Exeter Pro Peace March Sat 20th October
Richard Monck | 14.10.2001 05:27 | Anti-militarism
Saturday 20th October 2001
We would like to invite all to attend a Pro-Peace March in Exeter that will be taking place on the morning of Saturday 20th October. This march now has the support & backing of the Exeter Stop the War Coalition.
The idea is to promote a possible peaceful political resolution to the conflict that the world now finds itself in after the terror witnessed in America on 11th September. While an end to Terrorism can only be viewed as necessary, it is not a requirement for yet more innocent lives to be lost.
The idea is a Peaceful March which would incorporate the whole of the community, so far we have wide ranging support from the various religious organisations, along with wide ranging support from the student body, various political & religious organisations & people who would normally shy away from events such as these, but who have had to do something. While we, the organisers of the event, have approached these various groups, we are not actually their representatives, but individuals who have also been deeply moved to respond to this problem in a way that seems appropriate.
We invite those who wish take part in the march, to meet at 10:45am near the Odeon cinema. We will commence the march at 11:00am we will then travel down the High Street to BHS, to last approximately 1 hour.
We have asked a few people to say a few words regarding, not only the attacks on America, but to also reflect on the aftermath & now, the retaliations against Afghanistan & the consequences it has on the world as a whole & also our community. Speakers are to include, among others, Lucy MacKeith, member of the British Humanist Association & Devon & Exeter Race Relations Council. Professor Tim Niblock, Director of the Institute of Arab & Islamic Studies, Exeter University.
The march itself can only work if all aspects of the community are aware, so please pass this on & let others know what is happening.
Hope to see many of you there.
Contact Info:
richardmonck@hotmail.com Or
01392 430773 or 01392 420035
Saturday 20th October 2001
We would like to invite all to attend a Pro-Peace March in Exeter that will be taking place on the morning of Saturday 20th October. This march now has the support & backing of the Exeter Stop the War Coalition.
The idea is to promote a possible peaceful political resolution to the conflict that the world now finds itself in after the terror witnessed in America on 11th September. While an end to Terrorism can only be viewed as necessary, it is not a requirement for yet more innocent lives to be lost.
The idea is a Peaceful March which would incorporate the whole of the community, so far we have wide ranging support from the various religious organisations, along with wide ranging support from the student body, various political & religious organisations & people who would normally shy away from events such as these, but who have had to do something. While we, the organisers of the event, have approached these various groups, we are not actually their representatives, but individuals who have also been deeply moved to respond to this problem in a way that seems appropriate.
We invite those who wish take part in the march, to meet at 10:45am near the Odeon cinema. We will commence the march at 11:00am we will then travel down the High Street to BHS, to last approximately 1 hour.
We have asked a few people to say a few words regarding, not only the attacks on America, but to also reflect on the aftermath & now, the retaliations against Afghanistan & the consequences it has on the world as a whole & also our community. Speakers are to include, among others, Lucy MacKeith, member of the British Humanist Association & Devon & Exeter Race Relations Council. Professor Tim Niblock, Director of the Institute of Arab & Islamic Studies, Exeter University.
The march itself can only work if all aspects of the community are aware, so please pass this on & let others know what is happening.
Hope to see many of you there.
Contact Info:

01392 430773 or 01392 420035
Richard Monck