UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Who's watching big brother? May edition of Riseup! Radio
01-05-2009 16:26

Mayday in Iran - Free All Political Prisoners!
01-05-2009 15:16
On international workers day students, workers and women are gathering in Laleh Park, Tehran and across Iran to protest against imperialism, the economic crisis and the authoritarian theocratic state. The regime has done everything in it can since coming to power to put an end to the demonstrations, arrests, torture and the threat of executions are common place.Bring a radio to the Mayday! Mayday! Street Party
01-05-2009 12:50
Bring stereos and radios to the Mayday Street Party so we can be the sound systemMayday! Ahoy -One more Smashing Update
01-05-2009 09:59
With only a few days to go before the Smash EDO Mayday! Mayday! party things are going well. This e-mail contains all the info you will need to join the party. Please note the ways of finding out the meeting point. A few more infoline numbers might be added in case they are needed so keep checking the party page on
Although this info might look similar to earlier mailouts, please skim through it as details have been added.
See you all on Monday! (the forecast says sunshine)
Reclaim the heights. Bury the G8!
01-05-2009 03:55
Post Abruzzo sustainable relief by The Diggers 2.0.APPEAL TO THE GLOBAL MULTITUDES
Seize this chance to build sustainable autonomous community structures
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Campaigners visit nuclear bomb-makers Jacobs in the capital
30-04-2009 19:27

Six anti-nuclear campaigners from Trident Ploughshares affinity group the Muriel Lesters visited nuclear weapons profiteers Jacobs Engineering outside their Tower Bridge office in London earlier today [see note 1]. The campaigners displayed a banner reading "Nuclear Bomb Makers" and various placards to the busy passing traffic and pedestrians and handed out leaflets to passers-by and users of the building, alerting them to the presence of nuclear proliferators in the capital and calling for the suspension of work on the current and new generation of nuclear warheads at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) sites at Aldermaston and Burghfield in Berkshire, England.
Smash EDO Press Release: EDO Boss Must Come Clean Say Protesters
30-04-2009 15:16
Smash EDO Press Release. 30 April 2009 (16:30)Wake up and smell the pepper spray
30-04-2009 13:35
These 3,609 new laws are here to control us, not protect us.....Smash EDO Press Release -Brighton Police threaten 'Ringleaders' of Bomb Protest
30-04-2009 10:41
Smash EDO Press ReleaseFor more info contact Chloe Marsh or Andrew Beckett on 07754135290
30th April 2009
Dissident Island Radio - latest show ready for download!
30-04-2009 09:53
download the latest show!Sri Lanka press freedom (by Latuff)
29-04-2009 20:05

NSPM Peace Conference '09 - Capitalism & Conflict
29-04-2009 17:30

George Bernard Shaw
LV= profits from the arms trade
29-04-2009 16:26

Anti-militarists disrupt careers fair.
29-04-2009 13:15
Sheffield anti-militarists dismantled the stalls of prominent research companies in the arms trade and army recruiters at the Spring graduate recruitment fair.Westminster now to join protest .. 12 till 4
29-04-2009 10:46

As the atrocities being committed by the Sri Lankan government have extended to breaking ties with Europe there is an air of ease with ongoing protests.
The hunger strike is on 25 th day or something like that.
Lots of people.
Westminster now to join protest .. 12 till 4
29-04-2009 10:46
Lots of non Tamils in Parliament square now.As the atrocities being committed by the Sri Lankan government have extended to breaking ties with Europe there is an air of ease with ongoing protests.
The hunger strike is on 25 th day or something like that.
Lots of people.
strike against genocide - today 29th april, westminster
28-04-2009 23:57

tamil tiger rally march newcastle saturday the 25th april
28-04-2009 21:16

UK and IMF complicit in the Tamil Genocide?
28-04-2009 17:41
Following the 750bn IMF Emergency funding received at the recent G20 leader's Summit in London, the first real test to any improvement in the abysmal human rights record of the International Monetary Fund has been fortified by a 'letter before (legal) action' to the British Government.This follows similar legal measures taken in the U.S on the Treasury and representative to the IMF.
Miliband visits Sri Lanka on Wed as a legal challenge UK government over IMF funding is mounted.
Nuclear-Free Future Walk from Geneva to Brussels is underway
28-04-2009 16:47
The Footprints for Peace International Walk towards a Nuclear-Free Future from Geneva to Brussels set off on Sunday, 26 April 2009, on the 23rd anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster: the world's worst ever civil nuclear accident.In 2007, the group walked for 12 weeks from Dublin to London via Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and England, and last year walked for 12 weeks from London to Geneva through France.
En route to their destination they will pass through five countries: Switzerland, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. Individuals are invited to join them along the way, for as long as they like.
More details here: