UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
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Afghan name-reading at army showroom in east London
28-04-2009 15:26

Catholic Workers Counter-recruitment at Dalston Military Showroom
In these times of escalating war on Afghanistan/Pakistan (Af-Pak) and crashing economy, the British military have opened a recruitment/showroom in low income Dalston, London. The showroom is "home to a virtual battlefield stimulator which gives vistors a chance to use their friends as target practice with a replica AF80). handgun (Go figure?). Outraged Mothers Against Guns, Lucy Cope, said it was grossly insensitive to house the showroom in a borough that has been plagued by gun violence." Hackney Gazette
American pig killing operation linked to disease in Mexico, Romania, Poland
28-04-2009 13:47

Call for immediate UK compliance with international law on nuclear weapons
28-04-2009 12:19
Trident Ploughshares Press Release - Monday 27 April, 2009Trident Ploughshares has written an open letter to Prime Minister Gordon Brown reminding him of Britain's legal obligations to disarm its nuclear weapons, ahead of next month's Preparatory Committee in New York for the 2010 Review Conference of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) [see notes 1, 2, 3]. The letter is additionally being sent to the Defence and Foreign Secretaries, and to the leaders of the major political parties in the UK.
It is not counselling conscientious objectors that is criminal, but rather not recognising the right to conscientious objection
28-04-2009 09:07
On 26 April 2009, five members of WRI's Israeli affiliate New Profile were detained by Israeli police, their homes raided, and their computers, and also computers of partners, seized. Among those detailed was also Sergeiy Sandler, a member of the WRI Council and Executive Committee. All those detained were interrogated at Ramat Hachiyal police station in the Yarkon Region of the police.Ewa Jasiewicz - Free Gaza Movement - Brighton -Tue 28th April
28-04-2009 04:21
EWA Jasiewicz has been on the ground in Gaza since November, having arrived on the siege breaking Free Gaza boat. She has been working on ambulances and reporting the reality of lives under siege and under military assault.Gaza Solidarity BAe picket
27-04-2009 16:20

Biggest Chrome Graffiti in Brum: Drop Beats not Bombs
27-04-2009 13:55

BAE Blockaded
27-04-2009 13:50
The BAE factory in Middleton, Manchester was blockaded early on the morning of 27 April in solidarity with the No Borders day of action to break the siege of Gaza... a blockade that was later reinforced by an independent group!Radioactive waste leak at Faslane
27-04-2009 09:54
An MoD report released under the freedom of information act has revealed repeated leaks of nuclear waste into the Firth of Clyde over the last few years.Open letter to Sussex Police
27-04-2009 09:33
We will be travelling down to Brighton for the Mayday bank holiday on May 4th, and I hope you'll make it worth our while.Sussex cops told by chief not to get caught hitting Smash EDO protesters
27-04-2009 07:37

BAE systems blockaded for Role in Gaza Siege
27-04-2009 05:48
This morning activists from Break the Siege! blockaded BAE systems factory in Middleton, Manchester. Using motorbike chains and D-locks they obstructed the plant by sealing off several entrance points. A banner was also hung which read: ‘BAE profits from the siege on Gaza’. This direct action was a response to a call for a day of action by the No Borders network.Handy Map for the Mayday! Mayday! Demo (Should work this time!)
27-04-2009 01:38
On May 4th Smash EDO are holding a mas s street party against war, greed and militarism. Here's a handy map of war profiteers in Brighton and Hove.
New Profile Movement: Harsh Police Attack on Freedom of Expression
26-04-2009 22:09
The Police Detained Political Activists from Ramat Hasharon, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Beer Sheva* “One who believed that criminal cases due to political activism are conjured up “only” for Arab citizens discovers that s/he is also liable to be detained due to the expression of opinions concerning the failures of the society and rule in Israel.”
* Amongst the detainees – a 70 year old ceramic artist, the daughter of a family of “Righteous among the Nations” from Holland, a grandmother to six Israeli grandchildren
Shy KB EG16
26-04-2009 20:48

Telegraph hack raises the tension before Smash EDO Mayday party
26-04-2009 10:28

Major 9/11 Breakthrough in Japan
26-04-2009 01:57

"Questioning 9/11 in Japan's Parliament - Can Obama Change the USA?"
Co-authors of book are David Ray Griffin, Yumi Kikuchi, Akira Dojimaru.
Councilor Fujita is a current member and former director of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense. In this function he questioned 9/11 three times in parliament. Fujita claims that 9/11 as the main reason for the "War on Terror" needs to be newly investigated in order to find peaceful solutions.
Tamil Massacre in Sri Lanka (by Latuff)
26-04-2009 01:41

Stop the Sri Lankan genocide of the Tamil people
25-04-2009 22:30
Come and support the continuous peaceful protest calling for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the Sri Lankan genocide of the Tamil people. Support the hunger striker Prarameswaran Subramaniam, 28, who has refused food and has had little water since 7th April. Do not ignore this genocide!Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Waterboarding Approved Specifically To Justify Iraq War
25-04-2009 20:30
I have just learnt something which has convinced me that Bush, Cheney and Rice are indeed evil in the sense that Hitler was evil. I did not actually believe that until today.