the shame of being implicated in Bush's amoral imperial carnage is a choice of truly historic proportions. And the hopes of the world will be with us.
Unlike the US elections, with their easily fixable electronic and postal systems, UK elections are conducted in traditional secret ballots on numbered slips of paper which the candidates can verify. Even if Special Branch do go through ballot papers afterwards to see if you voted for a Moslem the end result is very difficult to fix. And just like last year's Spanish elections the people really do have a chance to say a clear NO to plans for a global police state, and NO to a never ending war on Moslem 'terrorist' freedom fighters.
Please, if you do nothing else in the run-up this forthcoming election do the following three things.
1. Find out the name and party of your MP.

2. Find out if they voted against the war. If they abstained or voted for, it it's bye-bye traitor!

3. The best chance to remove mincing or pro-war New Labour MP's will almost certainly be to vote Liberal Democrat.
Whether or not the Campbell, Blair, Hain, Milburn, Prescott vision for Britain is allowed to unfold really is down to us, and whether we can be bothered to pull out our fingers to stop it. That means supporting Labour MP's that voted against the war and voting in Liberal Democrats elsewhere, the party that sees right through the ridiculous War on Terror and will help bring in an electoral system, PR, which would mean Britain seeing it first Green MP's!
Now how's that for a plan of action!
US election fraud

US war crimes

Tony Gosling
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