Jeremy Scahill: The Expansion of the War Zone
Peter Weber | 26.10.2013 11:43 | Anti-militarism | History | Terror War | Cambridge
Germany plays a central role in US military operations since 9/11 and is a major enabler of the US assassination program, says Jeremy Scahill. Many of the operations of the Joint Special Operation Command, the covert US elite forces, are being planned at the US Africa Command “AFRICOM” in Stuttgart/Germany. More than 70 countries in the world have access to weaponized drone technology. Germany is also trying to acquire them. It is only a matter of time that they will be used. Furthermore the US military has donated its equipment to police agencies.
The same will happen in Germany and Europe where drones also will be used for surveillance purposes. Law enforcement is going to become more and more an issue of paramilitary operations. .............. more ...........

Peter Weber