UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Rob Robinson sings anti-war song - video
26-03-2004 15:49
Anti-war singer/song-writer Rob Robinson sings his won composiiton: "The Pople's Anthem".You can get a CD of his anti-war songs at by e-mailing him at:

African People's Solidarity Committee - audio
26-03-2004 03:38

David Shayler and Annie Machon speak at the "Trial of Tony Blair" - video
25-03-2004 22:31
"The Trial of Tony Blair" was a fringe event at the Labour Party Spring conference.Scots author backs Scottish CND's Easter demo
25-03-2004 21:03
More details about Scottish CND's demo at EasterDisarm Farnborough Airshow 2004
25-03-2004 16:15
Take action against Farnborough Airshow 2004Ralph Schoenman's analysis on 9-11 hearings and BIG PICTURE
25-03-2004 08:50
Ralph Schoenman provides a sharp summary of state-sponsored terrorism, 9-11 and this week's US Congressional hearings in context; 30 minute informal talk with Bonnie Faulkner, KPFA producer of "Guns & Butter," broadcast today on KPFA/KFCF (mp3 format).ACTION ALERT! Solidarity Phone Calls For Arrested Palestinians Needed
25-03-2004 01:34
ACTION ALERT - CALL THE DCO (District Coordinating Office)
Shot twice today, but I'm ok – and one of the lucky ones
25-03-2004 01:29
[Beit Sahour, BETHLEHEM] Three days after being shot by the Israeli
military between the eyes with a rubber-coated metal bullet, 20 year-
old Israeli peace activist Etai Lewinsky should leave Tel Hafhomer
hospital in the next days. He will have one more operation to
reconstruct his nose today. He is currently able to see to some
degrees. However, it is still too soon to predict the extent of his
injuries and how his eyesight will be affected on the long term so
For more information, please contact:
ISM Media Office: +972.277.46.02
1/ Shot twice today, but I'm ok – and one of the lucky one, by Neal
2/ Standing at the Gates of Jerusalem, by Starhawk
3/ Press Release: Non-violent demonstrators in New York found guilty
by a jury of their peers
4/ Demonstration against Caterpillar at CAT Headquarters in Peoria,
Pix of Theatre of War Whitehall Protest, 19 Mar 04 (set 1/4)
24-03-2004 16:36

Clean it up Tony!
24-03-2004 16:33

Operation Fortress Commons
24-03-2004 10:26
Considering "al Qaida" and "suicide bombers" never target politicians or government institutions, only the general public, these Orwellian measures are obviously to protect the Police State representatives from angry peasants with pitchforks!Israel & Occupied Territories: US Country Reports on Human Rights Practice
24-03-2004 07:49
We can assume this is why Israel did not wish to make an appearance at the Hague but sent instead a bus. All of these offenses needed to be discussed but Israel refused to show up and be present. The US continues to reward such behavior with American Tax Dollar$ .Silence = Complicity
PEACE VIGIL News : 24th March 2004
24-03-2004 04:10
~~~~~~~~~~~~~BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL NEWS : 24th March 2004
Arrested at Anti-War March, 20 March 04, after videoing cops
24-03-2004 01:45
I was arrested at the anti-war demo on Saturday after videoing the cops & walking on the wrong side of some white tape. I've been charged under Section 5 of the Public Order Act.Menwith action, gate 2 report
23-03-2004 16:52

Pix of Theatre of War Whitehall Protest, 19 Mar 04 (set 3/4)
23-03-2004 16:25

Pix of Theatre of War Whitehall Protest, 19 Mar 04 (set 2/4)
23-03-2004 16:16

Pix of Theatre of War Whitehall Protest, 19 Mar 04 (set 2/4)
23-03-2004 16:02

Pix of the Anti-War march in London, 20 Mar 04 (set 3/3)
23-03-2004 13:15

Pix of the Anti-War march in London, 20 Mar 04 (set 2/3)
23-03-2004 13:06