UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Veterans For Peace at The Cenotaph
05-11-2013 17:09

1330 hrs
Trafalgar Square
Veterans For Peace UK to walk to The Cenotaph with a message of peace.
Neocolonial dementia, psy-warfare and media complicity
02-11-2013 12:23

Is the Zamboanga Uprising more than a Spark in the Darkness?
29-10-2013 12:12
There is no clear definition what it is in its own view, but from the perspective of a distance it appears to be Asia´s fourth subcontinent, or its first one, depending on the direction of counting. The chain of volcanic peninsulas and islands along the tectonic line between East Asia and Australia is increasingly plagued by the same neoliberalist woes as its three subcontinental brethren. In addition to that, or more precisely as the cause of that consequence, it is affected by a sort of oceanic backlash where a weakening of the destructive forces harboured by the Americas on one side is resulting in their increased destructivity on the other, and in a different form also vice versa. In the recent weeks, as rebels on Mindanao began an offensive that could only succeed through crystallising a large amount of external attention in its early stages, this geopolitical focus has appeared as the most remarkable blind spot on the surface of the commercial narrative. In the rule of lies which is reporting about every little incident in West Asia, the MNLF seems to be operating on another planet. Yet at light speed the occurrence of its activity coincided with a major disruption of the imperialist narrative demanding explanation, the so-called "government shutdown."Jeremy Scahill: The Expansion of the War Zone
26-10-2013 11:43
Germany plays a central role in US military operations since 9/11 and is a major enabler of the US assassination program, says Jeremy Scahill. Many of the operations of the Joint Special Operation Command, the covert US elite forces, are being planned at the US Africa Command “AFRICOM” in Stuttgart/Germany. More than 70 countries in the world have access to weaponized drone technology. Germany is also trying to acquire them. It is only a matter of time that they will be used. Furthermore the US military has donated its equipment to police agencies.Yet another arrest at NSA Menwith Hill - call out for support next Tuesday
24-10-2013 20:49

Please consider coming to the Tuesday pm demonstration at Menwith Hill – held each week from 6-8 pm.
This Saturday, you can join the growing movement in the US calling on the government to get out of our private lives, at the biggest protest yet against NSA spying. But we could do this on Tuesday next week: STOP SPYING ON US – please bring a sign.
Royal Marines Murder Injuurd Afgan Prisoner in Cold Blood
24-10-2013 13:27
Headlines from today's newspaper about atrocities in Afganistan.Sat 2 Nov in Liverpool & Sun 3 Nov in Wrexham: Solidarity gigs/events for US prisoner of conscience Private Manning
22-10-2013 10:48

Join us in Liverpool and Wrexham as the Rugby League World Cup gets underway
SAT 2 NOV 6pm - 11pm
Live music, films and speakers at The Casa, 29 Hope St, Liverpool
Entry by donation
SUN 3 NOV from 11.30am
Vigil outside the Wales vs USA match at Wrexham Racecourse, Mold Rd, followed by Social nearby in the afternoon.
MON 4 NOV from 9.30am
Join us at Bristol Crown Court where a police prosecution over display of FREE MANNING banners continues.
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Catholic among the Pigeons
20-10-2013 10:18
Ciaron O Reilly, Assange and Anarcha-Feminism at yesterday's bookfair and beyond.Syria Peace Vigil this Tuesday as foreign ministers meet in London
20-10-2013 08:44
This Tuesday (22 October 2013), 11 foreign ministers and representatives of some Syrian opposition groups will meet in London to discuss the ongoing conflict in Syria and the upcoming Geneva peace talks:

All peace-loving people are warmly invited to join an all day peace vigil (non-partisan) outside the Foreign Office, to put forward the following demands:
Bedouin As Well As Palestinians Suffer Under Netanyahu's Rule
18-10-2013 19:16

