UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Sheffield anti-war demonstration 8th December 2001
09-12-2001 15:31

Exeter Stop Causes of War March
30-11-2001 23:40
Exeter Stop WarStop the Causes of War March
Sat 15th December
10:30am Belmont Park, Exeter
Police Blockade Marine Barracks
11-11-2001 23:04
Thanks to local papers and local constabulary a simple protest was a complete success.massive antiwar/pro peace event in Sheffield
27-10-2001 17:50
vibrant colourful and peaceful anti-war event in Sheffieldmega anti-war demo/manifestation/bikes not bombs/food not bombs in sheffield 27t
24-10-2001 16:26
exciting mega-protest aginst the warExeter Stop The War Peace March 20th Oct
23-10-2001 14:34

More at

Food Not Bombs Sheffield Oct. 27th Update
18-10-2001 13:34
A celebration of free-food to try and destroy the spectacle, encouragign direct interaction and particpationExeter Pro Peace March Sat 20th October
14-10-2001 05:27
Exeter Pro Peace Demonstration.Widespread media hysteria after fake letters in Exeter
11-10-2001 16:50

Residents were asked to phone up for free personal safety packs (incl. gas masks) due to Exeter's close proximity to miltary bases, making it a likely target.
The story made it to the front page of the Express & Echo (see pics), was covered by BBC Radio Devon in a 5 minute special report with interviews and appeared also on ITV Carlton TV.
The following story includes the original text of the fake letter and documents the media's response. (article 3)
growing anti-war movement in Sheffield England
11-10-2001 16:25
ever-growing anti-war movemnet in Sheffieldsheffield protest
09-10-2001 11:23
Sheffield has a succesful protest when the bombing started400 People March in Liverpool Against the War
30-09-2001 12:40
around 400 people march through Liverpool on Saturday 29th, in protest against the WarAnt-War Demo In Liverpool
26-09-2001 22:44
Anti war demo - in Liverpool , saturday gather 11am, Myrtle Parade to march through town. Bring whistles, drums, anything.Direct activists and stop the war coalition: report from Sheffield
26-09-2001 21:48
How can direct activists contribute to the movement against the war and a report from an anti war meeting in SheffieldOne view of the DSEI Protest
11-09-2001 22:28
My personal day at Disarm DSEI - good parts and bad.