From Hiroshima to Syria .....
16-10-2013 10:16
Von Hiroshima bis Syrien: Der Feind, dessen Namen wir nicht auszusprechen wagen An meiner Wand hängt das Titelblatt des Daily Express vom 5. September 1945, dazu die Worte: „Ich schreibe dies als eine Warnung an die Welt.“ Das war die Einleitung von Wilfred Burchetts Bericht über Hiroshima. Es war die Nachricht des Jahrhunderts. Für seine einsame und gefährliche Reise, die sich der US-Besatzungsbehörde widersetzte, wurde Burchett von seinen in das Militär eingebetteten Kollegen an den Pranger gestellt. Er warnte davor, dass mit einem geplanten Massenmord von gigantischen Ausmaßen eine neue Ära des Terrors begonnen hatte.Smash EDO Halloween Demo against the arms trade
14-10-2013 19:18

Report, video, pics from 5 Oct: Marking 12 yrs of War on Afghanistan & 12 yrs of N.V. anti-war resistance of London Catholic Worker
12-10-2013 09:19

PHOTOS from the event

With Joe Black, Ciaron O'Reilly, Guy Smallman, Andy Worthington, Razz & anti-war/solidarity activists at Giuseppe Conlon Hall, Sat 5 October.
End their Wars! Free our Prisoners!
CIA Supplying Weapons To Syrian Rebel Groups
03-10-2013 09:44
US-Terrorregime macht dicht ...... Da soll noch einer sagen, aus den USA kämen nur schlechte Nachrichten. Wie das Haus des Bösen in Washington mitteilte, wurde aufgrund von Geldmangel beginnend mit dem 1. Oktober 2013 eine Schließung des US-Terrorregimes angeordnet.‘Operation Terror’ the 9/11 Hollywood thriller to be web-streamed
03-10-2013 05:45

5 Oct: London event for 12th Anniversary of War on Afghanistan. With Andy Worthington, Guy Smallman & others
30-09-2013 07:35
LONDON Sat Oct 5th.4-6pmOn the eve of 12th anniversary of War on Afghanistan
with Andy Worthington, author of 'The Guantánamo Files'

and Guy Smallman, photojournalist, Director of the film '15 Million Afghans'

*Please RSVP if you intend attending. Although not essential it helps the organisers organise the event.
Four-week US Embassy 'Peace Picket' ends today.
29-09-2013 00:09

Following the passing of a resolution last night by the United Nations Security Council, the immediate threat of Western military strikes on Syria appears to have passed. We shall nevertheless remain vigilant and be following events closely, responding with further action as required.

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8 October: 'FREE MANNING' Bristol banner drop case comes to court
28-09-2013 10:28

Change of court venue - see addition below
My banners (pictured) were seized by Bristol police at the end of May, at the start of a Bradley (Chelsea) Manning solidarity tour of Bristol and south Wales and on the eve of the Manning show trial in the U.S.
The banners were up on the Gatton Rd footbridge over the M32. Read my account of what happened.
I'll be at Bristol Magistrates Court, Marlborough St. on Tuesday 8 October at 9.15am to answer an alleged offence of 'causing danger to road users contrary to section 22(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and Schedule 2 to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988'.
Support (and banners!) welcome.
Is Rafael Correa the Haile Selassie of Ayahuasca?
26-09-2013 20:04
The dying empire that has threatened to take the rest of us with it now is in a horrifying condition: In its desperate grasp to continue as if nothing had happened, the hemorrhaging regime is trying to play over mutiny in its inner circles with increased harassment of opponents and allies alike. From a diagnostic point of view, its predictable reaction against the rapid erosion of its imperialist delusion is expressing a monstrously enlarged reproduction of its deepest inner contradictions: Its present incapability to cease its spying even as it becomes a threat to its existence is resulting from the same self-destructive impulse that brought it to this irrational behaviour in the first place. The deceptive assumption that the truth about such crime could be repressed forever has not only enabled its perpetration but now is also fueling the illusion it could be forgiven without even being ceded. At the same time it becomes increasingly difficult to deny that the so-called “democratic project”, as its false idealism describes itself, is headed to end up on the wrong side of history, while no human thought can predict how much more destruction it might pile up before being spent there. In such a situation it makes sense to cease following the narrative details of its death spasm and instead look at what could be offering itself as an alternative. Hence this text.